Friday, April 30, 2010

The New Leaders We Need

The New Leaders We Need

My recommended read of the day.

Follow the link and think about what you've read.

Obama is Castro

Obama is Castro

An interesting post from an unabashed Conservative.

Follow the link.

Cover girl Pelosi looking rather ... airy in D.C. glossy | Washington Examiner

Cover girl Pelosi looking rather ... airy in D.C. glossy | Washington Examiner

By "rather...airy" they mean botox and an airbrush rather than the more obvious "airhead" which accurately describes her mentality.  The cover should earn Nancy "The Nanny" Pelosi the Botox of the Year Award.

Follow the link for more.

Bill Clinton has no shortage of time or opinions | Washington Examiner

Bill Clinton has no shortage of time or opinions | Washington Examiner

"Now as I remember that cigar was about this long..."

No, wait...this is about Bill Clinton's current preoccupation with being in the public spotlight and not his time in the White House.  In that regard, it would be much better if he kept his counsel to himself instead of using the Jimmy Carter approach to being a former President.   While I don't agree with President Obama and have pointed out his problems with facts and the truth, he hasn't yet lied under oath which is, in my eyes, completely unforgivable.  Bill Clinton did just that.

Follow the link for more from the Washington Examiner. - Palin E-Mail Hacker Convicted on 2 of 4 Charges - Palin E-Mail Hacker Convicted on 2 of 4 Charges

David Kernell, son of Tennessee Democrat Party Rep. Mike Kernell, was convicted of felony obstruction of justice and faces a maximum of 20 years in prison.  It is good to see the spoiled off-spring of those who promote this kind of societal misbehavior having to stand before the bar of justice.  Too bad he wasn't raised to understand the meaning of ethics.  As of now he's a convicted felon.

I wonder if President Obama will pardon him?

Follow the link for the story.

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Dems spark alarm with call for national ID card -

Dems spark alarm with call for national ID card -

This seems like a good idea only if you are truly trying to create a fascist state. Think about the irony in this. They (the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats) are complaining about Arizona's statute at the same time they are putting together legislation to create a biometric National ID Card that will have to be carried by all Americans and produced on demand.

Hey, Webster's! If you're looking for a definition of hypocrisy I've got one for you here.

Follow the link for the story.

From PC to Demonization: Arizona Shows Dems Have No Issues for 2010

From PC to Demonization: Arizona Shows Dems Have No Issues for 2010

The left always resorts to demonization and divisiveness when logic and common sense completely fails.

Follow the link for a good read.

May Day, May Day

May Day, May Day

A comment on International Workers Day by that recovering liberal, the bright, the inimitable: Robin of Berkeley.

Follow the link and learn.

UN-believable: Because When You Think ‘Women’s Rights’ You Think ‘Iran’

This is unbelievable but par for the course for the U.N.  And clearly the Obama Regime was either asleep at the wheel or totally out of touch with reality as we–the United States–did not bother to object to Iran being given a seat on the on the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women.  This is a failure of the nth magnitude.

To put it in perspective for President Obama:  Imagine that your daughters are in an exclusive school in Washington, DC.  (Yes, I know that takes no imagination.)  Then imagine that they have openings for teaching positions that must be filled.  Now imagine what it would be like if they were to get their candidates for the positions from the National Registered Sex Offenders List.

Now do you see the problem?

Follow the link.

Barack Obama, America's Selective Salary Policeman -- Michelle Malkin -- GOPUSA

Barack Obama, America's Selective Salary Policeman -- Michelle Malkin -- GOPUSA

"I get to decide when you have enough and I get to do it because I'm the President." Barack Obama, 2010.

Well, okay. He didn't say it exactly like that but his chilling meaning was quite clear. In the America he envisions, people will be limited on what they can achieve. On Obama's watch, American exceptionalism will be exterminated and everyone will face limits so that those who do not achieve, and who may not even care to try, can be supported by the fruits of the labor of those who do achieve. In other words, wealth redistribution...for everyone but the political class, of course. (I notice that he didn't "redistribute" his own wealth even to any of his own family. It's hard to be generous with your own money but easier when it's someone else's money.)  An America divided along class, ethnic and economic lines is necessary for him to achieve his goal of a socialist-fascist state.

Follow the link for more.

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Illegal Immigration Is Human Trafficking. Why Don’t Progressives Care?

Illegal Immigration Is Human Trafficking. Why Don't Progressives Care?

The answer is that progressive's don't care because they view the issue as one to use for political advantage rather than one that needs to be solved. That's the view through the pink-colored lenses the left wears. For them, illegal immigrants form a part of a permanent underclass that is necessary for socialism to reign supreme thus, they need to maintain the status quo.

Follow the link for more.

How Obama could lose Arizona immigration battle | Washington Examiner

How Obama could lose Arizona immigration battle | Washington Examiner

It is hard to stomach the lies told about Arizona's new law allowing state and local law enforcement officers to delve into the status of people suspected to be illegal aliens and those told by President Obama are at the head of the list. We have a right to expect more truth from our President than he has, thus far, given us. I'm now convinced that Obama has a serious aversion to the truth for his rhetoric reference Arizona's law is as ludicrous as it is asinine. If you want to see how the Arizona law works you don't have to go to the Southwest and stand in the desert. Just go to Prince William County, Virginia, where the County Commissioners passed a similar law over a year ago. Since that time local officers making lawful contact with individuals have been checking on the citizenship status and turning illegal aliens over to ICE. It hasn't resulted in racial profiling. It hasn't resulted in unlawful detentions. It has, however, resulted in illegal aliens moving out of the county to other areas that don't seem to worry about illegal immigration and this has greatly relieved the stress on the Prince William County School System and other social services. And despite the wails of those who say that illegal immigrants are here to take jobs that Americans don't want there has been no shortage of citizens ready to fill the vacated jobs for, surprise of surprises, most Americans do like and want to work to achieve their dreams.

I think that it is obvious why the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats won't address the illegal immigrant issue with America's best interests in mind. It's because when they look at the illegal immigrant issue they don't think about America's best interests but they do think about their own. Socialism doesn't work well unless you have a permanent underclass and in illegal immigration the Democrats see a ready-made, permanent underclass. They also see a source of votes because they've managed to obstruct laws requiring that people show a picture identification when they vote. (I find that odd because you have to show identification to get into most government buildings, to get on an airplane, when you're driving a car or to check-in to a hotel or motel, opening a bank account and when you're applying for a job. The one most important thing that Americans do is vote but for that: No positive proof of identity is required. Interesting mindset that. Interesting and devious because if you consider the amount of voter fraud that was reported and perpetrated in 2008 all at the hands of Obama's former employer and current ally in ACORN, then you can see just how important NOT requiring a picture ID is when an election is held. It definitely complicates efforts to register people like "Moon Dog," "Olive Oyl," "Mark Twain" and "Alfred E. Neuman" then have poseurs stand in line to pull the lever for the leftist candidate of choice.

No, the objections of the left to the Arizona law are not based on a true interest in the rights of citizens or visitors to this country. They are based solely on their own self-interest and the need for any political advantage, no matter how small, this coming November. If the truth be told, the Obama Regime cares nothing about the rights of Americans and their actions in securing the violent southern border to protect Americans and legal residents in that area is the proof. They've done nothing. They also care nothing about the welfare of illegal immigrants because if they did they would have sat down at the beginning of the Regime, secured the borders and started a top to bottom overhaul of our immigration system to open up the choke points, modernize the technology used by immigration officials, reform the method and manner of issuing work visas and sent illegals back to their home countries requiring them to re-enter the country legally if they wanted to continue the life they'd begun when they snuck across the border. Instead, they have already started floating the idea of amnesty for those illegal aliens who are currently here–something a majority of Americans oppose–along with a package of social benefits that are not available to American citizens–again something opposed by a solid majority of Americans. None of this will pass through Congress, of course, but the fact that they are talking about it will buy them support in November and that's all they want.

As for Mexico, President Felipe Calderon is a Class 1 hypocrite. Mexico has the most draconian laws immigration laws in the northern half of the Western Hemisphere. The police there, corrupt banditos who took the job less to serve and protect and more to pillage and plunder, racially profile Norte Americanos constantly. Papers are demanded and bribes happily accepted otherwise, "I'm sorry but there will be a delay in your travels while we check your papers." (I assure you that there are honest cops in Mexico. It's just that unfortunately there are too few to yet make a difference in how business is done and the mordida collected.) Before President Calderon again looks the idiot by issuing a travel warning for Arizona, he should clean up his own house. (I wonder why the United States doesn't make it a policy that all immigration laws are enforced based on reciprocity? Imagine, if we treated Mexicans coming illegally to America just like they treat Norte Americanos going illegally to Mexico.)

Follow the link for more on the Obama view from the Washington Examiner.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Obama Helped Kill Immigration Reform In 2007 - Will Media Remember? |

Obama Helped Kill Immigration Reform In 2007 - Will Media Remember? |

Of course the Left Stream Media won't report on his helping kill reform. They work for him!

Follow the link for more on Obama.

Al Gore Has a New Carbon Footprint For Us to Fill In

Hey, Al!  Do you know how to spell hypocrisy?

Folks...remember:  It's not about the climate.  It's about money (yours) and the acquisition of power over We the People.

Follow the link for an excellent example of hypocrisy.

The Obama Syndrome

The Obama Syndrome

An excellent read from that recovering liberal, Robin of Berkeley. A brave woman, she, to live in Berkeley as an in-the-closet conservative. Just think what might happen with one slip of the tongue! If you think waterboarding was bad, wait until you see what liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats can do when they get all frothy and wee-wee'd up.

Follow the link for a good read from Robin.

The Climategate Investigation

The Climategate Investigation

The Rev. AlGore has created a religion so false it might as well have stone carvings to worship. I call it a religion because it operates purely on faith. Anthropogenic Global Warming must be a total fraud otherwise why would the "scientists" at East Anglia be so anxious to quash opposing views? The real inconvenient truth is that the Global Warming/Climate Change science is far from settled. Scientists know way too little to determine the why and how of climate change and this is amply demonstrated by their inability to accurately predict the weather a full week in advance. As for their contention that the climate change is Anthropogenic, or man-made, that is a complete fraud based on the political desires of AlGore's political class and not on science. Faux science, maybe. But not on true science.

The British, for all their faults in other areas, have investigated and gone to the heart of the matter.

Follow the link for the story.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud -

The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud -

The Rev. AlGore gives a sermon, makes his pitch and passes the plate.

Here's a secret for you: It's never been about the climate. It's about money and political power. It's about creating a methodology to create a permanent underclass so the political elite can keep on keeping on.

Follow the link for the story.

Governor lets Va. troopers refer to Jesus - Washington Times

Governor lets Va. troopers refer to Jesus - Washington Times

I applaud Governor Robert F. McDonnell's action and it makes me proud to be a Virginian.

Of course, the ACLU has a different view but that's what we've come to expect from an organization that clearly does not have America's best interests at heart.

Follow the link for the story.

Comparing the Tea Party to al-Qaeda

Comparing the Tea Party to al-Qaeda

Somehow it doesn't surprise me that the Left Stream Media would compare the Tea Party to al-Qaeda. True, it's a complete stretch of imagination and a total fabrication.  It also obviously requires some seriously loose screws.  But it doesn't surprise me because they've already tried to throw every other kind of mud at the Tea Party and none of it has stuck, so in their mind this is just a logical continuation of their war against America.

Follow the link for the story.

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Obama's Arizona Immigration Law Hypocritical Lie

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Obama's Arizona Immigration Law Hypocritical Lie

"You never want to let facts get in the way of a good political lie." President Barack Obama, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010...

Follow the link for a dose of the truth.

Police state: How Mexico treats illegal aliens

The absolute hypocrisy of Mexico and the Mexican President in criticizing the Arizona law is just astounding when one compares it to what Mexico does to aliens in Mexico.  Michelle Malkin hoists President Felipe Calderon on his own petard with her report on Mexico's draconian laws and policies.

Maybe we should just adopt Mexico's laws and enforce them the way they do.  What do you think?

Follow the link for the story.

American Thinker: 'Sedition' Is Constitutional

American Thinker: 'Sedition' Is Constitutional

Unable to win political arguments based on logic and common sense, the liberal-progressive-socialists always resort to attacks based on class, race, character and/or patriotism. It's just the way they are:  Petty tyrants whose goal is to force their beliefs on others.

Follow the link for more.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Healthcare’s John Galt

Healthcare's John Galt

An excellent read and recommended.

I can see November from my front porch.

Follow the link for the story.

Lawmakers push to repeal D.C. gun laws - Washington Times

Lawmakers push to repeal D.C. gun laws - Washington Times

Another excellent news article on the 2nd Amendment.

Follow the link for the story.

Chicago Mayor Daley Wants US Gun Makers Sued in World Court

Chicago Mayor Daley Wants US Gun Makers Sued in World Court

Mayor Daley, arguably one of the poorest mayors in the United States–and by that I don't mean financially–who has failed to keep Chicago safe despite some of the most draconian gun laws in the United States. With his medieval mentality he continues to blame the inanimate object rather than the person who uses it and that is exactly why you're not safe in Chicago. There are more dangerous cities, to be sure, but Chicago is clearly a place where it's not safe to be out at night. If you want safety you'd best go to a city where the honest citizens are able to own guns and criminals are held accountable for their actions. You don't find that in Chicago.

But if Daley is so quick to want to diminish U.S. sovereignty to an international court, maybe he should think twice about the unintended results of such an act. He knows he is safe from any kind of lawsuit in Chicago, the home of machine politics and where Obama learned the Chicago Way. But would he be so safe in an international court? I wonder? Could a citizen of Chicago bring a suit against him for his failure in some area of local administration? I'm not, of course, saying that he's done anything wrong. I'm just, you know, saying...

Follow the link to see how Daley attacks honest citizens while criminals run free in his city.

Chuck Norris : Lambs to the Slaughter, Part 1 -

Chuck Norris : Lambs to the Slaughter, Part 1 -

Chuck Norris is never shy about saying what he believes and in this case I believe what he says.

Obama said, of course, that he wasn't going to go after anybody's guns. He also said that he absolutely wouldn't raise taxes.

Now, with 16 months of the Obama Regime behind us, taxes have been raised on everybody. Are you going to believe him on gun control?

Follow the link and learn.

1990’s Clinton Redux: President Bill Clinton Smears the Tea Party Movement

1990’s Clinton Redux: President Bill Clinton Smears the Tea Party Movement

I doubt that Bill Clinton realizes how much of a buffoon he's become. His lies have destroyed any credibility yet like Jimmy Carter he still believes that people believe what he says or that anything he says matters.  Well, maybe it matters to the Left Stream Media...

Follow the link for the story.

ClimateDepot's Morano on Mann Lawsuit: 'This Just Goes to Show You How the Mighty Have Fallen' |

ClimateDepot's Morano on Mann Lawsuit: 'This Just Goes to Show You How the Mighty Have Fallen' |

More thoughts on Michael Mann's threatened lawsuit.

Follow the link for the story.

PRUDEN: It's time to play the race card - Washington Times

PRUDEN: It's time to play the race card - Washington Times

More on Obama-the-Race-Hustler as opposed to Obama-the-President.

You would think that the Main Stream Media would have exploded at his purely racial call-to-action. That it didn't just proves that whether we call it "Lame Stream" or "Left Stream" Media, it doesn't matter. It's completely in the tank for Obama and the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrat agenda.

Follow the link for more.

SF Calls for Arizona Boycott

I've a better idea and much more appropriate:  Let's boycott San Francisco!  Is there anything there that we really want?  When was the last time San Francisco bothered to stand up for anything except liberal-progressive-socialist chic?  Pass the word:  Boycott San Francisco!

Follow the link for a story on stupidity.

VIDEO: Exclusive Footage Reveals Truth Behind ‘Phantom N-Word’ Myth

VIDEO: Exclusive Footage Reveals Truth Behind 'Phantom N-Word' Myth

Gee, would a Congressman lie to the public for political advantage?

Follow the link and think about what you see. Then answer the question for yourself.

WSJ: ‘Draw Mohammed Day’ Equals…Flag Burning?

WSJ: 'Draw Mohammed Day'; Equals...Flag Burning?

A different view of the controversy surrounding South Park and "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day."

The question isn't about insulting all Muslims. It's about Muslims attempting to censure the rest of the world by forcing them to comply with their own religious beliefs or suffer physical attack.

I think you know the answer as to how that is received by most Americans. I say "most" because there are those liberal-progressive-socialists on the left, Ahhnold called them "girly-men" (probably his only real contribution in the last few years), that would willingly submit and assume the position of dhimmi rather than stand-up for what is right. Islamo-fascists count on people, girly-men, fearing attack. It's how they enforce the rules and they can't understand it when someone doesn't back down and submit. 

Follow the link for more.

‘South Park’: Drawing a Line in the Sand

'South Park': Drawing a Line in the Sand

Another view of the demand by Islamo-fascists that the rest of the world submit to their twisted views.

Follow the link. - Has Noah's Ark Been Found on Turkish Mountaintop? - Has Noah's Ark Been Found on Turkish Mountaintop?

From time to time discoveries are made confirming various parts of the Bible and this is good, albeit unnecessary for Christians where our faith is sufficient for our salvation.

Follow the link for the story.

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Breaking: Dems Hid Damning Health Care Report From Public Until a Month After Vote!

Breaking: Dems Hid Damning Health Care Report From Public Until a Month After Vote!

Lie. Cheat. Steal from our children. The liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats will stop at nothing in advancing their complete take-over of America through its economic destruction.

Follow the link for more.

The Arizona Uproar

The Arizona Uproar

I couldn't help but to laugh out loud at the efforts of race-monger Al Sharpton to take control of the dialogue on the Sean Hannity Show last night. Instead of being able to seize the high-ground by claiming "racism" he sputtered, acted indignant and came off as ignorant in the discussion. This is the unintended consequence of the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats' continuous playing of the race card: It gets harder and harder to get people to pay attention when it is played. Even in the black community which the Rev. Al professes to represent, a clear majority believes that illegal immigration is a problem.

The sad thing is that after decades of making progress to the point where the nation was finally able to push prejudice aside and proudly elect a black American as President, that very President and his regime have worked overtime to resurrect the demon prejudice for their own political gains. Instead of being the President who united all Americans Barack Obama, aided ably by his far-left advisors and race-baiting "ministers," has succeeded in dividing America along class, sexual, economic and racial lines. In his own recent call to action for the November elections, Obama specifically called for "Latinos, African-Americans, women and youths" to rally around him and help advance his promised change. Excuse me? Isn't he supposed to be the President of all Americans? Clearly, he doesn't think so.

Arizona's action is clearly not racial in nature although that's what the left is shouting. Unlike the peaceful Tea Party gathering which were derided for encouraging violence through rhetoric, the demonstrations against the Arizona law have been violent and outrageous acts have been common. The Left Stream Media has, of course, been dutifully silent on this violence as ordered by their political masters. The far-left believes in violence in the furtherance of its goals and only derides that which opposes it whether violent or not. Their righteous anger is faux and is used only to silence debate because debate brings light to the subject and that the left cannot abide.

The truth of the matter is that Arizona is taking legitimate action only because the Federal Government has not. The law they have enacted does not control immigration, a province of the Federal government, but is intended to allow local officers to address the issue of illegal immigration on the local level. The law specifically forbids the use of race as a determining factor so American's of Latin descent need not worry as they go peaceably about their business. It is only when the police legitimately contact the individual due to another legal issue that they are allowed to investigate the legality of that person's presence in the United States. This is not, as Cardinal Mahoney bellowed, akin to the National Socialists Party operatives asking for "Papers!" It is far from that. It does, however, take away the wink-and-nod of the left on the issue of illegal immigration.

It should be clear to all that legal immigration is not the issue being addressed. Illegal immigration is a problem and will continue to be a problem until such time as the Federal Government removes its head from that dark, dank place where it has been stored and solves the issue; but as long as liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats are in control the issue will continue to fester and irritate. The left sees illegal immigration as a useful tool for political purposes. With it they believe they can carve out the Latino Community as a solid leftist voting block even though their plan envisions the creation of an ever growing underclass of Latinos and blacks who will be happy to vote left so long as the ruling elite smiles benignly and caters to their needs. And the leftist ruling elite will continue to drop crumbs from their cake to the underclass so long as the underclass behaves as expected.

The chink in the armor is, of course, exceptionalism:  the natural desire of all men to not have their natural abilities restrained by outside forces. People naturally want to keep the fruits of their own labors and that desire has caused, and will continue to cause, the failure of socialist systems. That which the Obama Regime envisions is no exception.

Follow the link for more on Arizona.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Tobacco Tyrants Turn Attention To Salt -

Tobacco Tyrants Turn Attention To Salt -

It's the belief on the liberal-progressive-socialist left that they have the right–no, better make that the duty–to determine how everybody else should live. This is easy for them to justify in their own minds because they've already decided that the state is supreme over the individual. With this belief close to their hearts they have no compunction about telling their neighbors and other citizens how they should live their lives. These zealots know, in their own minds, that they know better and they don't hesitate to use every artifice at their disposal to enforce their will on others.

Is it tyranny? Absolutely. At least it is the beginning of a tyranny that our Forefathers would have rejected out of hand.  Unfortunately, with the current liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats in control of both houses of Congress, in concert with the Obama Regime's czars, we face a continuing battle for the right to determine our own fates.

Follow the link for an excellent read from Walter Williams.

The Tea Party Movement: What Is It?

The Tea Party Movement: What Is It?

An excellent read on the Tea Party movement.

Follow the link and learn. - Obama Jumps Into 2010 Race With Appeal to Latinos, African-Americans, Women and Youth - Obama Jumps Into 2010 Race With Appeal to Latinos, African-Americans, Women and Youth

Obama clearly doesn't want to be the President of the entire nation.  Just the "Latinos, African-Americans, women and youth."  Do you need any more proof that Obama and his regime are practicing identity politics?   He has no intention of uniting the country, unless by "uniting" you mean subjugating over half the population.

Follow the link for the story.

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Congressman: Why is Justice Department refusing to allow its career attorneys to testify before civil rights commission? | Washington Examiner

Congressman: Why is Justice Department refusing to allow its career attorneys to testify before civil rights commission? | Washington Examiner

Of course Eric Holder's Justice Department is refusing to cooperate with the Civil Rights Commission! The New Black Panther Party was one of the first supporters of his boss, Barack Obama, and the Chicago Way dictates that they be protected.

In addition, it is becoming eminently clear that in the minds of the Obama Regime, the law in question could only be violated if the offenders were white. In their wisdom, blacks cannot violate the voting rights of others thus are exempt from prosecution.

I wonder what other laws that the Obama Regime believes are dependent on race? Wasn't Obama supposed to be the first post-racial president and the great uniter?

I guess not. In fact he has taken steps to polarize racial issues (remember Cambridge?) and clearly panders to people on the basis of race.

Follow the link for more.

Then write your Congressman and demand the impeachment of Eric Holder. He is an absolute disgrace.

Deal Near on Derivatives, sp

This is one very good reason why the 41 Republicans in the Senate should stop this legislation.  The Democrats are promoting nothing more than crony capitalism where they will decide the winners and losers on Wall Street.

The Democrats will try to say that the Republicans are just protecting Wall Street greed but the truth of the matter is far different.

And why should Warren Buffet, a billionaire, be exempted from the controls on derivatives just because he supported Obama?  I'm all in favor of capitalism and he is the ultimate capitalist but this is just plain wrong.

Follow the link for the story.

No More Beer Summits: Tea Party ‘N-Word’ Incident Didn’t Happen, And the Congressional Black Caucus Owes America an Apology

No More Beer Summits: Tea Party 'N-Word' Incident Didn't Happen, And the Congressional Black Caucus Owes America an Apology

I won't hold my breath for the apology.

The Democrats walked through that crowd hoping to provoke an incident so they could cast themselves as "victims" (they love playing the victimology game), divert America's attention from their theft of our freedom and money from our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and with an eye on November. They hoped to parlay the faux racism of the Tea Party into a plus for the November elections.

I've got news for them: It didn't work. As a matter of fact, it looks like it back-fired.

Follow the link for the story.

Then in November, vote to get rid of these cynical traditional politicians who are more interested in their own careers than in representing We the People.

Climate Scientist, Heated Up Over Satirical Video, Threatens Lawsuit - Climate Scientist, Heated Up Over Satirical Video, Threatens Lawsuit

Satire of their Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory is one pinprick that the liberal-progressive-socialists behind Cap & Trade just can't handle.  Like their spiritual head, AlGore, they prefer to speak only to adoring audiences made up of airheads who already believe in the AGW fairy tale.

Dr. Phil Jones, already a public figure, albeit one with exceedingly thin skin, has threatened to sue.  I hope he does as it would be wonderful to force him to expose his methods in open court but my guess is that he will huff and puff and then back down because the sunlight of truth is poison to their theory.

After all, it's not really about the climate at all but about money and power.  As estimates of the Reverend AlGore's take is in the neighborhood of $1 billion, you can bet that there will be pressure on Jones to drop the idea of a lawsuit.  There's too much money riding on the outcome of a case involving a specious definition of "settled science" not to mention the power that Obama hopes to accrue to the Federal Government through Cap & Trade legislation.

Follow the link to watch the latest video and read the story.

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Black Republican Rebukes Steele

Black Republican Rebukes Steele

An excellent piece from Lloyd Marcus and the recommended read of the day as he completely skewers the identity politics practiced by the left and the right.

Follow the link for more.

Publish Post

Gregory Kane: What about 'hateful' rhetoric from the Left? | Washington Examiner

Gregory Kane: What about 'hateful' rhetoric from the Left? | Washington Examiner

The Left Stream Media and liberal-progressive-socialist politicians like Bill Clinton aren't concerned with the violence from the left. Actually, it seems like they really aren't concerned with violence at all because if they were they'd be condemning all "hateful" rhetoric and not just that they believe emanates from the right. Instead, hypocrites that they are, they promote and protect the rhetoric from the left in hopes of provoking the right so they can stand up in faux righteous anger when someone reacts in kind.

Historically it is the left that uses violence for political purposes and not the right.

Follow the link for more.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chavez gives Venezuelan troops 40 pct pay rise

Hugo Chavez is a dictator in his control of Venezuela despite the "election" that put him in power.  It's clear that, like the pimps that he emulates in his macho, despotic rule he knows that money is what greases the wheels of the people who keep him in power so he can continue making his own money.  In that, at least, he is not stupid.

Follow the link for the story.

More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship

I spent over 30 years in the service of my country and love it dearly.  I lived outside of the United States, mostly in Southeast Asia, for about 20 of those years and the result was not a desire to become a citizen of another country but a reenforcement of my love for America.  I can look at my country and see all her flaws, yet having seen much of the world and having lived abroad for so great a time, I've seen no other nation that measures up to her greatness.

There are certainly improvements that can be made.  Our tax system has become onerous and unwieldy.  Our government has become overlarge and has forgotten its proper role under the Constitution.  We seem unable to break the hold of the pernicious political correctness that eats away at our culture weakening it at a time when we need it to be strengthened.  Despite these and other failings, it is still the shining light of freedom in this world and if you doubt me, just look at the lines of people at embassies and consulates around the world who are trying to get a visa just to come here.

I'm certain that the people in the linked story are at their wits end to consider such an act and for that they have my pity.  But while I may understand their consternation borne of the very expansion of government that I and other Conservatives oppose, I cannot support or look favorably upon their decision.

Follow the link for the story.

Reuters Editor: Limbaugh's Right About Oklahoma City Bombing Not Clinton |

Reuters Editor: Limbaugh's Right About Oklahoma City Bombing Not Clinton |

For someone from the Left Stream Media to actually say something that we might expect from the Main Stream Media is so unusual that it bears noting.  Astute students of history already know that Clinton lied then and lies now because for Bill, it's all about him.

Follow the link and learn.

George Will : In Praise of Cheerful Men -

George Will : In Praise of Cheerful Men -

The story of a WWII hero.

Follow the link for an excellent read.

Indentured Servitude in the USA and the Biggest Ponzie Scheme Ever

Indentured Servitude in the USA and the Biggest Ponzie Scheme Ever

More on the Obama Regime's economic enslavement of all Americans through its application of liberal-progressive-socialist Democrat big-government principles.

And my recommended read of the day.

Follow the link for more.

Seattle cartoonist launches "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day"

I suppose that this should come under the topic "I will not submit" but that should be obvious.  The problem is not the Islamic religion as peacefully practiced; but, the 12th-century mentality demonstrated by some Islamic fundamentalists.  That they feel it is proper to threaten or even do physical harm on those who draw pictures of Mohammed while refusing to allow the freedom of worship in the Middle East is reason enough to participate in this this day supporting the 1st Amendment.  Despite the statement by Obama, we are not a Muslim nation and we will not be bound by the dictates of uneducated Muslim clerics who believe they have a duty to convert or kill all unbelievers or those who don't bow to, or become dhimmis, to Mohammed.  We owe the Koran no more preferential treatment than we owe the Bible or the Torah.  But unlike Saudi Arabi, where the Wahabi sect rules all religion, we allow all three in America and people are free to make their own choice as to which to follow.

Those who wish to worship Islam peacefully are welcome in America and we are bound to protect their right to worship as they please, but they will have to accept that we have a freedom of speech here that may sometimes offend some while pleasing others.  Christians are offended by "art" that has Christ on a Crucifix in a bottle of urine no less than Muslims are offended by a drawing of Mohammed.  The "sin" is on the creator and those who like that sort of thing;  but, both are allowable under our Constitution.

Have you got a problem with that?

Follow the link for the story.

Venezuelan judge is jailed after ruling angers President Hugo Chávez

Hugo Chavez acts more like an organized crime lord than the elected president of the erstwhile democracy in Venezuela.  His dictatorial actions are destroying a beautiful, resource-rich country that has long suffered from despot to despot with the politically favored getting richer and the politically disfavored going to jail.  In this case a judge became "disfavored" with a ruling that Chavez didn't like.

He will, of course, be deposed eventually.  But as Obama has shown little understanding of the need for a strong foreign policy, except as it impacts Israel, this Latin American pimp continues to sell his nation to Iran and Russia thus bringing further destabilization to the Western Southern Hemisphere.

Follow the link for more information on Chavez' latest.

Fighting Statism

Fighting Statism

An interesting read with a strong libertarian point of view; but, oh so true in this day and age. There is no doubt that we must fight statism if we are to survive as a free people. To do this we must take control of and reform the Republican Party. (Forty years ago I would have said the Republican and Democrat Parties but the Democrats have been seized completely by the liberal-progressive-socialist left wingnuts and are beyond hope.) We cannot let the traditional politicians who change principles as often as they change their suits continue to lead us to ever and ever larger government. It seems that every time we elect a new person to congress he or she goes there and tries to write a new law. Now I would not hazard a guess on how many laws there are currently on the books just on the Federal level in America; but I do know that there are laws that have been passed that are never enforced just because the U.S. Attorney's Office and the Federal Courts do not have the time to take them all to trial. There are so many laws on the books that lawyers must specialize in order to provide adequate advice. There are so many laws on the books that no matter how law abiding you are, you've probably, without meaning to, broken at least one in the last month.

What we need are elected politicians who will go to Washington with the idea firmly in their mind that they will be judged not on laws passed but on how many laws they can find and repeal that are worthless intrusions on personal liberty. After a couple of terms of politicians actually worrying about liberty, then we could start thinking about judging congress on the quality of bills that they enact rather than the quantity. And any congress that fails to enact a budget should be turned out en masse on the very next election. (You know, like the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrat controlled Congress we have now that is afraid of enacting a budget because they know that they plan to increase further the size of government, break promises of restraint and increase the federal deficit to unconscionable levels. None of these people should be returned to the house and 1/3rd of the Senators should be new come January. But I suppose that would be too perfect a world.)

Follow the link for more.

Are Jewish Students Safe on California Campuses?

Are Jewish Students Safe on California Campuses?

More on the assault on traditional American values by the far, far left and the authors point out a policy change in the Department of Justice which apparently denies Jewish students the same legal protections as given to gays, lesbians, Muslims and Latinos. The head of the Office of Civil Rights is Russlynn Ali who, despite having an Islamic last name, appears to be strictly liberal-progressive-socialist as "NA" is listed as her Religion in the biography that I was able to find on-line. (Listing "NA" is an obligatory bow towards "Secularism" which, as we all know, is the religion of the liberal-progressive-socialist crowd that makes up the Obama Regime.)

But Ali's religion really does not matter as much as her commitment to the Civil Rights of all regardless of their skin color, religion or ethnic origin and it appears as if there is now an exception for Jews. Why? We all know that Islam openly sided with the National Socialist Party during WWII and participated in the slaughter of Jews but Ali appears to be a secularist despite the Islamic origins of her family name. So why are one of the most persecuted groups in the last 100 years being given the message that the Office of Civil Rights will not protect them in 2010? Don't they know that liberal Jews donated heavily to, and voted for, Obama? The answer to this question must be, of course, that the Obama Regime considers them to be useful idiots: Good for donations and fund raisers but, as evidenced by the OCR policy shift and the Regime's policy towards Israel, of no significant consequence after the election.

I am reminded of the poem attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) that expresses his feeling of the inactivity of German intellectuals following the National Socialist Party's rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets. I'm sure you've read or heard of it, if only in part.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out. 

This is what is being accomplished by the Regime's constant demonization of the various sectors of America. Nancy Pelosi demonizes the Tea Party as "un-American." The Regime demonizes and then takes control of two of the three major U.S. car companies. Obama demonizes the health care industry then seizes control of 1/6th of the American economy setting-up a program to socialize medicine in the United States thus destroying the best health care system in the world. Obama is now demonizing Wall Street and, if he has his way, will seize control of the financial sector as well.

Have you ever wondered who will speak-up when they start demonizing you?

Follow the link for the story.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dem Senate Candidate’s Family Bank Shut Down by Feds

Dem Senate Candidate's Family Bank Shut Down by Feds

As they should have! It looks like the Chicago Way couldn't protect this liberal-progressive-socialist Democrat corruptocrat completely. I'm sure that he'll survive but the hopefully the stench of the corruption in the bank that he and his family owned will cause the voters of Illinois to shy away from him when they cast their ballots.

I wonder if the Left Stream Media will start reporting this story?

Follow the link for the story. - Virginia to Teach Gun Safety in Elementary Schools - Virginia to Teach Gun Safety in Elementary Schools

It's good to see that some common sense is prevailing in the area of firearms. This is an excellent law and one that, if your state doesn't already have it, you should forward to your legislator asking that he introduce a similar bill.

As it stands now, children are killed in greater numbers by far on our nation's highways, many times in a vehicle driven by a "responsible adult", than by firearms that are left unattended by irresponsible adults. Still, the loss of one innocent life is tragic when it can be avoided by having children trained in gun safety.

Now the lady quoted in the linked article, one Lori Haas who is identified as the spokeswoman for the Virginia Center for Public Safety (unfortunately, I'm a Virginian who never heard of that group) seems to feel that teaching gun safety is the same as teaching children how to shoot when clearly that's comparing apples to oranges.  She states, and I quote her from the article, "I personally don't think firearm safety has a place in the schools. That's up to the parents to teach that at home." I don't know Ms. Haas either but I'd expect that kind of statement from a liberal-progressive who doesn't know the first thing about firearms. In other words, it's not logical and just doesn't make sense. It's exactly the same as saying, "I personally don't think driver's safety has a place in the schools. That's up to the parents to teach that at home." School's have had driver's education courses throughout the United States for many years and no one can doubt the positive effect they've had on teenage driving. Isn't it about time that they did the same with firearms?

The problem with the entire argument put forward by Ms. Haas and others like her is that they are the parents who have no firearms at home and the thought of having one is distasteful. They aren't capable, therefore, of teaching firearms safety to their own children because their view of firearms safety is to completely avoid the issue.

Unfortunately the real world is not like that and while you may, as is your right, choose to have no firearms in your house, more than half of America has a different view. That means that when your child goes to a friend's home to play there's a 50-50 chance that there is a firearm in that home. Isn't it better to ensure that all children know what to do, and more importantly what not to do, when they see a firearm?

It appears to me that Ms. Haas is speaking for a group that purposely took a high-minded title that provides cover for their actual goals. If what she said is the position of that group then I can only assume that it is made up of liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats and their only real purpose is to abrogate the 2nd Amendment. We all know that to do that would only make it safer for criminals to follow their trade as well as for dictators to follow theirs.

Follow the link for more.

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Teddy’s Temple: A Taxpayer-Funded Shrine to Leftism

Teddy's Temple: A Taxpayer-Funded Shrine to Leftism

This is truly an abomination and an insult to the majority of Americans. If the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats want to honor Teddy "Don't Worry, I'll Drive" Kennedy then they should raise the money for this among themselves. To presume that they can raid the U.S. Treasury to honor the drunk that lived off the family name made famous by his older brothers is more than just wrong, it's bordering on criminal.

Mary Jo Kopechne couldn't be reached for comment.

Follow the link for more.

Limbaugh: 'Obama/Clinton/Media Left Comfortable With Unrest In Society Today' |

Limbaugh: 'Obama/Clinton/Media Left Comfortable With Unrest In Society Today' |

In case you missed the Wall Street Journal, here's a good link through

Rush writes as well as he speaks.

Follow the link.

American Thinker: It's the Constitution that's Radicalizing Our Politicians

American Thinker: It's the Constitution that's Radicalizing Our Politicians

Here's an argument for returning to the basics by repealing the 17th Amendment.  I must admit, having Senators elected directly by the people has not worked all that well.  It's watered down the Senate and made Senators little more than a Congressman with longer terms, greater greed and a strong dose of hypocrisy.  All in all it's a good read.

Follow the link.

SC orders DNA test in Vizconde massacre case -, Philippine News for Filipinos

SC orders DNA test in Vizconde massacre case -, Philippine News for Filipinos

The rape and murder of the beautiful young and innocent victim in this case was horrific by any standard and the Philippine press kept it in the headlines for months. Truth be told, the case was tried in the press and the defendant convicted before he ever stepped into the courtroom. Still, his attorney presented a strong defense that should have established the doubt necessary to prevent conviction yet it was to no avail. The judge convicted the defendant and sentenced him to life in prison. But in my criminal investigator mind I've always doubted that the verdict was correct and believed that the actual murderer was still walking the streets of Metro Manila. My doubt about the case was centered on two major issues:

First, the DNA test was requested by the defendant during trial but the judge denied the request. I could never figure out why the jurist would disallow a proven scientific test that could prove guilt, or innocence, beyond a shadow of a doubt for if defendant Webb's DNA was present then he was clearly guilty.

Second, the FBI, acting on a request from the Philippine government, investigated and found that Herbert Webb was in the United States at the time the crime was committed. The judge disallowed the evidence on grounds that violate common sense and, many would say, international norms: The evidence was certified by the U.S. Secretary of State but because the U.S. Secretary of State did not appear to present the evidence, she ruled it was not admissible.

In the end the defendant was convicted on eyewitness testimony that many believed was specious but which the judge found credible. No physical evidence was found connecting Herbert Webb to the crime and the weakest evidence of all is an eyewitness to a crime.

Webb's father, then a politician, was at the time in the opposition to the sitting President of the Philippines. There was suspicion but no evidence that this played a role in the case. If it had it wouldn't have been all that surprising. Justice in other parts of the world is just not the same as in the United States and despite our own efforts, it still goes astray from time to time even here.

The Philippine Supreme Court has now wisely decided that the DNA evidence should be compared. It may, of course, not be conclusive because of the time that has passed and storage of that evidence may not have helped preserve it. But we can hope that justice may finally be done in this case. If the evidence shows that the defendant was at the scene which, given the FBI's findings I do doubt, then the doubt that I have as to his guilt will be erased. But if the evidence clearly shows that the defendant was not the murdering rapist, then my doubts will be confirmed and he will go free. But in the intervening years since that terrible crime he has gone from a young man to maturity while incarcerated in prison. There is no one who can give him back those years.

I'll certainly let all know what the results of the DNA test are as soon as they are released. 

Follow the link for the story in the Philippine press.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Redactions Revealed: The Six Secrets You Need to Know From the Obama Subpoena Request

I'm not the only one who believes that President Obama is a consummate liar.  Now it is looking like he may have crossed the line completely.  At least Bill Clinton's lie, which led to his impeachment (but unfortunately not his conviction) was only about oral sex.  This deals with pure corruption or, as we refer to it these days, the Chicago Way.

Thugs are thugs no matter what their party affiliation or the office they hold.

Follow the link for more.

Navy pilot's last act: saving 3 crew mates

Navy pilot's last act:  saving 3 crew mates

Heroism is something we read about; but most do not understand. I'm sure that if we were able to ask Lt. Miroslav "Steven" Zilberman, he would say that he was just doing his duty and he knew that trying to ditch the aircraft would be extremely difficult. As the senior officer he knew he was responsible for the lives of his crew and he took that responsibility, that duty, seriously. I'm also sure that like most pilots he was extremely confident of his ability but his primary concern was for his fellow sailor's lives. So while he planned to do his best he determined to ensure that his crew got out safely.

John 15:13 says "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Lt. Zilberman, a man who adopted America as his country, exemplified this love and for his bravery, his devotion to duty, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. That award from a grateful nation is of small comfort to the family he left behind for, to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, no words, no medals, can fully assuage the pain of this sacrifice that was laid on the alter of freedom.  As Americans we must be thankful that men of his caliber are willing to serve.

May he rest in peace and may the good Lord keep and comfort his family.

He shall not be forgotten.

Follow the link.  Then if you find it in your heart, say a prayer for this warrior and his family.

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The Unbending Of The Cost Curve -

The Unbending Of The Cost Curve -

I would say, "I told you so!" but when we wake-up tomorrow we'll still have the same scoundrels in Congress and the Senate who intend to pass laws against the interests of We the People.

What we need to do is get behind some good conservative candidates and help them run. Give money if you can or time if you don't have the budget. We've got to get rid of the people who laughed and drank champagne after shoving Obamacare down the throats of all Americans.

Follow the link for more.

The Truth About Judicial Stereotypes

The Truth About Judicial Stereotypes

Why we should wish for a conservative justice even though we know that Obama will appoint one from the far, radical left.

Follow the link for more. - US clears 2nd Navy SEAL in Iraqi abuse case - US clears 2nd Navy SEAL in Iraqi abuse case

Some very good news fro Iraq.  One more trial to go.

Although the linked article is on FoxNews it was written by AP which had to throw-in their own little spin about how dismissals confirmed "fears" of the Iraqi people that the American military would never be held accountable for "...atrocities or other abuses."  Give me a break!  That is possibly the most asinine comment I've ever heard and leads the reader to believe that AP believes that the SEALS should have been convicted just to show Iraqi's that we do hold people accountable.  Factually, while the Left Stream Media surely won't report it, the Iraqi people have no problem with American troops because they know that we have stood between them and the evil, murderous terrorists that kill in the name of Islam.  It's the Left Stream Media that desperately wants someone in the military, anyone, tried and convicted so they can hold that person up as the face of the Iraq War.  The media is not interested in justice but only in the furtherance of their own sick, liberal-progressive beliefs and agenda.

The sad part about this is that these trials should have never happened but instead these men should have been given medals.

Follow the link for more.

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No Free Speech about Leaving Islam?

No Free Speech about Leaving Islam?

Political correctness is a vile and destructive affliction that was created in the test tube of liberalism. It has infected our military and degraded our ability to wage war, protect the country and protect our troops. It has infected our sational and state legislative bodies and curtailed honest debate on the issues of the day. It's clear now that it has sunk to the city level as shown in Miami.

Follow the link for the story.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Joan Walsh Doubles Down, Claims There Are No Violent Liberals |

Joan Walsh Doubles Down, Claims There Are No Violent Liberals |

For Joan Walsh to have said this with a straight face she must have had a head start for the 4/20 NORML rally. Either that or she's totally disconnected from reality.

Follow the link for the story.

Jury clears SEAL in Iraq abuse case - Washington Times

Jury clears SEAL in Iraq abuse case - Washington Times

Time for some good news and a prayer of thanks to the Man Above.

The court martial was a travesty from the beginning.  These men should have already been given medals but this is what happens when political correctness infects the military.

Follow the link for a good news Thursday.

Blacks, the Media, & the Tea Parties

Blacks, the Media, & the Tea Parties

This is my recommended read of the day. If nothing else, read this offering from Lloyd Marcus, an unhyphenated we all should be.

Follow the link for the story.

The Governor Who Roared In New Jersey -

The Governor Who Roared In New Jersey -

George Will, always a good read, but this column clearly shows the stark difference between a Democrat's view of an ideal government and a Republican's view of an ideal government based on what is happening in the real world. New Jersey has been a blue state for a long time before the revolt against Obama and the Democrats with their "big government" program began last November. To be sure, New Jersey's Republicans had contributed to the problems there by acting like Democrats on those times when they were in control and the end result in the uncontrolled growth of the state government and entitlement programs in the Garden State has resulted in a high income tax as well as a high property tax. New Yorkers are still happy with Jersey, of course, considering that they are being figuratively raped by the tax man in that state and especially in that city and they are willing to pay the relatively lower taxes that people to live and work in New Jersey bemoan as too high.

Follow the link for more.

Lying About Jobs -

Lying About Jobs -

An excellent editorial from the Investors Business Daily.

It seems that the "most open and transparent" regime in American history has a problem with facts. They like to make them up as they go along.

Follow the link for more.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wouldn't a Miniseries on Attila the Hun Explain Nancy Pelosi?

Another excellent column from Ann Coulter.  I recommend you read this one.

Ms. Coulter does an excellent job of verbally dismembering Rachel Madcow's screed against those who rallied on the anniversary of the Battles at Lexington and Concord.  Madcow, for some reason known only to her, decided that it was on April 19 because that was the day that Timothy McVeigh set-off the bomb in Oklahoma City.  Maybe we shouldn't be too hard on her, though, because she may have never been taught American History and if she was, she probably concentrated on period from 1959 to 1984 believing that was the most important period of American history and the rest of the time was off doing community service.

Follow the link for an enjoyable read.

Conservative News - Zumwalt: The administration won't call it "Islamic" extremism and that is a problem. - HUMAN EVENTS

Conservative News - Zumwalt: The administration won't call it "Islamic" extremism and that is a problem. - HUMAN EVENTS

An excellent post and recommended reading.

Follow the link. Demonizing DDT – How the Scare Campaign Against ‘the Excellent Powder’ Has Cost Millions of Lives. Demonizing DDT – How the Scare Campaign Against 'the Excellent Powder' Has Cost Millions of Lives

If you've ever lived in a developing country as I did for 17 years and saw children die with dengue fever or malaria, then you know the value of DDT. If you've lived your whole life in Boston since the mid-20th century, you've not ever worried about mosquitoes except for the nuisance of their itchy bite. Now we think of malaria as a disease of the tropics but at one time in our history it was possible to catch malaria up and down the East Coast.

There definitely needs to be a new and unbiased study of this chemical. Too many have died and far too many will die without it.

Follow the link for the story.

Gangster Government becomes a long-running series | Washington Examiner

Gangster Government becomes a long-running series | Washington Examiner

It is, after all, the Chicago Way.

Follow the link for more.

Geico Cancels a Hater

Geico Cancels a Hater

I am waiting for the outrage in the Left Stream Media...and waiting...and waiting...

Oh, wait! This guy was a liberal-progressive. Move along, folks. No story here.

Follow the link for the story.

Judge: Ex-Detroit mayor violated probation - Washington Times

Judge: Ex-Detroit mayor violated probation - Washington Times

I note that the Aggravated Press failed to not the political party of the "ex-Detroit mayor." He is a Democrat.

I doubt that the AP would have failed to note that all important piece of information had he been a Republican.

Follow the link for the story.

Texas students see religious bias with 'year of Our Lord' - Washington Times

Texas students see religious bias with 'year of Our Lord' - Washington Times

Political correctness is an absolute idiocy contrived to make people feel good and utilized to attack the beliefs and customs of people or institutions that run counter to liberal-progressive ideology.  Prime among the beliefs that can be attacked with impunity is Christianity. In this story we hear of an objection to the term "In the year of Our Lord" that commonly precedes the year date on some, but not all, formal official documents.  In Western society we track the year date from the birth of Jesus Christ thus the term "In the year of Our Lord."  It has, therefore, a cultural and historical basis for being in formal documents, most especially university diplomas.

Now we have a petition begun by a Muslim student who attended Trinity College.  She objects to using the term "In the year of Our Lord" because it refers to Jesus Christ and, as she says, "...not everyone believes in Jesus Christ."  It makes me wonder about the type of student being accepted at Trinity College which is widely known for its Presbyterian founding just as much as Notre Dame or Georgetown are known to be connected to Catholicism.  If the students apply to that university one would think that they would know in advance that they are entering a school with a strong religious Christian foundation.  Not a Muslim foundation.  Not a Buddhist foundation.  Not a Rastafarian foundation.   A Christian foundation.  So what does this brilliant student, who happens to be Muslim and the head of the "Trinity Diversity Connection" do?  She wants to remove the reference to Jesus Christ because she doesn't believe in Jesus Christ.  Diversity, it seems, is a one way concept in her budding genius of a mind.  It seems she only celebrates diversity when it elevates her beliefs over the established beliefs of the institution she chose to attend.  Given her devotion to Islam, it would seem to have been more logical if she had chosen to attend university in Saudi Arabia where I'm sure they don't use the term "In the year of Our Lord."  But then again, in Saudi Arabia there is no "diversity" allowed.

Talk about chutzpah!

Follow the link for more. - Court-martial of Navy SEAL opens in Iraq - Court-martial of Navy SEAL opens in Iraq

This is the Court Martial that should not be.

Follow the link for the story.

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Big Nature and Tiny Us

Big Nature and Tiny Us

When man starts to believe that he is in total control, nature has a way of reminding him of his relative insignificance. The fraudulent belief in Anthropogenic Global Warming/Climate Change is the current man-is-in-control belief held by liberal idiots and propagated by the Obama Regime. Iceland is mother nature's answer.

Follow the link for more.

Leaving Liberalism

Leaving Liberalism

An excellent description of the disease of liberalism.

Follow the link for more.

Who Is Obstructing the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act?

Who Is Obstructing the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act?

This is a perfect example of the perfidy of our elected representatives when their loyalty to their party is greater than their loyalty to their constituents or their country.  Note that it could apply to either party.

Follow the link for more.

American Thinker: The President Who Won't Grow Up

American Thinker: The President Who Won't Grow Up

An excellent analysis of our President's personality and behavior.

Follow the link for more.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

GOP seeks SEC records on Goldman - Mike Allen -

GOP seeks SEC records on Goldman - Mike Allen -

What do you want to bet that the "most transparent" regime in history will stonewall this demand with the help of their minions in Congress?

And where is the Left Stream Media in all of this? In the tank, as usual.

The timing of the Goldman Sachs story was just too perfect to not have been "arranged." After all, that's the Chicago Way.

Follow the link for more from the Politico.

Up From Ideology

The linked piece is an excellent discourse on the liberal-progressive-socialists that is a must read.

Follow the link.

Cap-n-Tax: Team Obama Piles On the Outrages

Cap-n-Tax: Team Obama Piles On the Outrages

We know Anthropogenic Global Warming/Climate Change is a fraud. We haven't learned this from the Left Stream Media which is more interested in spreading propaganda; but the British news has reported the story well. In spite of that the Obama Regime plans to go ahead with Cap & Trade. Are we supposed to be surprised after they shoved Obamacare through despite the overwhelming opposition of We the People? Remember, it's not really about the climate but about redistribution of wealth (your money going to someone AlGore) and control of the citizenry.

The sooner we vote these people out of office the better off we'll be as a nation.

Follow the link for the story.

Gun owners come armed with message - Washington Times

Gun owners come armed with message - Washington Times

The meaning of the 2nd Amendment as the Supreme Court has said is clear at least as far as a majority of Americans read the Constitution. But the fear of America's gun owners is tangibly real given the radical governance of the Obama Regime. In the space of 15 months Obama and his minions have managed to cause a large majority of Americans to lose trust in their own government. This feat by the most radical president in American history is shameful. But that's why they held rallies in Washington, DC, and in Virginia where they could legally carry their weapons. It wasn't a show of force to scare people or the government but an effort to raise the consciousness of citizens that having or carrying a weapon does not make a person a criminal nor are weapons intrinsically evil. Stop and think about the ramifications of weapons ownership and vehicle ownership then go look at the statistics.

The idea that honest citizens can be deprived the right to keep and bear arms thus denying them the right to self-defense is abhorrent. Self-defense is a right granted by our Creator and is thus unalienable and is not a right that is given by any government. As the Scottish patriot Andrew Fletcher said in 1698, "Arms are the only true badge of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave."

Of course, liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats see it much differently. That's because their ultimate goal is the economic enslavement of We the People.

Follow the link for the story.

American Thinker: The Grand Illusions of America's Liberals

American Thinker: The Grand Illusions of America's Liberals

An excellent read on the liberal-progressive world view and how they wish to reshape America by erasing the true history of our nation.

The truth is that America has endeavored more than any nation to right the wrongs of history. The liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats, however, continue to use past wrongs to indict the nation as a whole and keep it divided on issues of race and class. Instead of healing as they say they want to, they divide and throw salt in old wounds. They are not the solution but the problem.

Follow the link for more.

Tyranny May Be Closer than We Think

Tyranny May Be Closer than We Think

This from the American Thinker is my recommended read for the day.

Follow the link and learn.

The New Front in the War on Wealth

The New Front in the War on Wealth

The goal of the Obama Regime is not to reform the financial system for the benefit of We the People but to change it so that they have more control over We the People. Can you spell B-I-G B-R-O-T-H-E-R?

Follow the link to see what they snuck into law behind our backs.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Criminalizing Debate -

Criminalizing Debate -

The left cannot handle honest debate nor can their ideas stand-up to exposure so their usual defense is to stop opposing speech through ad hominem attacks. The latest, begun by Obama Regime surrogate Bill Clinton in Oklahoma City, is to cast all Tea Party activists as Timothy McVeigh wannabes. Joe Klein joined in by using sedition to describe opposing views on talk radio and the Fox News network. Then another left-wing hack, Donny Deutsch on MessNBC, lied in describing the deranged pilot who flew his airplane into the IRS building in Texas as a Republican when his on-line screed written before he took to the air described his hatred for former President Bush. That was a "Republican?" Joe Stack was about as much of a Republican as Deutsch is a journalist!

The truth is that it is the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats that promote violence. Time and again the left has physically attacked peaceful demonstrators during the last year with their union thug supporters acting as Brownshirts to physically silence those who oppose the Obama Regime. The latest violence sent a young female Republican and her boyfriend to the hospital in New Orleans. The question is not about violence emanating from the right but about increased violence coming directly from the left. The left has a long history of violent actions stretching all the way back to the 1960s and beyond. In my lifetime it was the SDS (latest violence just a couple of years ago so they're still going strong) and the Weather Underground of Bill Ayers and he wife Bernadine Dorhn. (Remember them? They are good friends of Obama himself and helped bomb the Pentagon and urged the killing of policemen. Or maybe you thought they were just college professors?) The one absolute that we have is that it is the left, the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats who have consistently promoted violence as a tool of politics in America. The Democrats started with their formation of the KKK after the Civil War and have kept at it.

The liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats are only comfortable when they rule a fascist state. It is their ideal form of government for only then can they, as the ruling elite, rule without having to put up with stubborn things like facts, truth and honest debate.

And they wonder why We the People are upset.

Follow the link for more.

Gun owners rally in D.C., Va. for rights - Washington Times

Gun owners rally in D.C., Va. for rights - Washington Times

It is a certainty that the Obama Regime will make a play to abrogate the 2nd Amendment. They are liberal-progressive-socialists who follow the teachings of Marx so they can't help themselves.

Follow the link for the story on the rallies. - Administration to Tea Parties: We're on Your Side - Administration to Tea Parties: We're on Your Side

And the Tea Party says to the Obama Regime:  "No!  You're not on our side by a long shot!"

Follow the link for more on the stupid defense that the Regime is putting up in the face of the Tea Parties.

Posted using ShareThis - Last in Class: Critics Give U.N. Climate Researchers an 'F' - Last in Class: Critics Give U.N. Climate Researchers an 'F'

This is a surprise only to the mindless adherents of AlGore's Church of AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming).  I am certain that the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats are not at all surprised as for them this has never been about the climate but money and control.  They plan to make money with Cap & Trade and extend more governmental control over We the People.  That is the bottom line:  money and control.  And with that they will put America well on the road to fascism.

Don't count on the Left Stream Media to pick this up and run with it.  They are totally in the tank on all things that the Obama Regime wants.

Follow the link to see just how badly the U.N. Climate Researchers did.  Then write your Senators and tell them "Not only NO but HELL NO!"

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City wants to nip tobacco use in the butt

City wants to nip tobacco use in the butt

The Smoke Nazi's Nanny State is alive and well in Florida. I suppose this is what happens when you stand in the sun too long without a hat.

Follow the link for the story.

Blue Rage and Red Rage

The true violence in the political arena has long emanated from the left rather than the right for it is the left that views violence as a valid political tool.  That could be why they accuse the right of violence but in reality the left uses false accusations because the left also uses the mantle of victimhood as a political tool.  If they can make people believe that they are the victims they expect that they will gain political support.  They believe completely in the axiom that 'all is fair in love, war and politics' thus honesty is not in their lexicon.

Follow the link for more.

Conservative News: Rep. Candice Miller - The issue of D.C. representation in Congress is again on the table. - HUMAN EVENTS

Conservative News: Rep. Candice Miller - The issue of D.C. representation in Congress is again on the table. - HUMAN EVENTS

In his call for Congress to pass legislation giving the District of Columbia a vote in the House, President Obama displays either abysmal ignorance of or absolute disdain for the Constitution. Based on the fact that he managed to get elected I don't believe that he is ignorant but I will leave you to make your own decision.

Just in case your high school teachers neglected to teach you about the Constitution, follow the link and be educated.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Pastor, the Pedophile and CAIR

The Pastor, the Pedophile and CAIR

Does it surprise anyone that CAIR is treated with kid gloves by the Obama Regime? Or that CAIR would violate U.S. laws and try to enforce shari'ah law? It is an organization that has been named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas funding case in Texas and it clearly cares only about furthering the influence of Islam in the United States. It's not an organization that truly cares about getting along with the United States but one that wants to help set the stage for an Islamic take-over.

Follow the link for the story.

Patriot Plan: Obama and tea party can unite with Patriot Plan -

Patriot Plan: Obama and tea party can unite with Patriot Plan -

Here is a man with a plan and I would definitely support it.  No more would politicians be able to bet on the short memory of the electorate and the assistance of the media to hide their sins.  It would be right there for all to see and as it was only yesterday, it's unlikely any would forget.

Follow the link for more.

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The tea partyers: It's about liberty - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

The tea partyers: It's about liberty - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

The arrogance of the left-wing liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats and their minions in the Left Stream Media when it comes to the Tea Party is unbelievable and demonstrates their utter lack of common sense and respect for our system of government. It's as if they've taken control and believe that they can now act with impunity.

November 2010 will show them just how mistaken they are. January 20, 2013, will mark change we can really believe in as that will be the last day of the Obama Regime.

Follow the link for more.

Climategate: a scandal that won’t go away

Why is it that we must continue to get the truth about the fraud of Anthropogenic Global Warming/Climate Change from the British Press?  Isn't the American media competent enough to bring us the story?

No.  It is not.

Follow the link for more.

American Thinker: Barack Obama's Missing Girlfriends

American Thinker: Barack Obama's Missing Girlfriends

How little we really know about the man who presumes himself to the the Emperor.

Follow the link for more.

Was Jesus a Marxist?

Was Jesus a Marxist?

Another thoughtful post from recovering liberal, Robin of Berkeley. It's perfect Sunday reading.

Follow the link and enjoy.

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls

This from Rasmussen holds no surprises for Conservatives and probably none for any thinking liberal-progressive-socialist Democrat (that is if any of them actually do think).  Americans don't like the direction of the country and don't want Obamacare...still.  And when you hear some Democrat on TV spouting about how the polls show that Americans are swinging in favor health care, you should start to wonder just exactly where they got their information.  Clearly the people that the Democrats polled weren't and aren't all that lucid and I wouldn't put it past them to redefine words just to get the results they want because history shows that the left loves propaganda.  Truth, not so much, but they love propaganda.

For example, on the question,  "Do you like apple pie?" a reasoned person would presume that the pollster was asking about a person's preference for a specific dessert.  For a liberal-progressive-socialist Democrat, however, a person saying "Yes" has just indicated that they favor Obamacare.  After all, everyone knows "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" and as Obamacare is going to eventually keep the doctor away from Americans, the person answering the poll must favor Obamacare.

Such tortured reasoning does not go unnoticed, however, and the elections of 2010 and 2012 will show the left just how wrong they are.  We will not accept the deconstruction of America and our Constitution and the emergence of a statist regime run by a ruling elite.

Follow the link for some interesting, and honest, poll results unfiltered by the Left Stream Media, the Democrat National Committee and/or the Obama Regime.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Gore takes cash for water campaign from chemical firm

For AlGore and the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrat machine, it's all about money...and control.

This is, of course, from a British newspaper.  The Left Stream Media is again quiet on this type of story.

Follow the link

St. Charles Violent Tea Party Infiltrator Steve Belosi: Dem Official, Truther & Code Pink Contributor

St. Charles Violent Tea Party Infiltrator Steve Belosi: Dem Official, Truther & Code Pink Contributor

Let's face it. The liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats and their minions are actually as pathetic as they are dangerous to the freedom of We the People. In this instance they went to great lengths to infiltrate and disrupt a a Tea Party by becoming violent. But they forgot that all people have cameras and that their antics would be caught on film and reported. And they forgot that with pictures people can be identified. Then they tried to act like victims to the Left Stream Media and blamed the violence that they perpetrated at the Tea Party on the Tea Party. In other words, they behaved, and continue to behave, just like the braying jackass that is the symbol of their political party.

Will elected Democrats disown the men identified in the linked article? I can assure you they will not and moreover the Left Stream Media will give these liberal-progressive-socialist thugs a pass on the issue of violence because the Left Stream Media is as pathetic as the two losers identified in the article. Maybe more so for giving time and positive exposure to a man who likes to make elderly ladies cry to further his own political agenda. ( Actually, he's not much of a man if you ask me.)

Follow the link for more.

Time to Change the Rules of Engagement

Time to Change the Rules of Engagement

Interesting take and recommended reading for Conservatives.

Follow the link.

Republican Officials Attacked and Injured in New Orleans

Republican Officials Attacked and Injured in New Orleans

More on the left's propensity for, and use of, violence.

Follow the link for more.

The View from the Left

The View from the Left

What the left thinks of people.  Especially those of us on the right.

Follow the link to be informed.