Thursday, April 1, 2010

When Media Become Obama PR Agents

When Media Become Obama PR Agents

The Left Stream Media has has a lip-lock on President Obama's posterior since the primary season. It has been sad to watch the decline of the 3 major networks and NPR but it is of their own doing. The have distanced themselves so far from the people that save for a few entertainment programs, they aren't considered serious in their broadcasts. Especially their national news broadcasts. Gone are the days of Edward R. Murrow for he has been replaced by the mindless idiocy of Chris Matthews. The Left Stream Media is replete with liberal-progressive-socialist sycophants who salivate at the thought of serving the Obama agenda. They long ago quite being journalists and now function as propagandists repeating everything said by the Administration, praising every action taken as manna from Heaven and questioning nothing.  They spend their days complimenting themselves and their colleagues for their faux erudite opinions and positions and have no knowledge of what is really happening in America because their America consists only of 10 second sound bites.  

With the exception of Fox News, the truth is getting exceedingly hard to find.

Follow the link for more.

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