Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Administration Warns of 'Command-and-Control' Regulation Over Emissions - Administration Warns of 'Command-and-Control' Regulation Over Emissions

Congress has been marginalized.  There's no way around it.  President Obama has now told the House and the Senate that if they don't pass Cap & Trade he will do it anyway via executive fiat through the EPA.  And he's added that what the EPA will do will hurt the country more than Cap & Trade.  A blatant power play based on specious, fraudulent research by political hacks who bill themselves as "climate scientists."  Thanks to Climategate the entire Global Warming/Anthropogenic Global Warming/Climate Change "emergency" has been exposed for the fraud that it is and the mantra of "it's settled science" has been exposed as an absolute lie.

So why the power play?  Simple.  Climategate struck a very raw nerve and AlGore and his ilk can see billions slipping through their fingers if it is done without Cap & Trade and that money, while enriching a select few, would help the Democrats buy votes in the next 10 elections.  Permanent power that might even be able to change the Constitution is what Obama is after.

This thuggery is known as the Chicago Way.  They've made an offer to Congress that they don't believe Congress can refuse.

In most parts of the country, indeed the world, it's called blackmail.

Follow the link to read more.

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