Wednesday, December 23, 2009

American Thinker: Why the 'Angry Mob' Is Angry

American Thinker: Why the 'Angry Mob' Is Angry

I agree. I am angry with the way the Democrats have studiously ignored the will of the people and proceeded to take our country in a direction that the people do not like. In their view, we will begin to like what they are doing once we've had a chance to get used to the idea and understand what they are doing. Think about that for a moment: "Once we get used to the idea and understand what they are doing."

Having grown up on a cattle ranch and farming operation in southern Idaho, I performed all the cowboy jobs my dad gave me. And every spring we gathered the cattle and herded them into the corral--where they most assuredly did not want to go--and we separated the calves from their mothers. Now, those mama cows and calves did not like being separated. They protested, ran, dodged and ducked, but with sweat, effort and good cow ponies we got it done. We put the calves into a smaller holding pen where we could run them through a chute and brand and castrate them. As they were already separated they were mostly calm except for vocal protestations answered by their mothers on the other side of the fence. And as we pushed them into the chute they sometimes kicked a little but mostly they went willingly.

What I have just described is what the Democrat leadership means when it says, "once we get used to the idea and understand what they are doing we will like it." We all know what came next for those calves. They were branded with a hot iron, castrated if they were male and had their ears notched. I guarantee you none of them liked it. But the Democrats insist on treating the citizenry like they were dumb cattle just waiting to be sorted, branded and castrated. In this, however, they've acted less like cowboys than rustlers and outlaws. And you can bet that we Americans do not like it. Not at all.

So am I mad? Are Americans mad? Absolutely! And we're not about to forget what the Democrats have done and want to do. They--the Washington elite--forgot the one cardinal rule of American politics: The people are supreme. Not the president, the speaker or the majority leader, but the people. The Democrats seem to think that their wins in the last two elections gave them the right to do as they wish with America. They have totally forgotten that despite those wins, they must represent the majority will of the people. Not the will of the President or the House or Senate majority, but the will of the people.

They shall be reminded about that in the coming elections.

Follow the link for a good read.

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