Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chicago Mayor Daley Wants US Gun Makers Sued in World Court

Chicago Mayor Daley Wants US Gun Makers Sued in World Court

Mayor Daley, arguably one of the poorest mayors in the United States–and by that I don't mean financially–who has failed to keep Chicago safe despite some of the most draconian gun laws in the United States. With his medieval mentality he continues to blame the inanimate object rather than the person who uses it and that is exactly why you're not safe in Chicago. There are more dangerous cities, to be sure, but Chicago is clearly a place where it's not safe to be out at night. If you want safety you'd best go to a city where the honest citizens are able to own guns and criminals are held accountable for their actions. You don't find that in Chicago.

But if Daley is so quick to want to diminish U.S. sovereignty to an international court, maybe he should think twice about the unintended results of such an act. He knows he is safe from any kind of lawsuit in Chicago, the home of machine politics and where Obama learned the Chicago Way. But would he be so safe in an international court? I wonder? Could a citizen of Chicago bring a suit against him for his failure in some area of local administration? I'm not, of course, saying that he's done anything wrong. I'm just, you know, saying...

Follow the link to see how Daley attacks honest citizens while criminals run free in his city.

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