Saturday, April 17, 2010

'Watch Your Words,' ABC Advances Clinton's Charge Anti-Obama Rhetoric 'Could Lead to Violent Acts' |

'Watch Your Words,' ABC Advances Clinton's Charge Anti-Obama Rhetoric 'Could Lead to Violent Acts' |

The hypocrisy of the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrats and their supporters in journalism–or what passes for journalism in this day and age–knows no bounds.  During the Bush years dissent was trumpeted on every channel and headline in the Left Stream Media as "patriotic."  Now they say that is it dangerous and could lead to violence.

These people who call themselves politicians and journalists are nothing more than self-serving, political tools who will parrot the party line no matter what the facts are.  Their Brownshirt attitude towards dissent should and has embarrassed those who mistakenly supported their assent into power.  That power will, thankfully, end in November and be completely reversed in 2012.  We the People will not stand being lied to and will not be herded like obedient sheep into the pens of economic enslavement.

Follow the link for the story.

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