Monday, December 7, 2009 - Liberal Group Puts Bounty on Head of Chamber of Commerce CEO - Liberal Group Puts Bounty on Head of Chamber of Commerce CEO

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One of the biggest falsehoods perpetrated by the liberal-progressive-socialists is that they are in favor of personal freedom.  That is true only insofar as the personal freedom does not clash with the beliefs of the liberal-progressive-socialists.  For instance, the liberal-progressive-socialists believe in freedom of religion but only for non-Christian religions.  The Christian religion, in the liberal-progressive-socialist worldview, is to be reviled for it is the cause of the world's ills.

Another example is freedom of expression.  This is a revered belief amongst liberal-progressive-socialists but only as it pertains to anything pornographic, hedonistic, anti-Christian, pro-abortion or anything of foreign origin.  Excluded are displays of anything Christian, anything pro-American patriotism or conservative values and anything that is contrary to their pornographic, hedonistic, anti-Christian world view.  (To be fair, liberal-progressive-socialists have worked hard to get Christian church leaders to adopt their "social justice" mantra and some naively have.  So not all Christians are reviled.  Some are useful pawns.)

Actually, when you think about it, liberal-progressive-socialists are only for those things that conform to their world view.  Anything that does not conform is wrong and evil and must be immediately and viciously attacked.  Personal attacks or attacks on a group, racial or otherwise, are ok if that groups opposes a liberal-progressive-socialist belief.  There are historical examples of this type of demonization but those are mostly from Germany, the Soviet Union and China under Chairman Mao, for those represent the political system that most appeals to the left.  The liberal-progressive-socialist fancies him or herself as part of the political elite and capable of running the perfect fascist society.

In recent history wacko criminal environmental groups have been the most vicious of the liberal-progressive-socialists.  It hasn't been above the Animal Liberation Front to picket suppliers of companies they claim are harming animals in research.  And not only will they picket suppliers at work but also at their homes where they've been known to plaster a neighborhood with signs accusing the individual of committing heinous crimes like murder and torture.  They've also been known to follow an individual's children to school where they confront them in front of their peers.  ALF, and their liberal-progressive-socialist counterpart, ELF (Earth Liberation Front) have shown themselves to be violent oppressors willing to commit arson and other crimes to promote their world view.  In other words, they perform like the Brownshirts of old and are excellent fascist tools to stifle any dissent or discussion that runs contrary to the approved belief system.

The linked article is a perfect example of how the far-left groups operate.  Slanderous vicious verbal and written attacks by nebulous sounding groups, this one is called the "Velvet Revolution," are the norm because they will do whatever it takes to stop dissent.  Because the Chamber of Commerce doesn't support their world view, the Velvet Revolution attacks its' leader with an offer of a $200,000.00 reward for his "arrest and conviction" and he's not committed any crime but to disagree with the Global Warming/Climate Change ideologues.  It appears they were formed just to attack the Chamber and they've even got at least one lawyer on their board of directors.  (My guess is that is an attempt to provide them with some semblance of legitimacy.  In my opinion, nice try but no cigar.)  What is abundantly and completely clear is that in the liberal-progressive-socialist society that the Obama Administration, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid want to create, you will not be allowed to disagree with the so-called political elite and if you do, they will attack you and, if necessary, destroy you for their political ends.

But I wonder...who is putting up this money?  Who has the kind of money needed to create a group, set up a board of directors, fund a vicious personal campaign and put of that kind of reward?  Who?  I think that the people have a right to know who is so interested in destroying the Chamber of Commerce and the head of the Chamber.

Is it Rahm "Dead Fish" Emanual?  George Soros?  AlGore?  The SEIU?  ACORN?  Barack Obama?  Who?

We deserve to know.

Follow the link for the full story.

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