Saturday, September 19, 2009

On Personal Freedom - Cigar Rights of America

I imagine most have noticed that my picture shows me with a cigar in hand. I do enjoy my daily cigar—when I can have it, of course—because that hour is one of either thoughtful relaxation or spirited conversation. Either way, I feel enriched.

While I’ve never been one to light-up indiscriminately because I know cigar smoke is strong and I do respect other's, especially ladies’, wish to avoid it, I must admit that the attack on personal freedom that cigar smokers have had to endure in recent years is exceedingly obnoxious. While in the beginning we cigar smokers considered the clean air request of others to be, most of the time, a minor annoyance the continued expansion of the rights of non-smokers has now infringed on our own right to enjoy a personal freedom of choice.

I recommend that you take a look at the Cigar Rights of America page and especially its blog. This organization has placed itself on the frontlines of the war against the “Smoke Nazis” (I’ve always thought that was an appropriate title for the overreaching anti-smoking crowd as it tends to be one of the most fascist groups around) and works on behalf of cigar smokers specifically. In doing so it advances the cause of personal freedom.

Check them out.

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