Sunday, February 21, 2010

Time to Turn Up the Heat on the Warmists

Time to Turn Up the Heat on the Warmists

There are those who, despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary, continue to promote Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) and the dangers of CO2 as cited by the EAP (which, of course, are merely an artifice created to support carbon trading). I almost feel sorry for them because they are an unfortunate lot as their "religion" is based on falsehoods and fraud. But taking up a cause that turns out to be false is merely a mistake while continuing to support it with earnest emotion and blind devotion once the truth is revealed is just plain stupid.

There are some, of course, President Obama comes to mind, who support the idea of AGW; but it's not out of emotion or devotion. Instead it's because the cause can be used to increase both political power and control over the nation and the bank accounts of those who are favored by the ruling elite. This is the type of person that should be reviled by all.

Follow the link for more.

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