Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Arizona Uproar

The Arizona Uproar

I couldn't help but to laugh out loud at the efforts of race-monger Al Sharpton to take control of the dialogue on the Sean Hannity Show last night. Instead of being able to seize the high-ground by claiming "racism" he sputtered, acted indignant and came off as ignorant in the discussion. This is the unintended consequence of the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats' continuous playing of the race card: It gets harder and harder to get people to pay attention when it is played. Even in the black community which the Rev. Al professes to represent, a clear majority believes that illegal immigration is a problem.

The sad thing is that after decades of making progress to the point where the nation was finally able to push prejudice aside and proudly elect a black American as President, that very President and his regime have worked overtime to resurrect the demon prejudice for their own political gains. Instead of being the President who united all Americans Barack Obama, aided ably by his far-left advisors and race-baiting "ministers," has succeeded in dividing America along class, sexual, economic and racial lines. In his own recent call to action for the November elections, Obama specifically called for "Latinos, African-Americans, women and youths" to rally around him and help advance his promised change. Excuse me? Isn't he supposed to be the President of all Americans? Clearly, he doesn't think so.

Arizona's action is clearly not racial in nature although that's what the left is shouting. Unlike the peaceful Tea Party gathering which were derided for encouraging violence through rhetoric, the demonstrations against the Arizona law have been violent and outrageous acts have been common. The Left Stream Media has, of course, been dutifully silent on this violence as ordered by their political masters. The far-left believes in violence in the furtherance of its goals and only derides that which opposes it whether violent or not. Their righteous anger is faux and is used only to silence debate because debate brings light to the subject and that the left cannot abide.

The truth of the matter is that Arizona is taking legitimate action only because the Federal Government has not. The law they have enacted does not control immigration, a province of the Federal government, but is intended to allow local officers to address the issue of illegal immigration on the local level. The law specifically forbids the use of race as a determining factor so American's of Latin descent need not worry as they go peaceably about their business. It is only when the police legitimately contact the individual due to another legal issue that they are allowed to investigate the legality of that person's presence in the United States. This is not, as Cardinal Mahoney bellowed, akin to the National Socialists Party operatives asking for "Papers!" It is far from that. It does, however, take away the wink-and-nod of the left on the issue of illegal immigration.

It should be clear to all that legal immigration is not the issue being addressed. Illegal immigration is a problem and will continue to be a problem until such time as the Federal Government removes its head from that dark, dank place where it has been stored and solves the issue; but as long as liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats are in control the issue will continue to fester and irritate. The left sees illegal immigration as a useful tool for political purposes. With it they believe they can carve out the Latino Community as a solid leftist voting block even though their plan envisions the creation of an ever growing underclass of Latinos and blacks who will be happy to vote left so long as the ruling elite smiles benignly and caters to their needs. And the leftist ruling elite will continue to drop crumbs from their cake to the underclass so long as the underclass behaves as expected.

The chink in the armor is, of course, exceptionalism:  the natural desire of all men to not have their natural abilities restrained by outside forces. People naturally want to keep the fruits of their own labors and that desire has caused, and will continue to cause, the failure of socialist systems. That which the Obama Regime envisions is no exception.

Follow the link for more on Arizona.

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