Wednesday, May 5, 2010

AUDIO: Chicago Chicago Affiliate Won’t Cover GOP Senate Candidate if He Continues to Hammer Dem Opponent on Bank Scandal

AUDIO: Chicago Chicago Affiliate Won’t Cover GOP Senate Candidate if He Continues to Hammer Dem Opponent on Bank Scandal

If you think that you've seen the most corrupt journalistic practices in the world but you haven't yet gone to Chicago then you are sadly mistaken. Nothing could be more corrupt than Chicago's Channel 2 when they say that they have made a decision not to cover the Senate race because they don't like what the other candidate is saying. Excuse me? This is journalism?

No. It's the Chicago Way. If Alexi Giannoulias, the Democrat candidate, is defeated in a race for Obama's vacant Senate seat it will be a serious loss for Obama and we know that Obama is Chicago's guy. The issue is the Giannoulias family bank that is directly connected to Alexi Giannoulias. The Republican, Representative Mark Kirk, keeps bringing up the fact that the bank has been seized due to strong suspicions of graft, corruption and incompetence and of course this is aiding him in the race. It is a damaging aspect of Giannoulias' record and deserves to be aired. Do the people of Chicago want to be represented in the Senate by someone that is linked to a failed bank and Tony Rezko?

Follow the link for more.

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