Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Blacks Held to Lower Standards in Perpetuity" by La Shawn Barber

The key point of Ms. Barber's piece is "Every lawsuit and complaint that cites 'disparate impact' confirms that our government believes blacks and other preferred minorities should be held to lower standards in perpetuity."  That sentence begs the question, "Are we to believe that in 2010 blacks and other 'preferred minorities' lack such intellectual abilities so as to make it necessary to 'dumb-down' the standards so that they can be employed?"

The answer is, of course, a resounding "absolutely not!"

In truth, the blame lies squarely and purely with the liberal-progressive-socialist welfare and education programs that have failed the people that liberal-progressive-socialists claim to champion. They are the ones who have engineered a system that perpetuates racial stereotypes and the separation of races in order to increase their own political power.

Follow the link for more.

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