Tuesday, March 30, 2010

‘Education Is a Right’: The New Gateway Drug

"Education Is a Right": The New Gateway Drug

Our Founders correctly identified our rights. They are not something that comes from any government. They come from our Creator and as free people they are ours at birth. They are enshrined in the Constitution as the Bill of Rights and are most simply stated in the Declaration of Independence as "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Nowhere is there a right to medical care but there is a right to procure it. And nowhere is there a right to education but you may strive to achieve it.

The problem with the youth of California is that they have been so poorly educated that they don't know the difference between an unalienable right, which is protected by the Constitution, and something that most people would like to have and, if they work for it, can have.

Follow the link for more.

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