Friday, February 26, 2010

Cheney gives a little love, a lot of money to research | Washington Examiner

Cheney gives a little love, a lot of money to research | Washington Examiner

The Left Stream Media, left-wing alleged comics and the netroots of the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats love to demean and insult Vice President Dick Cheney. It's a sure way to get noticed if the insult is bad enough. But I doubt that any of them give as much to charity because in their eyes, charity begins not with their own pocketbook but with the government. They can't be bothered.

Dick Cheney is a true conservative gentleman and a patriot. He gives willingly and without fanfare. He's a much better man that those who hurl insults for a laugh or print space and they, the left side of the aisle, know it. That's what enrages them so.

Follow the link for more.

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