Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fighting Statism

Fighting Statism

An interesting read with a strong libertarian point of view; but, oh so true in this day and age. There is no doubt that we must fight statism if we are to survive as a free people. To do this we must take control of and reform the Republican Party. (Forty years ago I would have said the Republican and Democrat Parties but the Democrats have been seized completely by the liberal-progressive-socialist left wingnuts and are beyond hope.) We cannot let the traditional politicians who change principles as often as they change their suits continue to lead us to ever and ever larger government. It seems that every time we elect a new person to congress he or she goes there and tries to write a new law. Now I would not hazard a guess on how many laws there are currently on the books just on the Federal level in America; but I do know that there are laws that have been passed that are never enforced just because the U.S. Attorney's Office and the Federal Courts do not have the time to take them all to trial. There are so many laws on the books that lawyers must specialize in order to provide adequate advice. There are so many laws on the books that no matter how law abiding you are, you've probably, without meaning to, broken at least one in the last month.

What we need are elected politicians who will go to Washington with the idea firmly in their mind that they will be judged not on laws passed but on how many laws they can find and repeal that are worthless intrusions on personal liberty. After a couple of terms of politicians actually worrying about liberty, then we could start thinking about judging congress on the quality of bills that they enact rather than the quantity. And any congress that fails to enact a budget should be turned out en masse on the very next election. (You know, like the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrat controlled Congress we have now that is afraid of enacting a budget because they know that they plan to increase further the size of government, break promises of restraint and increase the federal deficit to unconscionable levels. None of these people should be returned to the house and 1/3rd of the Senators should be new come January. But I suppose that would be too perfect a world.)

Follow the link for more.

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