This is, as the linked article notes, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and truly a day that will live in infamy. It is the day that the Supreme Court, much to the delight of secularists, decided that women were free to have sex without the requirement of responsibility. The decision meant that if a woman did get pregnant then she could legally kill the baby rather than give birth.
There are many who argue that the preceding statement oversimplifies the issues. They will say that a fetus is not a true life but more of parasite living off the woman therefore it is within the power of the woman to dispose of the parasite. There are those in power now, President Obama being one, who believe that abortion should be legal and available even when the baby is able to live outside the womb but before it is "born." This is, of course, patently false. A parasite's existence is merely to take sustenance from its' host and it will stay in the host until it replicates and dies. A baby takes nourishment and grows until it can leave its' host, called a "mother" for the liberal-progressive-socialists who have bothered to read this far, and continue its' development outside the host.
Liberal-progressive-socialists will say that the fetus is not a baby with the potential for life until that point that it is outside the womb because it cannot live outside the womb or even put together a coherent thought. (In that it is much like most liberal-progressive-socialists.) True, that is the tortured legal definition by which Roe v. Wade was decided; but anyone who has seen and heard the beating of a baby's heart six-weeks after conception knows that is a false definition.
The liberal-progressive-socialists work hard to keep Roe v. Wade alive so that women can be free to enjoy sex without worrying about the consequences but they know that it is a wrongly decided opinion by the Supreme Court. They cling to stare decisis in hopes that the decision will become so much a part of the fabric of America that it won't be threatened in any way. But in the end they know that, like Dred Scott, it is a Supreme Court decision that will not stand the test of time for a more enlightened Court will someday overturn Roe v. Wade and call abortion for what it is: the wrongful taking of a human life.
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