How Obama could lose Arizona immigration battle | Washington Examiner
It is hard to stomach the lies told about Arizona's new law allowing state and local law enforcement officers to delve into the status of people suspected to be illegal aliens and those told by President Obama are at the head of the list. We have a right to expect more truth from our President than he has, thus far, given us. I'm now convinced that Obama has a serious aversion to the truth for his rhetoric reference Arizona's law is as ludicrous as it is asinine. If you want to see how the Arizona law works you don't have to go to the Southwest and stand in the desert. Just go to Prince William County, Virginia, where the County Commissioners passed a similar law over a year ago. Since that time local officers making lawful contact with individuals have been checking on the citizenship status and turning illegal aliens over to ICE. It hasn't resulted in racial profiling. It hasn't resulted in unlawful detentions. It has, however, resulted in illegal aliens moving out of the county to other areas that don't seem to worry about illegal immigration and this has greatly relieved the stress on the Prince William County School System and other social services. And despite the wails of those who say that illegal immigrants are here to take jobs that Americans don't want there has been no shortage of citizens ready to fill the vacated jobs for, surprise of surprises, most Americans do like and want to work to achieve their dreams.
I think that it is obvious why the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats won't address the illegal immigrant issue with America's best interests in mind. It's because when they look at the illegal immigrant issue they don't think about America's best interests but they do think about their own. Socialism doesn't work well unless you have a permanent underclass and in illegal immigration the Democrats see a ready-made, permanent underclass. They also see a source of votes because they've managed to obstruct laws requiring that people show a picture identification when they vote. (I find that odd because you have to show identification to get into most government buildings, to get on an airplane, when you're driving a car or to check-in to a hotel or motel, opening a bank account and when you're applying for a job. The one most important thing that Americans do is vote but for that: No positive proof of identity is required. Interesting mindset that. Interesting and devious because if you consider the amount of voter fraud that was reported and perpetrated in 2008 all at the hands of Obama's former employer and current ally in ACORN, then you can see just how important NOT requiring a picture ID is when an election is held. It definitely complicates efforts to register people like "Moon Dog," "Olive Oyl," "Mark Twain" and "Alfred E. Neuman" then have poseurs stand in line to pull the lever for the leftist candidate of choice.
No, the objections of the left to the Arizona law are not based on a true interest in the rights of citizens or visitors to this country. They are based solely on their own self-interest and the need for any political advantage, no matter how small, this coming November. If the truth be told, the Obama Regime cares nothing about the rights of Americans and their actions in securing the violent southern border to protect Americans and legal residents in that area is the proof. They've done nothing. They also care nothing about the welfare of illegal immigrants because if they did they would have sat down at the beginning of the Regime, secured the borders and started a top to bottom overhaul of our immigration system to open up the choke points, modernize the technology used by immigration officials, reform the method and manner of issuing work visas and sent illegals back to their home countries requiring them to re-enter the country legally if they wanted to continue the life they'd begun when they snuck across the border. Instead, they have already started floating the idea of amnesty for those illegal aliens who are currently here–something a majority of Americans oppose–along with a package of social benefits that are not available to American citizens–again something opposed by a solid majority of Americans. None of this will pass through Congress, of course, but the fact that they are talking about it will buy them support in November and that's all they want.
As for Mexico, President Felipe Calderon is a Class 1 hypocrite. Mexico has the most draconian laws immigration laws in the northern half of the Western Hemisphere. The police there, corrupt banditos who took the job less to serve and protect and more to pillage and plunder, racially profile
Norte Americanos constantly. Papers are demanded and bribes happily accepted otherwise, "I'm sorry but there will be a delay in your travels while we check your papers." (I assure you that there are honest cops in Mexico. It's just that unfortunately there are too few to yet make a difference in how business is done and the
mordida collected.) Before President Calderon again looks the idiot by issuing a travel warning for Arizona, he should clean up his own house. (I wonder why the United States doesn't make it a policy that all immigration laws are enforced based on reciprocity? Imagine, if we treated Mexicans coming illegally to America just like they treat
Norte Americanos going illegally to Mexico.)
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