Thursday, December 10, 2009 - White House Christmas Decorations? Yes. White House Christmas Card? No.

I find it troubling that the President of the United States can't remember that our country is celebrating Christmas as an official holiday. But a card saying "Seasons Greetings" is not something I'd normally notice as that type of greeting has been around for a very long time.

What is annoying about this issue is the sophomoric White House attitude. Instead of just saying that the term "Season's Greetings" was a normal greeting on cards in this festive season, Barry Lynn in responding for the White House said, "People who somehow think Barack Obama is part of the so-called 'War against Christmas' ought to realize that for the past few years it was George Bush leading the charge against it."

Aren't these idiots ever going to realize that bashing President George Bush at every turn is not only rude, but it's an unsportsmanlike conduct that is growing very tiring to the nation. President Bush has shown admirable restraint, unlike President Jimmy Carter, and one heck-of-a lot more class in the last year than the current White House occupant.

Maybe if they just did their jobs in the White House instead of acting like they had ascended the throne things would work a bit smoother for the current occupant. The Lord knows he needs all the help he can get.

Just saying...

Follow the link for the rest of the story.

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