Saturday, May 1, 2010

STEYN: Bigotry label for thee, not me - Washington Times

STEYN: Bigotry label for thee, not me - Washington Times

This is an excellent offering from a documented alien, Mark Steyn, on the issue of Arizona and the limousine liberals who, appalled at that state's new law actually addresses the problem of illegal aliens, have stoked the fires anger to promote demonstrations by their left-wing, useful-idiot, base. I am sure that if today's events around the nation were reported accurately it would reveal the stark difference between the left and Conservative America. There will be flags flown by the left but, unlike the Tea Party, many won't be U.S. flags but flags from Mexico as part of the reconquista movement. There will be violence and none of it will be caused by or supported by the conservative Tea Party movement. There will be outright lies told and non-existent "rights" claimed, with again none of it coming from the Tea Party. The total picture, if the Left Stream Media were to present it, would show non-American citizens demonstrating–sometimes violently–for a say in a country in which they have no right of residence.

But we all know that the Left Stream Media will not tell the truth about the illegal immigrant issue. As part of the limousine liberal crowd, they support the movement because it helps to create an underclass upon which they can rely for support.  And of course the political elite utilizes that underclass for political power. Their cronies in business continue to employ them despite laws prohibiting the practice so they can exploit the cheaper labor. Even the liberals themselves exploit them as their maids and gardeners and then, as Steyn points out, to "assuage their guilt" over the exploitation talk airily about human rights and open borders. They don't want to actually solve the problem because, hey, do you know how much they'd have to pay their maids and gardeners if they were legally here and could demand regular wages with payment for FICA and other taxes along with health care? (Not having to pay for their house-help's health care just one of the many reasons that limousine liberals love national health care. With that in place they can exploit with less guilt and less cost to their own bank accounts.)

Liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats and RINOs keep saying that illegal immigration is a complex problem that it is too difficult to resolve and they use that as justification for doing nothing. That is, of course, an absolute falsehood. It is a big problem but not one that is too difficult to solve. As a matter of fact, it is very easy to solve with just a few steps.

Step 1: Secure the borders. Without a secure border illegal immigration will most assuredly continue but the liberals always raise their hands, roll their eyes and say, it's just too big and we can't build a fence that long. That's another lie because building a good fence is not as difficult as building the Panama Canal; and we if we could do that, why do they think "it's just too difficult?" Congress could make it happen if they wanted to make it happen and that's the key. The liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats and RINOs don't want it to happen because they see the need for a permanent underclass.

Step 2: While securing the border, rewrite the laws on immigration getting rid of the immigration judges and interminable delays required for deportation of illegal immigrants. Make the time from initial arrest to actual deportation a maximum of 72 hours and keep it there. It's not a kangaroo court. It's called enforcing the law. And once they've been deported the first time, there is no legal re-entry. Any caught after that face felony criminal prosecution and prison.  And by the way, being here illegally must be a crime in and of itself rather than a "civil" violation that the left now claims is the proper term.  (What is there about the word "illegal" that the left just doesn't understand?)

Step 3: Tell Mexico that if they wish to continue to receive the substantial foreign aide that they now receive, they must do their part to prevent their citizens, and citizens of third countries, from using our shared border as a pathway for illegal entry into the United States. Their government-authorized distribution of maps and guidebooks on how to illegally enter the United States must stop immediately.

Step 4: When rewriting the immigration law ensure that there is a provision for the quick issuance of work visa's for Mexican nationals at the border, or at U.S. Consulates for all other nationalities. Require immediate action by U.S. Immigration authorities on work visas for Mexican nationals and the immediate issuance of a pictured, biometric identification card and a tax ID number that can be used to properly withhold taxes when the immigrant finds a job. (No, they don't have to already have a job. When they sneak across the border they don't, so why try to complicate their need for work or create red tape by involving our own bureaucracy?) There are those who will say that we can't do it immediately at the border because we must check for gang membership, criminal record checks, etc., and to this I ask, "Is that being done at the border now?" Of course it is not. Illegal immigrants and the criminals among them don't check-in when they cross the border. They just wade the river. Honest people do and will check-in and follow the rules and it's them that we must serve. As for criminals who plan to pretend they are honest–something they don't do now–it will be a one-strike and you're out law. Come here. Work. Pay your taxes. Live. And obey the law or get sent home within 72 hours or as soon as you are released from prison. And do so with the knowledge that if the United States, at a later time finds out about the criminal record in your country of origin, you will get the 72-hour boot. (A reality check is that in the third world it is easy for anyone to get a clean bill of health from "the authorities" for a price. Requiring them to present a police clearance before issuance of a work visa is just enriching some corrupt issuing official in the country from which they are trying to escape. Let's not feed the official crocodiles by writing our laws in a way that helps them to get richer.)

Step 5: For the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the country, require them to go through the process in Step 4. They must be made to leave the country (no, I won't feel sorry for those in Maine who have to go a long way) and re-enter legally. Once they are here legally, they can resume the lives they had already begun without fear. But they cannot be given amnesty. They must leave, if only for a few days, and return legally through a port of entry. If they've been living honest and productive lives while here, there is no reason not to immediately re-admit them and now begin to collect the taxes that have been heretofore "avoided." But the emphasis is that they cannot remain here illegally for if they do then they will face the 72-hour deportation process with no hope of legal return.

Could it be done? Absolutely. Will it be done? Not while we have liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats and RINOs in office who view illegal immigrants as a permanent and very useful underclass.

Think about this between now and November.

Follow the link for more.

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