Thursday, April 1, 2010

American Thinker: The Left's Ludicrous Accusations against Tea Partiers

American Thinker: The Left's Ludicrous Accusations against Tea Partiers

To anyone who really thinks about the question, and the Left Stream Media certainly doesn't, almost all violent acts come from within, and is encourage by, the mainstream left while those few violent acts on the right are clearly from the fringe and not condoned by any conservative or any conservative media. (Not that, outside of talk radio, there is a true conservative media. Fox News does present both sides, however, so it is at least "Fair and Balanced." It is the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats, like Code Pink, who strive to jump into the headlines with acts of violence and protest but then they turn around and point their collective fingers at the right for any act or word that can be perceived as violent. And that's even if they have to make the whole thing up or stage it themselves as did Nancy Pelosi and the Congressmen in their now-famous walk through the Tea Party to cast votes for Obamacare.

These accusations wouldn't stand if there were true journalists doing the reporting but anyone who thinks that there are any true journalists left in the Left Stream Media is believing in a fairy tale. They've all been gone for decades.

Follow the link for more.

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