Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kagan, Obama, and the Harvard Legacy of Literary Fraud

Kagan, Obama, and the Harvard Legacy of Literary Fraud

It would seem that Elena Kagan has a soft spot in her heart for plagiarists and the intellectually dishonest IF they are from the 'intellectual' left. It's become clearer than ever as to why Obama picked her because she has demonstrated to Obama's closest mentors at Harvard that a liberal philosophy trumps ethics.

Elena Kagan is clearly not the centrist that the Obama Regime's talking points describe (which is dutifully repeated by the Left Stream Media). She is, like Obama, a left-wing ideologue who will do what ever it takes to push forward the liberal-progressive-socialist agenda and the Constitution be damned.

Is this the type of mentality that we want on the Supreme Court?

Follow the link for the story.

Then contact your Senators.

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