Saturday, December 12, 2009

Get Global Warming Out of Our Schools

Get Global Warming Out of Our Schools

The indoctrination of children by schools into the specious science of Global Warming should be a punishable act. Unfortunately, it is not but that doesn't assuage the real damage that can be done to common sense and the truth. Too many teachers are enamored with the idea of Global Warming--probably because so many teachers consider themselves to be liberal-progressives (sad that is, because it is the newest pejorative term)--and they should leave this religion, for that is what it really is, at the door where it belongs.

We now know that the science is anything but settled. We now know that the CRU and its' allies have been and are engaged in a fraud of gigantic proportions in order that their "controllers," for lack of a better word, could initiate wealth redistribution on a global scale. It has never been about actual global warming but about cutting America down to size and raiding America's treasury.

That is something we cannot and will not allow.

Follow the link for more.

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