Friday, November 6, 2009

Fellow Worshipers Describe Fort Hood Shooting Suspect as Devout Muslim, Troubled by Wars

Fellow Worshipers Describe Fort Hood Shooting Suspect as Devout Muslim, Troubled by Wars - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

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In a previous post I linked to an article wherein a Maryland-based Imam strongly stated that Islam was not responsible for the killings at Ft. Hood.

In this article, members of the masjid where Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a self-professed Palestinian according to some accounts, described him as a devout Muslim who was troubled at being deployed. One member of the masjid made a most telling statement. Duane Reasoner, 18, stated that he would not condemn Hasan after the shooting spree. He stated that he didn't know Hasan's motives. He stated, "I won't condemn another Muslim."

Therein lies the problem with Islam. Because he is Muslim and he murdered in the name of the faith, he won't be privately and publicly condemned by other Muslims. Reasoner, a young 18-year old, has already had that inculcated into this thought pattern and, all logic aside, he won't condemn another Muslim for the horrific murders that were committed.

On the other hand, Christians across the board had no problem condemning Timothy McVeigh for his act of terrorism. Such is one of the basic differences between Christianity and Islam.

No, Islam is not to blame. The blame goes to the small minded, fascists who blasphemously control Islam to further their own lust for power and teach young, impressionable men and women like Reasoner that they should never condemn another Muslim. It is a 12th century mentality that is not understood by the White House despite President Obama's immersion in Islam while in Indonesia. Until that mentality is condemned by all Muslims and eliminated from the religious leadership, there is little likelihood that there will be peace.

We are waiting patiently for the street demonstrations by Muslims worldwide against the violence begat by suicide murderers and bombers.

We are waiting patiently for the street demonstrations by Muslims in America in protest and condemnation of the horrific murders at Ft. Hood.

We are waiting.

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