Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Absolutely Fabulists: Liberal Mythmaking

Absolutely Fabulists: Liberal Mythmaking

An excellent read on the ability of liberals to willingly repeat the same act numerous times while saying each time, "This time result will be different." Conservatives learn from mistakes. Liberal-progressive-socialists do not. They would rather reinterpret history, redefine language and ignore the truly inconvenient facts in order to reach their predetermined, desired conclusion. In other words, liberals create and perpetuate myths to support their theories and beliefs. They live in a fantasy world where the highest achievement is to feel good about oneself without regard to actual accomplishments. The smooth but thin surface of political correctness towards ecology, diversity and multiculturalism is what really counts and what they really admire. Truth is often inconvenient so it is ignored or altered as they deem proper to suit their purpose.

We must remember that the willingness to ignore truth because they firmly believe that their goals transcend truth is the real danger we face from the left.

Follow the link. It's my recommended read of the day.

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