Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Eric Holder, ACORN, and Cloward Piven justice

Eric Holder, ACORN, and Cloward Piven justice

The Obama Administration owes too much to ACORN to allow their criminality to get in the way of their payoff. After all, their criminality was in support of Obama's election.

The Democrat-controlled Congress will wimp out of this one. They will wail and gnash their teeth but won't do anything to reclaim the power of the purse which is rightly theirs. I would even posit that the use of the word "provide" upon which Holder's Justice Department hung their opinion like an opaque hat, was an artifice of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, et al., so that they would look good but the funds would still flow. I could be wrong, however, and that will be determined only if Congress acts swiftly to reverse the Justice Department in this matter.

I am waiting.

And waiting.

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