Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Wee Dram of Heaven on Earth

I’ve finally found a place to post from, aside from the Powerplant Mall, that is assuredly the most civilized location in town. Located in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Makati, Kipling’s is listed as one of Whisky magazine’s “Great Bars of the World.”

Aside from an assortment of well over 200 single malt whiskies and 40 fine wines, it is a small piece of heaven for cigar smokers as well. With an impressive assortment of premium Cuban, Dominican and Honduran cigars and lovely assistants to perfectly light your cigar for you, it is a favorite retreat for many local businessmen and world travelers.

Kipling’s opened 10 years ago this coming November—I remember the day well—and it is the brainchild of a group of cigar and Scotch whisky aficionados who wanted a more refined location to enjoy themselves. The organization of the place was left to Ma’am Barbara—Mrs. Barbara Cumagan—a Scotswoman of extraordinary knowledge, skill and culture who trained the staff and set the standards of behavior for both the staff and the customers. The staff adheres to the standards as, generally, do the customers.

Imagine, if you will, sitting on a green leather couch in a room with dark hardwood floors, tastefully appointed decorations and quiet music to set the mood for both thinking, writing and business negotiations. Throw in an attentive staff that won’t allow you to light your own cigar and who respectfully remain just out of earshot unless invited closer and you’ve imagined Kipling’s.

It is from Kipling’s that I will do most of my posting during the coming weeks except, of course, for the couple of weeks that we will be in Australia.

More to come.

Ondoy - We survived the tragedy...

What follows is a running account of our experiences during the Tropical Storm/Typhoon (I've heard it referred to as both) named Ondoy in the Philippines. To all those who reached out trying to contact us during the time we were cut-off from normal communications, your concern is greatly appreciated.

Now, here is the story...

It’s Saturday, September 24th about 3:00 AM and it’s been raining since early Friday. The rain is not that unusual as this is Southeast Asia, but this is a driving rain that indicates a heavy storm is coming. I spent the evening at Kipling’s visiting with Barbara C. and it was still raining when I went out to get my car. The roads leading to Cainta didn’t have any standing water, however, and that’s a good sign. I hope the storm passes quickly.

It’s now 4:00 PM and the rain hasn’t let up. I’m supposed to meet with Jim D. at his house later today for cigars and conversation but it looks like I’ll have to pass. I am worried about being away from Lil’ Miss Wonderful when it is stormy like this. Unfortunately, I don’t have a local number for Jim but he has mine and I’m sure he’ll either figure out that the storm has kept me from being at his house or he’ll call.

It’s 5:00 PM and the electricity just went out. Hopefully it will come back on soon but the storm’s intensity has steadily increased. Lil' Miss Wonderful is taking a nap and the room will stay cool so there’s no problem. The phone is still working so we’re not cut-off from the outside world and that’s a good thing. I will sleep early tonight and take my baby girl to the Powerplant Mall in Makati in the afternoon tomorrow so I can go online and post this in either Facebook or my blog.

Sunday, 2:00 PM. I made an attempt to drive out of the village today and could only get half-way to the front gate. The road in front of the house is wet but without standing water; however half a block away the water covers the roadway. As I drove towards the front gate the water kept getting deeper and when it got to the top of the wheel rim I turned around and returned to the house. Any deeper and I was afraid that the car would stall and/or the interior would flood.

It’s about 5:00 PM and as I finished a good cigar just an hour ago—never underestimate the curative power of a good cigar when things aren’t exactly perfect—the power came back on. We have fans, A/C in the bedroom, news on TV and are relatively dry with no flooding in the house. Life is good and blessings are plentiful. It is distressing to see the news as it indicates serious flooding and some deaths. I am thankful we are safe. Cut-off from the world outside the village but safe.

Today, Monday, is the 3rd day of being marooned due to the tropical storm that hit Manila square on. We were able to get a water delivery this morning so we have fresh, potable water to drink. Best of all, the rain has stopped and the water has been very slowly receding since yesterday.

Yesterday the two maids, Elena and Cecille, braved to walk out for provisions. They reported that it was good that I stopped and turned around with the car when I did because the water was waist high before they could get out of the village and the car would surely have been stuck in the flood water.

When the power came back we were able to start getting news reports and found that we were at the edge of some of the worst hit flooding in Metro Manila. That was the good news. The bad news was that to get to this village you have to pass through the area where some of the worst flooding hit. With sufficient potable water, rice and electricity we are comfortable and will wait until the water recedes sufficiently to drive into the business center of Makati.

My wife called from the airport when she arrived from Hong Kong at 2:00 AM this morning—the flight was delayed as she was supposed to be back at 11:00 PM last evening. Luckily she was in Hong Kong when the storm hit and was spared the discomfort. When we talked I urged her to spend the night with a friend in Makati and wait until later this morning to try to come home. If she can make it into the village then we’ll know we can get out of the village. Then I’ll be able to post this in the blog from Kipling’s—that small piece of cigar and whisky heaven in this otherwise weather-beaten world.

One of the bits of news trumpeted in the local media was assistance from the U.S. Marine Corps. A platoon or so of men, some rubber boats and a couple of helicopters were treated like manna from heaven. It did make me proud that despite all our faults for which President Obama sees fit to apologize to the world, America immediately opened its’ heart and did what it could to help with what it had on hand. It also makes me proud to know that the people here feel that if the Marines are here then all will be right in the end.

I’ve been through severe tropical storms and typhoons here in Asia before. It’s never a picnic and in the aftermath the rhetoric is always the same: Television channels run almost competing fund drives for those who have suffered the losses; the central government scores local government entities for failing to keep the drainage system clean of trash; and, the poorest of the people endure. It has never changed despite promises of successive politicians to correct the problem. My bet is that it won’t change in my lifetime.

One thing we’ve heard is that the central government decided to release water from the dam that is the water supply for Metro Manila out of fear that the amount of incoming water would cause it to burst if they didn’t. Unfortunately, they failed to notify the public that they were going to do so and no one was prepared for the sudden unexpected rise in the water level. A local TV channel reported 78 dead. I wonder, who made the decision to release the water and failed to think about announcing it? There will be an investigation, of course, and the usual suspects will be pilloried in the press but, unfortunately, that won’t change anything.

It’s now 2:30 PM and my wife has called to advise that her attempt to get here in a 4-wheel drive vehicle failed. The driver tried all three possible routes into this village but there was no possible way to get through. Besides the height of the water, stalled vehicles litter and block the roads where the flooding was worst. My sister-in-law received a call a short while ago from a friend who advised that his family is trying to rent a truck to take relatives out of the village so that they can catch a planned flight to Dubai. If that truck can get into the village we will share the cost—sure to be dear considering the circumstances—and make for higher ground in Makati. But I told my wife that we were safe here and that I would not move our daughter unless there was no danger. She agreed.

She also told me that she had talked to a close friend of mine—now a senior police official but a Captain when we met in 1991—who advised her that as long as we were safe and relatively dry we should stay put. The rescue efforts of those in much greater need were taking all the available resources of the Philippine National Police. He promised to keep touch with here in case things got worse. And I know he will as Rachel Camille is his goddaughter and that is something taken very seriously here in the Philippines. Besides, he is a good and true friend and brother.

My wife is concerned and stressing because another storm is predicted to follow soon although it is not expected to be serious; and, also because she found out that two people she knew died in the flooding on Saturday. She was quite upset as she knew them well from her time at Photokina Marketing Corporation. Tony Chua, the Team Manager of the professional basketball team that the company owns and his assistant were both well known to both of us. They were together in a car when it got caught in the flooding and the engine died. They exited the vehicle and were holding onto a tree for support against the rushing waters when something blown by the wind hit Tony in the head and causing him to let go of the tree and fall into the water. His assistant tried to catch him and was lost, too. The driver of the car wisely kept his hold on the tree and survived.

Watching the local professional basketball was always a favorite pastime for me and I will miss Tony as will the players and coaches who worked with him. He was always a friendly man with a ready smile. As I told my wife, we may be uncomfortable but we are whole. The families of those who have been lost in the flooding should come first.

My wife called about 9:00 PM and told me that we needed to pack as a friend had arranged for us to be evacuated. The concern is that if we don’t get out now one of the storms predicted for later in the week will make the flooding even worse.
After a flurry of packing and re-packing to prioritize what we will carry we have settled down to await the evacuation/rescue team.

It's Tuesday the 29th and at about 1:30 AM this morning a team of 5 Philippine National Police officers arrived to evacuate us. After speaking with them to determine what they had for transportation we loaded approximately half of our bags into the car and headed for the front gate where the 14’ LoadStar rigid inflatable boat was waiting. The water had receded somewhat from previous attempt on Sunday but not as much as we would have liked but the need to get to the boat was greater than any worry about the car.

Lil’ Miss Wonderful was exactly that. Awakened from a deep sleep and hurriedly dressed, she smiled broadly when I asked her if she’d like to go for a boat ride and then kept up an excited, steady chatter all the way to the boat. We had to wade through about 6 inches of sewage-laden water from the car to the boat—the front gate of the village is on higher ground than other parts of the village—so I put her on my shoulders to keep her high and dry. When we got to the boat I passed her to Cecille and helped get the luggage that we had into the boat. Once the boat was loaded our rescuers pushed it into deeper water and turned it around. One took hold of the rope in front and started walking through the waist deep water to where they had left their truck. It took us the better part of an hour to get to the truck, off-load the boat and get moving. The water was still deep but within a mile we were on merely wet road and by 3:00 AM were sitting in our friend’s condo high above Makati.

He immediately poured me a shot of 50-year old Mordach scotch whisky to welcome me to his home and we discussed the events leading to the rescue including the over 100 people who died in the flooding. It was a sobering discussion. We cannot compare our own relatively small discomforts to the losses of so many others.

The sun is now high in the sky and my son from Idaho called to check on our safety after having gotten my wife’s number from my other son in Virginia (who, I should add had already been in contact with my wife). A light breakfast and a pot of coffee under my belt with the sound of my daughter’s chatter in my ears and I can say again, “Life is good!”

The bad news is that in the haste to evacuate I left my other pair of shoes in one of the bags that is still in the house. That means my only pair of shoes here are wet from wading in the floodwaters yesterday; but if that’s my only problem on this day then I am truly blessed.

There are websites already set-up for donations that will go to the people most hurt by this calamity. If you can find it in your heart, please look for one on the internet and contribute what you can.

Thanks go out to all those who sent messages via Facebook and email asking how we were. Thanks to your prayers and concerns we are fine. God bless you all.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

'Diversity czar' takes heat over remarks - Washington Times

'Diversity czar' takes heat over remarks - Washington Times

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There are way too many Czars and this is one example of how allowing this president, or any president, to appoint unvetted ideologues to sensitive positions is just plain wrong. There should be no one appointed by a president, except for his personal White House staff, that doesn't go through the vetting process established by the Constitution.

Furthermore, we need to get rid of the idea of a Czar in the American form of government. It's a foreign title that should appeal to no American who has the country's best interests at heart.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I'll Be Traveling

Thoughts from the Bish will be quiet for the next couple of days while I travel from Virginia to the other side of the world. Posting will continue as soon as I find a stable internet connection near where I'll be staying in the Far East.

Until then, keep up the good fight against those who would harm our nation from without and within, take a moment each day to remember those young men and women in uniform who stand ready to protect our way of life at the risk of their own and be safe.

May God bless you all.

Boehner: 'Tea Party' Protests a Legitimate 'Political Rebellion' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Boehner: 'Tea Party' Protests a Legitimate 'Political Rebellion' - Political News - FOXNews.com

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It appears that Congressman Boehner “gets it.” Now if the rest of Congress and the Administration would just “get it” we might be able to put things on the right track.

Unfortunately, the ideologues on the left are not going to ever understand that their ideas are just plain wrong. They only hear what they want to hear and until we are able to send them packing and replace them with people who will listen to the citizenry, we will have many political battles to fight.

We must maintain a high level of intensity as we advocate our conservative principles. If we don’t, the leftist liberal progressives will just ignore us as they continue their push to remake America into a socialist paradise.

Keep up the battle, my friends. We can and must win it.

Obama Says Financial Regulations Must Be Strengthened Globally

President Obama is now moving towards placing the United States under the control of an as yet unknown—and probably not yet created—international regulatory body.

Why is it that liberals do not feel that they can trust our own citizens to regulate our own businesses and banks? What is the appeal of “international organizations” to the liberal progressive? Sean Connery’s accent?

I find it unsettling that with the problems facing the United States and the ongoing heated debate over health care/insurance that the President is looking toward using external bodies to control the economy. Our problem is not from having too little government control, but too much. The free market, not additional regulation, is the answer.

But if you’re thinking that President Obama might change his mind then you’re not thinking clearly. The longer he’s in office the clearer it is that he is far to the left of where the nation thought he’d be once he got there. Despite the polls showing that the American people definitely do not want government control of health care and despite his falling personal poll numbers, he continues to press ahead. That is the attitude of an ideologue who views the electorate with disdain rather than a statesman who is responds to the wishes of the electorate.

Is the U.N. Biased Against Israel? - Special Report w/ Bret Baier - FOXNews.com

Is the U.N. Biased Against Israel? - Special Report w/ Bret Baier - FOXNews.com

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Is the U.N. biased against Israel? Is the Pope Catholic? Does a bear….

The U.N. has long been co-opted from its original intent to one of being dedicated to protecting petty despots, extremists and criminals around the world. If you are around the U.N. for any length of time you are struck by the realization that the central core of its personality is an innate hate for the United States first followed by Israel second.

It’s time, long past actually, that we put the U.N. in its place for its malicious anti-American leanings. They need the United States much more than we need them.

On Personal Freedom - Cigar Rights of America

I imagine most have noticed that my picture shows me with a cigar in hand. I do enjoy my daily cigar—when I can have it, of course—because that hour is one of either thoughtful relaxation or spirited conversation. Either way, I feel enriched.

While I’ve never been one to light-up indiscriminately because I know cigar smoke is strong and I do respect other's, especially ladies’, wish to avoid it, I must admit that the attack on personal freedom that cigar smokers have had to endure in recent years is exceedingly obnoxious. While in the beginning we cigar smokers considered the clean air request of others to be, most of the time, a minor annoyance the continued expansion of the rights of non-smokers has now infringed on our own right to enjoy a personal freedom of choice.

I recommend that you take a look at the Cigar Rights of America page and especially its blog. This organization has placed itself on the frontlines of the war against the “Smoke Nazis” (I’ve always thought that was an appropriate title for the overreaching anti-smoking crowd as it tends to be one of the most fascist groups around) and works on behalf of cigar smokers specifically. In doing so it advances the cause of personal freedom.

Check them out.

Feingold Moves to Strike Material Support Law

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I suppose Mark Twain’s famous quip—a favorite of mine—would be the best way to start this blog entry. As Mr. Clemens said, “Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But then, I repeat myself.”

I have never considered Senator Russ Feingold to be a pillar of intelligence but didn’t think him this dangerously stupid. His amendment, if adopted, would essentially castrate an important provision of the Patriot Act and allow terrorist organizations to legally collect money in the United States to support their non-terrorist activities. The utter imbecility of this causes my left eye to start twitching.

Unfortunately there are many like Mr. Feingold serving in Congress; individuals whose only goal is to increase the size of their campaign chest and gain more power. I cannot understand, however, how even an apparently venal individual like this could make such a troglodytic move. In authoring and offering the proposed amendment Mr. Feingold has demonstrated a total lack of understanding of how terrorist organizations operate and how evil in the world works and I would assume that his picture has been moved to the top of the “Useful Idiot” board in various terrorist headquarters around the world. If passed, Mr. Feingold’s amendment will allow terrorist organizations to collect money under various guises to be used for “humanitarian” purposes; but the actuality of the situation is that this will enable them to fund attacks on American soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen as well as innocent civilians around the world. The blood of many will be on the hands of Mr. Feingold and those who vote in favor of this amendment.

Hats off to the Investigative Project on Terrorism for their fine work in bringing Mr. Feingold’s stupidity to light. Hopefully, the citizens of his state will take their heads from the sand and sending him packing in his next election cycle.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Former U.S. anti-drug official's arrest 'a complete shock' -- latimes.com

Former U.S. anti-drug official's arrest 'a complete shock' -- latimes.com

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This story is making the rounds of retired Federal Agents this morning and all are shaking their heads. We've seen it before and no doubt will see it again.

While corruption in law enforcement exists the world over there is a great variance on how it is handled from nation to nation. In America it is reported for what it is and the miscreant is prosecuted to forever more wear a mantle of shame. In some parts of the world he or she is transferred to another post for "rehabilitation" with the only real punishment being the loss of a lucrative position.

Corruption can happen at any level and in any country. It occurs because officials, be they law enforcement or political, are human and want more than they have. The key to serving the people is to ensure that when it is found, it is exposed and prosecuted. Anything less just helps it stay alive.

Obama: Legalize illegals to get them health care - Washington Times

Obama: Legalize illegals to get them health care - Washington Times

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Now comes the push for amnesty which will bring an additional flood of illegals hoping to be in place to catch the Gold Ring of legalization without having to go through the proper procedures.

It is true that we are a nation of immigrants but the current pandering towards illegal immigrants is for political advantage rather than in the best interests of the nation. The logical first step is to secure the borders--a major task that the Democrats have no political will to accomplish--then we can discuss who gets to stay. But until the borders are secure and immigration laws enforced amnesty is just an invitation to more illegal immigration.

And for the record, being against illegal immigration is not the same as being against immigration. So many of our political elite, the media and our "entertainers" stupidly put the two separate issues on the same plate. Legal immigrants are welcome. It's the one's who sneak across the border that we've got to stop.

Mass. House approves Sen. Kennedy succession bill

Mass. House approves Sen. Kennedy succession bill

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Democrats brazenly change the rules that they previously changed in order to keep one of their own in office. Seems to me that they are well versed in authoritarian rule.

What is amazing is the manner in which they so readily adopt a "This-is-for-the-people" stance when it clearly is for the party. What is more amazing is that the people of Massachusetts believe them.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Constitution Day

I can't end the day without remembering that today is the 222nd anniversary of of the Constitution.

God grant us the wisdom and strength to defend that which you have bestowed upon us.

Barack Obama surrenders to Russia on Missile Defence

Barack Obama surrenders to Russia on Missile Defence

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This is why there is a feeling that Democrats are soft on defense. Leaving allies feeling abandoned is no way to ensure confidence in your defense policies.

Profiles in Courage

Profiles in Courage

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Today the parents of Staff Sergeant Jared C. Monti will receive the Medal of Honor for the heroic actions of their son in Afghanistan on June 21, 2006.

I can add nothing to that except my highest respect. May he rest in peace.

Inside the Beltway - Washington Times

Inside the Beltway - Washington Times

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They miss the most compelling reason for not passing the proposed legislation: The Main Stream Media has proven itself to be totally biased and incapable of adhering to the truth in its reporting. It cannot be trusted to not use such a shield law as a way to manufacture news without accountability.

Don't believe that statement? Then please remember Dan Rather's pedantic attack on President Bush's National Guard service and how it was fabricated in an effort to provide support for the Democrat's nominee.

They almost got away with it and with a shield law in place, would have. Do you want to have a media that lies to suit its own political endgame?

Contact your Senators and Representative and urge that this bill be scrapped today.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Surprise gathering at airport greets Marine

Surprise gathering at airport greets Marine

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A young Marine is welcomed home.

This is as it should be.

Carter: Wilson's Outburst 'Based on Racism' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Carter: Wilson's Outburst 'Based on Racism' - Political News - FOXNews.com

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For any of us who grew up in the era of civil rights activism, the brand of racism is as serious and painful as the scarlet "A" in the time of the Puritans. Those of us who cared deeply about the cause of civil rights were careful not to use it indiscriminately because we knew that constant exposure to any word lessens its impact. And that was one word that we always wanted to have impact because it described a abhorrent preference based on ethnicity rather than character.

Now we are seeing the word trotted-out at every opportunity not as a description of an act of racial bias but as a description fitting anyone who opposes the political direction taken by the President. The Democrats are wittingly demeaning the true meaning of the word in order to gain political advantage as opposed to social justice. It makes you wonder, what actually does lie in the depth of their hearts? Could they be pandering to minorities in order to use them for political advantage? For support during elections? As cannon fodder for the advancement of their own political schemes and power?

The answer is clearly, yes.

In a country that offers freedom and opportunity for all to pursue their dreams through hard work, they have consistently intoned to minorities, "You need us to run the government otherwise the majority--the whites--won't let you advance." They sweeten their words with welfare to rob the individuals of self-pride and increase their dependency in exactly the same manner as drug dealers do with their poison. But instead of a poison for the body, the liberal progressives use a poison for the minds, spirit and soul. By constantly telling people that they are oppressed then doing little to help them truly advance, they perpetuate the poverty of the minorities and increase their perceived dependency on the "Big Government" espoused by the Democrats.

Instead of providing equal education opportunities for all children, Democrats kill the school voucher program to keep minorities in inner-city schools where they won't be able to learn in order to pander to the teacher's unions.

Instead of taking steps to solve the problem of illegal immigration and reform the immigration system, they allow illegal immigrants to enter the country almost at will as this provides another oppressed minority that they can use to enhance their political power.

Instead of helping minorities become successful, they keep them economically enslaved through poor education and racial indoctrination by telling them that they are oppressed by Big Corporations, Big Business, Big Oil and The Rich. The true oppressor is, of course, Big Government.

President Jimmy Carter, a not-so-distinguished former president adjudged the worst of the 20th Century, now manages to look into another man's heart and label his vocal opposition to ObamaCare embodied in two words shouted in the House Chamber as racism. That this label is ridiculous goes without saying. Former-President Carter has long been known for making outrageous statements and cannot be taken seriously by any observer. But his statement in this case is less the ramblings of an old man than a continuation of a pattern being used by the liberals to defend their president and advance their agenda by shutting-off or ignoring the opposition. They ignore when convenient as in the lack of serious news coverage of 1.5 to 2 million people descending on Washington on September 12 to protest the direction of the government; and, when inconvenient, they trot out the "racist" label. Their goal is not to stop racism, but to stop debate. They can't defend their position in the cold light of objective discourse so they result to labels, slogans and made-up "facts."

In 1775 Samuel Johnson intoned, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." Clearly he wasn't damning patriotism, but false patriotism used to cloak wrong doings.

In 2009 I am certain that Johnson would be saying, "An allegation of racism is the last refuge of scoundrels."

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

EDITORIAL: Justice for Black Panthers - Washington Times

EDITORIAL: Justice for Black Panthers - Washington Times

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They opened the investigation and we cheered.

Then they assigned a political supporter to investigate the actions of the Administration.

Transparency. Yeah. Right.

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Quote of Note: In 2007-08, 16.5% of Deaths in Britain Came After Terminal Sedation

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Quote of Note: In 2007-08, 16.5% of Deaths in Britain Came After Terminal Sedation

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For more on the British National Health Service follow the above link. The drive to establish just such a government-run body here in the United States is still on. We've blunted it but we need to kill it completely and force Congress to take-up health care improvement in a more logical approach rather than forcing us into a socialist system that clearly doesn't work.

Imagine what will happen if they succeed? Why, the Canadians and Brits will have no where to turn to for medical care when their system can't provide it in a reasonably timely manner!

The National Center has put together a very good pdf covering horror stories from typical socialized medicine countries around the world. It is worth a read.

Senate Votes to Cut Off ACORN Housing Funding - Political News - FOXNews.com

Senate Votes to Cut Off ACORN Housing Funding - Political News - FOXNews.com

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Amazing that Congress finally saw what the rest of the country has known all along. Now if they would just hold accountable those who put ACORN in a position to draw public funds in the first place! We all know that is unlikely as the Congress must weigh other heavier matters such as Joe Wilson.

Doesn't it strike you as odd that they would "discipline" Representative Wilson for telling the truth but have yet to do anything to Representative Rangel (or Chris Dodd or Barney Frank) for lying? If there is one thing you can count on with the Democrats, it's that they will protect their own with impunity. They see themselves as the ruling class and all the rest of us as their serfs.

Time for change, all right. We should send all incumbents packing in the next 3 elections.

Obama Calls Kanye West a 'Jackass' - Political News - FOXNews.com

Obama Calls Kanye West a 'Jackass' - Political News - FOXNews.com

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On this, Mr. President, we have found common ground and agreement. I wish it were the same, and that you'd show the same common sense, on the issues that vex our nation.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Pledge of Confusion? Schools Wrestle With Flag Policy in Classroom - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Pledge of Confusion? Schools Wrestle With Flag Policy in Classroom - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

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There is one thing that is very beautiful about the 1st Amendment; it makes it so much easier to spot the idiots.

"US tyre duties spark China clash" Financial Times

How brilliant is this: The President puts us in deeper debt than the combined debt of all previous presidents. Then he starts a trade war with the primary lender that is covering that debt.

Clearly the only Chinese he ever studied in Chicago or at Harvard was the menu at the local take-out. They are already concerned that Washington is printing too much money and they've been assured that we are committed to free markets. They are historically sensitive to perceived insults from the West and the radical elements, both communist and nationalist, will leverage this action to hilt. And now he sticks a finger in their eye.

The Chinese are certain to retaliate and this is a war that can't be won. The Chinese don't necessarily have all the marbles but they do own most of them.

Trade wars cost jobs. Job loss is the opposite of what you want if you are trying to get out of an economic downturn.

He gives a great speech and sends tingles up the legs of the Main Stream Media but this is just plain dumb. Won't somebody up there please point this out to him?

Or are the Progressives in the White House just stuck on stupid?

Read more in the Financial Times.

A tip of the hat to my friend Jim for his take on this subject.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Obama Criticizes Republicans for Blocking Health Care Bill - Political News - FOXNews.com

Obama Criticizes Republicans for Blocking Health Care Bill - Political News - FOXNews.com

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So the President thinks the GOP is killing the reform. Sad that he's so out of touch that he can't see that it's the American people who want this abomination stopped.

The truth is that the Democrats don't need the GOP to pass the legislation. They have a majority in both houses that is sufficient to stop a filibuster and pass the measure tomorrow. The reason that they don't do that is because they know that the American people won't be happy about it and that they will pay dearly come 2010 and 2012. They want Republicans to vote for it so that they can say it was bipartisan and spread the heat around just like the President likes to spread the wealth around.

If the President is so sure that his plan is best then let him and his party go for it. If they are right, they'll be heroes. If they are wrong--and I am sure they are absolutely wrong--they can and should pay the price.

And if the Republicans join them then we can vote them out, too. The way I see it, it's an equal opportunity thing. Take our freedom and we take your jobs.

So go ahead, Mr. President. Get your party together and do it on your own. You don't need the GOP to pass the legislation so quit trying to blame them.

And that's the truth.

Human Remains Found in Search for Missing Yale Student - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Human Remains Found in Search for Missing Yale Student - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

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A prayer and a moment of quiet reflection for the victim. She was loved as a daughter and future wife. May God comfort those left behind and may she rest in peace.

WH aide: 'Tea party' protesters 'wrong' - Washington Times

WH aide: 'Tea party' protesters 'wrong' - Washington Times

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This is a perfect example of why this Administration is in trouble. Clearly, considering what happened on Saturday, the opposition to ObamaCare and Cap & Tax is from the grass roots and is wide spread. Yet here is David Axelrod saying that the TEA Party movement is a "fringe" element.

I have a very good idea what they are smoking in San Francisco when Pelosi makes her weekly visits but it makes you wonder what they are smoking in the Oval Office these days? Whatever it is, they are completely divorced from reality.



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This is one really did make me smile. It captured the feelings of so many Americans when they look at what Congress and the President have done and are trying to do.

Is Newsweek Trying to Kill Rifqa Bary?

Is Newsweek Trying to Kill Rifqa Bary?

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Just 8 years ago we were attacked by Islamic Terrorists and that dastardly attack precipitated, at long last, an appropriate response from our government. As a result we have not been attacked in our country the last 8 years. At least, not overtly in a military manner.

That is good.

We are a nation of religious liberty and that is as it should be. One can come here and worship in any manner he or she wishes, so long as he doesn't infringe on the religious rights of others. That is the very basis of our religious liberty but it wasn't always so. There was a time when you would be put in the stocks in Williamsburg for being Roman Catholic instead of belonging to the Church of England. We were, of course, still subject to the crown and that was before our independence. By the time we severed our ties with the British our greatest thinkers had deeply held beliefs that religion was a province of the individual and individual states and not to be dictated by the Federal government. This belief was so central to the core thinking of our founding fathers that they incorporated it into Amendment I, the 1st Amendment we call it today, of the Bill of Rights.

That is very good.

As a matter of fact, religions compete for the finite number of souls available in this mortal plane. Each varies its method of worship and dogma in order to distinguish itself from other religions--a necessity as all claim to know the only true path to the same God--and each ostensibly, at least in modern, ecumenical times, gets along peaceably with other religions. But we must never forget that there are extremists in all religions. Those that twist religious dogma in this way live among us and have their apologists active in the media.

That is bad.

Newsweek has become one such apologist. Rifqa Bary, the young, 17-year old girl who converted from Islam to Christianity deserves, considering the factual history of Islamist treatment of apostates, to be taken seriously. Instead, Newsweek and the author down-play the danger. Instead of looking objectively at the modern history of the Islamic--no other religion kills those who try to leave unless you count the Mafia as a religion--murders of apostates, Newsweek plays down the potential of violence and accepts the father's assurances that nothing will happen.

This is very bad.

Reading the article made me wonder if Newsweek, once a fairly balanced weekly news magazine, has completely lost its moral compass. I find it hard to believe that they would blandly accept the statements of the father or the Noor Mosque. I find it hard to believe that Newsweek could be so blatantly naïve. Or is Newsweek's action due to their desire to be über politically correct in accepting the stories given by those who want Rifqa Bary back with her parents?

Partly because of the publicity she has thus far remained safe in Florida. She has also become a very high value target for Islamic Terrorists who want to reinforce the "you can come in but you can never leave" promise of Islam. But the threat against her makes me wonder why any religion would have to kill those who wanted to leave. The promise of judgment and punishment is the province of God alone. It should not, indeed cannot, be left to the hands of religious fanatics of any stripe.

I hope and pray that the State of Florida will not be as naïve as Newsweek. So far the Florida Court has held in Rifqa's favor. May that continue.

9/12 was a transformative event

9/12 was a transformative event

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America is speaking but are the politicians listening?

I sincerely hope so.

Pregnant woman holds intruder at gun point | Local15tv.com, Mobile

Pregnant woman holds intruder at gun point | Local15tv.com, Mobile & Pensacola News, Entertainment, Videos, Business Search and Shopping

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Another crime stopped and solved by an armed, honest citizen. Isn't it time that the leftist, liberal progressives accepted that self-defense is a basic human right?

They won't, I am sure, which is why I strongly support the 2nd Amendment. In over 30 years of law enforcement I never had cause to fear an honest man with a gun.

Gun control only affects honest citizens. Criminals don't care about a gun control law any more than they care about their victims civil rights.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Why I am no longer an African American

Why I am no longer an African American

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An excellent piece from an un-hyphenated American!

Census Bureau ditches ACORN - Washington Times

Census Bureau ditches ACORN - Washington Times

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It's about time but it shouldn't have taken the videos from Baltimore and Washington, DC, to get ACORN dumped. Unfortunately, with President Obama's long standing ties to the organization, I don't believe we've heard the last of this group of thugs.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My Thoughts on This Day

It struck me that the Gettysburg Address, a good read any day, is especially appropriate today. As you know, it was given by President Abraham Lincoln in Pennsylvania on November 19, 1863, almost exactly 146 years ago. With only a very few changes it would be just as appropriate at another Pennsylvania battlefield on this wet September day in 2009. It was at Stoneycreek Township where the passengers of United Flight #93 fought bravely back and forced the hijackers to crash the airplane rather than continue on to their target in Washington, DC. The Battle of Stoneycreek should be no less remembered than Gettysburg for at Stoneycreek Todd Beamer and the other passengers gave their full measure of devotion behind the battle cry, "Let's roll!" They were unarmed, untrained and unprepared but they knew that they needed to fight back. They knew that the hijackers were on a suicide mission and they were determined that they would not allow their plane to be used as a weapon against the United States. They courageously fought back and successfully aborted the hijacker's mission of crashing into the Capitol Building but at the cost of their own lives.

Other heroes in New York and Washington, DC, rushed in to help. They went up the stairwells, stayed with the injured and comforted others knowing that they might die. And die they did as the buildings collapsed on and around them. They were afraid, I am sure, but they did not hesitate to do their duty. They were firemen, police officers and civilians. They could have stood back and stayed safe but they died as heroes.

We've had others like them. They fought at Concord, Tripoli, New Orleans and Gettysburg. They fought at the Alamo, the Little Big Horn and Belleau Wood. They fought at the Marne, in the skies over Tokyo and at Normandy. They fought at the Battle of the Bulge, Iwo Jima, Chosin and Khe Sahn. They fight today in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are, as a nation, blessed with men and women who will face the challenge of battle afraid more of letting their fellow combatants and citizens down than they are of death. True courage is exemplified by this: That they did their duty.

I shall never accept that this day is a "national day of service" as a politician intoned self righteously this morning. He cannot to suit his personal ideology change this day from a day in which we remember the victims and the heroes.

And so remember I will.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met here on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of it as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But in a larger sense we can not dedicate - we can not consecrate - we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled, here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but can never forget what they did here.

It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they have, thus far, so nobly carried on. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us - that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

My God bless the victims and heroes who died this day in 2001.

I Remember

It is 9/11...a time to remember.

For 12 months beginning in 2002, sometimes every day of the week, I flew within viewing distance of Ground Zero and every time I saw it I remembered sitting at home in Manila and watching CNN live as the second plane hit. Every time it I saw Ground Zero my chest constricted and I fought back tears. For an entire year. 

I was privileged during that year to get the opportunity to visit the family viewing room. Escorted by a cousin of one of the Filipinos who died that day--he was murdered when the first plane hit--my wife and I spent an emotional hour looking at the mementos left by the families of those who were murdered along with him or died in the rescue aftermath. I remember gazing down into the hole at Ground Zero that is now hallowed ground. And I knew I would never forget.

Because I remember, it is painful to watch television today. It has been 8 years but the physical reaction that I get every time I see pictures or video of that day is as strong as the day I sat at home in Manila and watched the second plane hit live on TV. I now know what Pearl Harbor meant to my parents for the attack on 9/11 was every bit as infamous, if not more so, than that day in 1941. The attack on 9/11 was a dastardly attack on our country and, indeed, on the entire free world for the victims that day were of many nationalities, races and religions.

May those who were murdered that day and those who died trying to rescue them rest in peace.

As for the murderous thugs who perpetrated that evil out of an insane belief that they were doing God’s Will, I am certain that there is a special place in Hell where they will be for all eternity. What they did was an abomination.

I remember. I shall never forget.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

'Public Option' Unlimited But Paid For, Leaving Number-Crunchers Perplexed - Political News - FOXNews.com

'Public Option' Unlimited But Paid For, Leaving Number-Crunchers Perplexed - Political News - FOXNews.com

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Well, to be honest, he never said that he was good at math.

On Catching Wild Pigs

A good friend of mine, Mike, forwarded this to me with a suggestion that I pass it on. I'd seen it before and liked it but that was before I started this blog. It is so very appropriate for this time in our country's history. If you look, you can see that there are at least two sides of the fence already there and if we are not careful, one day we will hear the gate slam.

There was a chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in his class. One day while the class was in the lab, the professor noticed one young man, an exchange student, who kept rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt.

The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist regime.

In the midst of his story , he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. He asked, "Do you know how to catch wild pigs?"

The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said that it was no joke.

"You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every day, you place a fence down one side where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence. They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side. The pigs, which are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat that free corn again. You then slam the gate shut on them. The wild pigs have lost their freedom and run around and around inside the fence, but can't escape. Soon they just go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it by now that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, and they simply accept their captivity.

The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening in America. The government keeps pushing us toward Communism/Socialism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tax cuts, tax exemptions, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare, medicine, drugs, etc., while we continually lose our freedoms, just a little at a time.

One should always remember two truths:

1) There is no such thing as a free lunch.

2) And you can never hire someone to provide a service for you
cheaper than you can do it yourself.

If you agree that all of this wonderful government "help" is a problem confronting the future of democracy in America, you might want to send this on to others to ponder.

Those who think the free ride is essential to their way of life, will likely just delete this email.

But God help us all when the gate slams shut.

Author Unknown

An interesting if apocryphal story but one that bears repeating. Thomas Jefferson worried about the same thing when he said, "Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (adminstrators) too plainly proves a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery."

Beware those who would tempt us with more government in our lives. When you cede your freedom to the government, it is almost impossible to retrieve it.

Food for thought.

Chaos for Glory: My Time With ACORN

Chaos for Glory: My Time With ACORN

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Here is the video of the meetings with ACORN. Eye-opening!

Complete ACORN Baltimore Child Prostitution Investigation Transcript

Complete ACORN Baltimore Child Prostitution Investigation Transcript

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Here is the transcript of what was said.

ACORN Officials Videotaped Telling 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' How to Lie to IRS - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOX

ACORN Officials Videotaped Telling 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' How to Lie to IRS - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

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Thanks to the Administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress, ACORN is the beneficiary of millions of tax dollars.

This is an egregious example of how we are being fleeced by our representatives in Washington. The Senators and Congressmen love their titles and ACORN is willing to do the street organizing necessary to help Democrats stay in office.

Watch the tape—which ACORN is saying has been manipulated—and then ask your representative why he voted to give ACORN federal tax dollars. (Unless, of course, he/she is one of the minority who voted against the TARP and Bailout.)

Isn’t it time we demanded transparency and accountability from the people in Washington?

Journalist 'shield' law gains steam in Senate - Washington Times

Journalist 'shield' law gains steam in Senate - Washington Times

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At the end of the linked article a reporter who spent 85 days in jail rather than reveal her sources as ordered by a judge is quoted as saying, "'If journalists cannot be trusted to guarantee confidentiality, then journalists cannot function. There cannot be a free press,' Mrs. Miller said before she was led away."

Unfortunately, Mrs. Miller's statement begs the question, "Can we trust the press?" Given the appalling performance of the Main Stream Media over the past couple of years, the answer is obvious: The press cannot be trusted.

The idea that it is good to provide protection for free speech beyond that overriding protection provided by the 1st Amendment is an attractive one. Attractive at least, until the logic of such a protection is followed to the probable unintended consequences.

Put yourself into the position of a supervisor in either industry or the government and you wake-up one morning to find your name plastered across the headlines of a national paper unfairly accusing you and your organization of some nebulous foul deed (usually dealing with either the environment or national security, of course). The source of the information is a "whistleblower."

You naturally want to track down the source of the inaccurate report but are stymied. The reporter doesn't have to reveal your accuser to you and unless you can face your accuser you can do no more than deny the allegation. But the damage is done to both your and your organization's reputation with the public. Your denial might carry some weight if you could face your accuser and show that the accuser has a motive for the lie but you cannot. The reporter won't reveal the name of the self-certified whistleblower. Your only option is to go to court and hope that the reporter will be forced to identify the whistleblower so you and your organization can mount a defense to the accusations. It's an expensive, and not always fruitful, process.

The idea of whistleblower protection is based on the premise that people who expose government or corporate malfeasance should be protected from retribution. No one disputes that premise or that whistleblowers should be protected. But if you can't determine who the whistleblower is you are denied the absolute necessity of being able to face your accuser and properly defend yourself. As much as we wish to attribute nothing but best intentions to the motives of whistleblowers, often the exact opposite is true. Whistleblowers are as often as not, acting out of pure self-interest rather than the interest of the public in general.

When you provide a reporter, one who is looking for the "big story" and wants to impress his editors, with the protections of the proposed legislation you essentially place the sword of truth in the hands of an individual who need have no conscience. When you combine the protected reporter with the self-certified expert of a whistleblower and you have the journalistic equivalent of nitro-glycerin.

In the last campaign and election, the press was unabashedly in the tank for Barack Obama. He and his running mate, Joe Biden, could do no wrong. Gaffs and outright fabrications, common in all politicians, were ignored which is doubly amazing considering some of the outrageous statements made by Biden. The bottom line is that the press while assuming the mantle of objectivity became a partisan player in the political process. The Republican candidates were scrutinized with a magnifying glass and teams of reporters scoured trashcans and garbage dumps from Arizona to Alaska trying to find something wrong with John McCain and Sarah Palin. Rumors and innuendo reference both of them were headlined while the Democratic candidates were given a total pass. Were it not for talk radio and Fox news, they would still be being given a total pass. The attitude of the Main Stream Media was, as Chris Matthews infamously and breathlessly indicated, tingly up and down their legs when it came to Obama.

The problem with the press is that they have no one to which they are truly accountable. We can say, of course, that the public and advertisers hold them accountable, and that is true to a certain extent, but within the kingdom of the newspaper, despite the establishment in some papers of an ombudsman, there is no one to ensure that the reporting is true and accurate. News management's only concern is that they are protected from liable and that the story meets the editorial direction of the paper's owners and editors. Other than that, the only goal is to ensure that the paper sells.

We idealize the press as neutral but they are clearly anything but. And they never have been. While we often gaze at history with rather rose-tinted glasses, there are numerous incidents where the press has abused its public trust and done everything from start wars to ruin people just because they had the power to do so. It is clear that the Framers of the Constitution felt that free speech and a free press were necessary for any democracy. But it is also clear that they knew that the press was inherently biased and did not believe that the press should be given any type of special protections. Indeed, it is clear that they believed that reporters should have no more protection for what they write than the common citizen. The 1st Amendment is sufficient for that and legislative interference to provide additional protections is unwise and unnecessary.

Let your representatives know that you oppose this legislation today.

Congressman Yells 'You Lie' at Obama During Speech - Political News - FOXNews.com

Congressman Yells 'You Lie' at Obama During Speech - Political News - FOXNews.com

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I am appalled by the Congressman's lack of civility. Any who have read my blog know that I disagree with the President's policies and believe his vision for the United States is incompatible with the basic precepts of the Constitution and the ideals of our founding fathers, but he is still the President and should be accorded the respect due the President when appearing before a co-equal branch of government. The Congressman's energies would be better spent working hard to re-establish the Legislative branch as co-equal to the Executive Branch. He should probably apologize publicly to the President. Right after the Democrats apologize publicly to President Bush for their catcalls and boos during his speeches in 2004 and 2005.

As for why the Congressman yelled, "You lie!", he may have a point. While HR 3200, as written, does not explicitly allow illegal immigrants to have health care, it does exempt them and alien visitors from the statutory fine--odd that they are treated better than citizens in this--by the IRS should they not have health care insurance. Further, when the bill was in committee the Republican minority introduced two amendments that were turned-down on a party line vote. The first was to expressly exclude illegal aliens from coverage while requiring proof of citizenship or legal presence; and the second was to prohibit federal funds from being used to fund abortions.

If the Democrats didn't intend to let these two things happen through the back door, why did they vote against the amendments?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ann Coulter : Liberal Lies About National Healthcare: Fourth in a Series - Townhall.com

Ann Coulter : Liberal Lies About National Healthcare: Fourth in a Series - Townhall.com

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Ann Coulter is a strong, articulate voice favoring the free market approach to health care.

Court signals trouble for campaign law - Washington Times

Court signals trouble for campaign law - Washington Times

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Many times a legal battle is boring to all but lawyers and this one is about a movie that was less than flattering towards Hillary Clinton.

The issue, however, is extremely important and cuts to one of the basic tenants of any democracy: the protection of free political speech. If we can't debate political issues freely and openly then democracy doesn't really exist. While McCain-Feingold had good intentions in trying to prevent someone from buying and election with an overwhelming campaign budget, its unintended consequence was that it limited free political speech. At least, that's what the makers of the film are saying.

Now the Justices can decide if that was a violation of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution in a case that is only a sidebar in the last election but will impact heavily on future elections and, perhaps, on blogs such as this one.

We should all watch, listen and learn.

EXCLUSIVE: Inquiry opened about New Black Panther case - Washington Times

EXCLUSIVE: Inquiry opened about New Black Panther case - Washington Times

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Finally! It is about time.

And now we can hope that the person(s) responsible will be held accountable for this travesty where justice was not just denied, but abrogated by a senior Justice official.

For those of you who don't remember this case, go back to August 17 in my blog and you'll find more.

60 SC House Republicans call on governor to resign

60 SC House Republicans call on governor to resign

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What I can't understand is why all 72 of the GOP Representatives in the South Carolina House didn't sign-on to this?

Stand Up Notes From Flyover Country: Sen. Sherrod Brown is Why We're Angry, My Liberal Friends

Stand Up Notes From Flyover Country: Sen. Sherrod Brown is Why We’re Angry, My Liberal Friends

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There is a distinct difference between how the people view a Town Hall and how the current Democratic Party views a Town Hall. They accused conservatives of using Astroturf crowds yet they go to great lengths to do exactly that in order to project the illusion of support for ObamaCare.

Has it ever occurred to them to be honest about it?

Power to the Patients, Please

Power to the Patients, Please

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More excellent reading on the proposed health care reform.

Czar Dish

Czar Dish

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The President's use of "Czars" to implement change in America is as disturbing as it is inane. By creating a host of new power positions he removes our traditional government from actual control. For Obama, the "Czars" are the Commissars of his Administration. They will ensure that the radical left political agenda is implemented away from the prying eyes of the people.

The only way to combat this is to reclaim Congress from the Democrats and re-energize it to put the balance of power back in place. The unbridled expansion of Executive power has to be stopped. We cannot depend on the Courts for help and must do it with our vote.

Citizens of Virginia and New Jersey will have the opportunity to set the tone. Let's make sure we get people out to the polls in November.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Study: Terrorists Shifting Focus to 'Soft' Targets - Political News - FOXNews.com

Study: Terrorists Shifting Focus to 'Soft' Targets - Political News - FOXNews.com

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I suppose that there are some people out there who are surprised by this but it seems that the study is some years too late in its' conclusion. Hotels in Indonesia, Afghanistan and India have been hit in the past several years. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that hotels in all countries are likely targets for Islamic Terrorists bent on destroying our culture and way of life.

Tea Party Express roars to D.C. - Washington Times

Tea Party Express roars to D.C. - Washington Times

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All who can attend should. This is an important event if we are to preserve the freedom that our forefathers gave to us.

A Good Place to Eat

My wife likes to go to the mall. Both my 3-year old daughter and she love to shop. Not necessarily to buy, but to shop. I guess it's genetic. They can go around for hours looking at clothes, accessories and, of course, toys and they have a great time doing it.

I, on the other hand, being a typical male, prefer going into the store, getting what I want, and walking back out. A perfect shopping trip for me is defined as park, into the store, purchase and back in the car before the summer sun has warmed the interior. Not so with the wife and daughter.

And I am the designated driver for all these trips.

Not all malls have a cigar store where I can sit and enjoy a cigar while they shop. Dulles Town Center is one that does. And it has three very nice, over-stuffed chairs and good conversation included. The Old Virginia Tobacco Company is a most pleasant place to wait while the girls do their thing. I recommend it.

Shopping does, of course, build-up an appetite. On one shopping sojourn to Dulles Town Center the wife found in the food court a place called the "Texas BBQ Factory." When she told me about it and suggested we eat there on the next trip to Dulles I agreed and naturally assumed that it would have its roots in Texas with a primarily Latino staff. Imagine my surprise when we got there and my wife started speaking Tagalog. The staff all turned out to be Filipino immigrants. The Texas BBQ Factory became our main food stop at Dulles Town Center. The portions are good sized and the quality of the food excellent but I always assumed that it was a one-of operation.

Yesterday we journeyed to Potomac Mills for some serious shopping in preparation for a trip to the Far East. We were both surprised to see another Texas BBQ Factory in the food court there and quickly found that it was a sister store of Dulles Town Center operation. It also had an all Filipino staff. Again the quality and quantity of food was excellent.

A little on-line research revealed that there is a third branch in Arlington. I will try it soon but am certain that the food will be just as good there as the other two branches.

While we were eating yesterday my wife looked at me and said, "It's good to see that the owner has achieved the American dream. I mean, what more can a Filipino aspire for than to have made a success of himself after emigrating to America. These people are an immigrant success story!"

And you know, she is right. Having lived in the Philippines for 11 years, I saw firsthand the long lines of people waiting outside the American Consulate for a chance at a visa to "visit" the United States (about half don't return from the "visit"). I know the desire of Filipino's to immigrate is strong. It's not that they don't love their country; but that they've been raised viewing the United States as an icon of freedom and opportunity. It is unusual, therefore, that they allow themselves to fail once they arrive on our shores. They work hard and diligently to become an American and they work to become part the American culture without forgetting their own.

Immigrants have traditionally been the life-blood of America. Those that come here legally are welcomed but those who come here illegally become a burden on society and are not able to fully partake of the freedoms that our country offers. Unable to join the mainstream, they become part of a sub-culture that is easy prey for those who pay sub-standard wages or, within their own group, turn to criminality as a means of livelihood. There are no easy answers until we gain control of our borders and then, and only then, can we adjust our immigration policy to be both fair and equitable to America and the immigrants who long to be here.

It is good to see, then, an immigrant success story and Texas BBQ Factory is one. The food is excellent. I recommend it. But don't tell them that Papa Bill recommended them because they have no idea who I am and it won't do you any good. But they are nice people who work hard and provide good food. Check them out when you get the chance.

Time Running Out for Bipartisan Health Compromise - Political News - FOXNews.com

Time Running Out for Bipartisan Health Compromise - Political News - FOXNews.com

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It's always nice to see legislators "playing nice" and trying to cooperate for the common good. In this case, however, it is clear that HR 3200 is beyond redemption and should be thrown in the trash for the common good. The bill has far too many arcane, ill-defined, loosely-worded dictates that allow for the powers-that-be (regardless of party) to set the tone for health care based on political expediency.

A case in point is when the Republicans in Committee introduced amendments to prohibit federal funding for abortion and to require proof of legal residence or citizenship. Both were rejected on party-line votes. Of course, the President and the Bill's proponents have said that no federal dollars would be used for the funding of abortion and illegal immigrants would not be covered. They've said that, but they won't put it in the legislation because, clearly, that isn't what they want to happen should this monstrosity pass and be signed into law.

The President and the Bill's proponents have said that the bill won't result in us losing our choice of insurance. They won't explain, however, why there are mandates that don't allow us to change the terms of private insurance or move to another private insurer once he bill becomes law. And why will our tax return information be shared with a nebulous, appointed "Commissioner" who will decide what level of care we qualify for? And why will the tax information be shared with the Social Security Administration? And why is there a fine by the IRS should we be found to not have what qualifies as "appropriate" health insurance?

The President and the Bill's proponents have said that the bill won't result in rationing. If the number of physicians remain the same and the amount of money to fund health care is lowered as they say it will be, how can it not result in rationing? The answer is, of course, that it will result in rationing and the elderly--the Baby Boomers--will bear the brunt of it. And what's this about government counseling that would help people to decide whether to live or die? They said it wasn't in there, but then announced that it would be removed when the heat was too much for them to bear. If there weren't "death panels" then why did they announce that they would be removed?

Another issue is cost. The President and the Bill's proponents say that the cost will not impact on the deficit. That, given the scope of the legislation, is an outright lie. Just like the "I won't raise taxes on anyone making under $250,000.00 per year" was a lie. They've already done that with SCHIP. And if Cap & Trade passes, get ready for a hit to the pocketbook that will put us all into little "People's Cars" or on bicycles.

The bottom line is that this bill must be scrapped in its entirety. It was written under the midnight oil by a bunch of liberal ideologues who clearly had the ulterior motive of socializing 1/6th of the U.S. economy. It is not a Health Care Bill. It is not a Health Insurance Reform Bill. It is a partisan, Government Central-Planning Empowerment Bill.

If the President is serious about health care reform as opposed to a fascist take-over of the nation (which his defenders laugh-off as the psychotic rantings of the far-right) then he should address those issues known to impact the cost of health care. Repeal of the McCarran-Ferguson Act (15 USC 1011) of 1944 is one as it allows individual states to control the health insurance costs in that state by imposing restrictions on coverage and portability. Tort reform to eliminate the medical lottery syndrome among trial lawyers is another as are health savings accounts. But these are strangely absent from the Democrat written and sponsored legislation that they are trying to shove down our throats and the reason is simple: To do so would adversely impact some of the deep pockets that fund the Democrat party and would not increase the government's control over the people.

We already have the best health care in the world and that is proven by the way that people who need medical treatment vote with their feet. Canadians and others in need of care who can't wait for their own nationalized health service to provide treatment, come here for life-saving procedures on a regular basis. People in America don't have to wait to see a specialist and, most importantly, people are not denied health care. Well, most of the time, anyway. There is an exception in Oregon where they have a state-run health care program (much like what HR 3200 proposes) that infamously told a cancer patient that the care recommended by the doctor was too expensive but that they would provide her the appropriate drugs so that she could commit physician-assisted suicide. As the President said, this is what they want for us: Take the pill rather than the treatment because that is best for all.

We can improve our system without dismantling the health care system that an overwhelming majority of Americans rate as good or excellent. That is, if actual improvement is the true goal of the Administration. Unfortunately, HR 3200 makes it clear that "improvement" in the Democrat lexicon is much different than the definition in Webster's. To the Administration, Reid and Pelosi, "improvement" means more power to the government and direction from the government. It certainly doesn't mean better health care for all Americans.

The sooner this bill is trashed, the better.

Join the TEA Party in Washington, DC, on September 12. Let them know how America feels.

Tea Party Express roars to D.C. - Washington Times

Tea Party Express roars to D.C. - Washington Times

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This is an event that may prove pivotal in bringing our legislators back under control of the people. Get out and join the nearest Tea Party and let the government know what you think of their unbridled spending that has mortgaged the future of our grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

You won't be getting any money under the table and they won't be passing out professionally made signs like the Dems do with their Soros-union-paid-for-crowds, but you will be taking part in a peaceful but loud protest of the Government's actions.

It's a right guaranteed in the Constitution. Use it or lose it.

EXCLUSIVE: Obama nominee omitted ties to biotech - Washington Times

EXCLUSIVE: Obama nominee omitted ties to biotech - Washington Times

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Yet another failure of the Administration to fully vet a nominee; but at least this one was caught by the traditional media. Could it be that the spell has been broken and the Main Stream Media is starting to actually report the news? Only time will tell.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

How Much Paperwork Does the Government Lose Annually? - Hannity - FOXNews.com

How Much Paperwork Does the Government Lose Annually? - Hannity - FOXNews.com

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Sean Hannity shares some interesting information on the ability of the government to manage its paperwork as well as some tidbits on hypocrisy among our elected officials. Interesting reading.

Insurance | LII / Legal Information Institute

Insurance | LII / Legal Information Institute

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The McCarran-Ferguson Act (15 USC 1011) must be altered or eliminated if we are to have true health care reform. It dates from 1944 and allows states the power to keep some insurers out of the state as well as the power to tell insurers what they will or will not cover.

The government is the problem and the middleman that is adding on costs. Get the government out of the middle and let the free market do its job. We'll all be better for it.

President Obama's 'Czars' - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com

President Obama's 'Czars' - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com

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If the Van Jones resignation from the Green Czar position caused you to wonder, here is a list of the czars that Obama has appointed so far in his Administration.

There was no "Advise and Consent." There was no scrutiny. Just the President putting them in a position to do whatever he wanted without accountability.


Obama 'Green Jobs' Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy - Political News - FOXNews.com

Obama 'Green Jobs' Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy - Political News - FOXNews.com

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This is but a small victory. We must continue the fight to eliminate the rest of the leftist wackos that Obama and the Democrats have brought into the White House.

The victory is in no small part due to the research and work of Glenn Beck at Fox News. Whether you like him or not, Glenn Beck exposed Van Jones as a foul-mouthed, race-baiting, self-declared Communist who wanted to destroy America as we know it and substitute a peoples' paradise in its stead. Jones has declared that he was the victim of a "vicious smear campaign" which is "left speak" for having the truth told about his history, beliefs and motives. In truth, he was exposed by Beck and Fox and the new media carried on from there. The blogosphere put a spot light on Jones that he couldn't escape. I'm sure that he'll still have access to the President; but at least he won't be able to personally set a direction for any government program.

Of course the liberal, left-wing progressives will lionize Jones as a victim of right-wing, racist conservatives. But guess what? We don't care what they think. They have lied so much over the past year that it no longer matters to conservatives what the left screams in its rage over being stymied. People like Jones just do not belong in government service. Period.

Good riddance!

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Dr. Bernadine Healy on Health Care Reform

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Dr. Bernadine Healy on Health Care Reform

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More on health care issues presented in a logical and understandable manner. Excellent listening and I recommend it to all.

Small Business Owner Reaches Her Boiling Point - Greta Van Susteren | On The Record With Greta - FOXNews.com

Small Business Owner Reaches Her Boiling Point - Greta Van Susteren | On The Record With Greta - FOXNews.com

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This is an excellent interview with a small business owner in California who makes the case for getting the government out of health care. She accurately points out that it is government, not the insurance companies, that limits our choices and drives up costs. Out of 1,300 insurance companies nationwide, only 6 can sell health insurance in California. Despite Constitutional authority to force states to not interfere with interstate commerce, the Federal government allows states to limit the number of health insurers and direct what type of insurance will be allowed within that state's borders.

Too many Americans are looking at the health insurance/health care problem through the rose colored glasses of empathy instead of through the clear lens of logic. Even if you accept the nebulous figure of "45 million" uninsured--which I don't--that's only about 15% of the nation's population. (That they are counting illegal aliens in that figure is a given so the actual percentage of Americans is lower.) Is it right to remove 85% of America from health care that they like on behalf of 15%?

If the Democrats want to help the 15%, they could do it cheaper and without affecting the 85%. But it isn't about actually helping Americans because the plan that they have proposed will lead to rationed health care. It's really about expanding government control over the entire population.

The HR 3200 must be scrapped. Then we can start looking at the real reasons for the rise in health care costs. We can ensure portability and elimination of the barriers of state borders. We scrap the Federal law that allows states to limit or direct coverage at the behest of special interests. We can reform the tort system to eliminate the medical lottery syndrome that enriches the lawyers more than anyone else.

Most importantly, in the next election, we can send a strong message to Washington. All those, regardless of party, who were afraid to hold open Town Hall meetings should be sent home in disgrace. All those, regardless of party, who tried to foist this unprecedented expansion of government control and spending down our throats should be sent home in disgrace. It's time for Americans to take back America from self-serving politicians whose only goal is the expansion of their own power.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

9/11 - Obama's Inconvenient Rememberance

Like most of my fellow countrymen, I remember exactly what I was doing on 9/11 just as my mother and father remembered what they were doing on December 7, 1941.

It was evening in Manila and I had just emailed a completed assignment to a client in New York City when my fiancée called from the other room to say that something was going on in New York. I told her I’d be there in a minute and sent an email off to the client asking if they’d received the report with no problems.

A couple of minutes later the client emailed me back and said that the attachment had made it just fine but that they were closing the office and going home immediately because something had happened in the lower end of Manhattan. She didn’t answer my follow-up email so I turned on the television to watch CNN International.

I remember the scene that greeted me when the TV came fully on. A reporter was on a rooftop quite some distance from the Towers and I could see black smoke pouring from one Tower. He was talking about a plane hitting the tower and my mind flashed back to a story I’d read in a history book about a B-25 crashing into the Empire State Building decades before.

As I watched, something swept into the picture moving from right to left on the screen. It was far away so I couldn’t make out what it was on my television but it was small and moving fast like a swallow behind the talking reporter. Then it hit the second Tower and there was a tremendous explosion that I could only see but couldn’t hear. Still, I felt the equivalent of a savage punch to my body. One plane could be an accident. Two was an attack.

I had left the government 5 years before to try my hand in the private sector in the Far East. There were good times and bad but I was happy and close to my children who were living in Thailand with their mother and step-father. While I had been a DEA Special Agent I had come into contact with narco-terrorism on a regular basis but I knew this was something else. I also knew that I was 52 years old and no longer part of the government that would answer this attack. I felt an overwhelming desire to get into the game but knew that, at my age there was little chance that I could do anything more than cheer the troops from the sidelines. I don’t think I ever felt more inutile in my entire life. So I prayed.

Some weeks later I got an email from a group called the “Goodfellows.” It was and is a loose group of former DEA Special Agents and employees who kept each other abreast of current developments. The email said that the Government was looking for older Special Agents who had left the government but hadn’t retired as they were needed in the build-up of a new organization called the Department of Homeland Security. I again prayed for guidance and threw my name into the hat that same evening. In June of 2002 I returned to government service as a Federal Air Marshal. I was older and grayer than the others but also had a lot of experience that I could pass along. Nevertheless, I was impressed with the overall caliber of the men and women that I was working with. More importantly to me, I was in a position to contribute to America’s defense—retribution if you will—against Islamic Terrorists who were sworn to destroy the United States based on a perverted, evil, interpretation of Islam. Their goal was, and remains, the destruction of the American way of life. And not because we attacked them, but because we weren’t “believers.” That we allowed others to worship freely in our nation, wasn’t enough. If we were to be spared, we would have to subjugate ourselves completely and that, as the Sergeant once said, “Just ain’t gonna happen!”

I felt I was blessed to be again serving my country despite my age. Providing security for the nation’s air carriers was not as fulfilling as being back in the Infantry, but it was making a solid contribution to the national defense. And, frankly, I grew to be very proud of the FAMS organization. Providing that security was something we took seriously for we knew that on every flight we were assigned it was our personal responsibility to ensure that the flight arrived safely and that 9/11 never happened again. We traveled incognito; but when necessary to assist the crew and ensure the safety of the passengers, we would break our undercover role and take normal law enforcement action. One such incident happened on a coast-to-coast flight to San Francisco. A flight attendant saw a passenger in the rear of the plane with a knife, which is a felony under federal statute. We broke cover, took control of the knife and the passenger and I stood in the aisle blocking the path to the flight deck for the remainder of the flight.

As much as I remember the details of 9/11/01—it is etched permanently in my memory—I also remember the the subsequent confrontation with an Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA) in San Francisco after that arrest in 2003. When we deplaned we were met by a host of security personnel including a young FBI Special Agent (SA). The FBI SA quickly advised that she had already talked to the on-duty Assistant U.S. Attorney and they had determined that the case, which involved a foreign national with a knife on board our aircraft, did not meet the standards for prosecution in San Francisco. A younger person with less experience in federal law enforcement might have shrugged, but I was immediately incensed. This case belonged to my partner and me and the FBI had no right or authority to make representations to an AUSA before we presented the case. It was after that presentation that they gained jurisdiction. Not only that, it was just plain rude and unprofessional for an uninvolved SA to make representations on a case without a correct appreciation of the facts of the case.

The FBI SA went on to advise that she had “8 years experience with the San Francisco FBI Office’s Violent Crime Task Force” and that there was no way she would take the case. I gritted my teeth and instead of screaming said to her, “I made my first federal felony arrest in 1978. What were you doing that year?” She looked at me stunned and wide-eyed and repeated that she’d talked with the AUSA. I looked back and asked her for the AUSA’s number.

The San Francisco Police Department officers that were helping us escort the prisoner to the lock-up were extremely professional throughout this exchange and managed to stare straight ahead with only a hint of a smile. While my partner took care of lodging the prisoner in the lock-up, I got on the phone with the AUSA that had already declined the prosecution to the FBI. I explained the facts of the case—something that the FBI SA didn’t have—but still met with resistance as there was an obvious synergy between the FBI SA, who was after all a local Law Enforcement Officer, and the AUSA. I remember, however, one part of the call more distinctly than any other. I said to the AUSA, “You should remember 9/11!”

The AUSA shouted back, “I’ll have you know I was on a 9/11 flight!

“Really?” I rejoined.

“Well, just the day before.” she replied.

I shouted back, “Then you should remember what happened the day after your flight! I see the hole at Ground Zero almost every day!”

She hung up.

Five minutes later she called back, said that it was unfortunate that we were disconnected, and advised that she would accept the case for arraignment the next morning but that she would not commit to any further prosecution. Having won the battle for the arraignment and knowing that the FBI would gain their jurisdiction after that regardless, I said, “Thank you.”

It was clear to me then, and even clearer now, that the “Left-Coast” liberals who were not confronted on a daily basis with Ground Zero except in the occasional newscast looked upon 9/11 as an unfortunate distraction from their daily, self-important lives. While I know that the young FBI SA was not representative of the FBI as a whole or even of the FBI’s San Francisco Office, she was clearly susceptible, as was the AUSA, to the liberal mentality that permeates Speaker Pelosi’s district and, indeed, every other liberal leftist stronghold in America to include Chicago.

Thus I am not at all surprised about the cavalier attitude of our President as he tries to dilute what should be a solemn day of remembrance of those who died in New York, Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania as a result of series of evil attacks by evil men. He wants us to go out to plant trees, clean the environment and “perform community service” in support of his greening of America.

Excuse me, but “Community Service” is something to which people are sentenced by a court of law as penance for having done wrong. The foreign national with the knife didn’t even have to perform community service as the charges against him were eventually dismissed as he left the United States regardless that he had violated the law. America has done no wrong; but clearly our President does not believe that. He wants us to perform the penance of community service.

He doesn’t want us to remember that on 9/11 we were attacked by thugs who used their religion as an excuse and motivation for the slaughtering of thousands of innocent human beings.

He doesn’t want us to remember that it was the liberal, "progressive" Democrats with their Pollyanna world-view that opened us to that attack because they hadn’t responded to prior attacks except as “law enforcement” issues.

He doesn’t want us to remember that his spiritual mentor of 20 years, the Reverend Wright, announced the Sunday after the attack that 9/11 was America’s “…chickens come home to roost!”

He doesn't want us to remember that he has continually apologized for the United States since the day he became President.

He doesn’t want us to remember that he bowed to a foreign potentate.

He doesn’t want us to remember.

But I shall never forget.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Swedish Man wants to Breastfeed


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This is truly on the lighter side--a diversion if you will--of the news. Coming from Sweden it doesn't surprise me but I'll bet that more than a few Vikings of old are rolling over in their graves.

But I wonder, if he is successful will he be banned from going topless on the beach?

Home-schooler ordered to attend public school - Washington Times

Home-schooler ordered to attend public school - Washington Times

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If it is, as it claims to be, a champion of Constitutional rights then I don't understand why the ACLU isn't all over this case. You have an activist judge making a clearly unconstitutional ruling that a specific religious doctrine was too strict therefore the child can't be schooled at home by the mother.

Oh! But wait. The religion is a Christian one. And the mother isn't teaching the ACLU-approved values of choice and secular thought.

I am not sure that I would agree with the mother's religion but I strongly disagree with the judge's actions. The government has no right to determine what religion a child is taught by the child's parents. That goes for Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, or Jedi-knight-ism. The individual right of religion, which is why the Pilgrims came here, is protected in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.

I suggest that instead of ordering the child to public school, the judge be ordered back to law school. Clearly she has no business sitting on the bench when she doesn't understand the Constitution.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Health care reform means more power for the IRS | Washington Examiner

Health care reform means more power for the IRS | Washington Examiner

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The IRS as an "enforcer" for ObamaCare. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Read on to learn more.

Levi Johnston: Palin Wanted to Adopt Grandchild - Political News - FOXNews.com

Levi Johnston: Palin Wanted to Adopt Grandchild - Political News - FOXNews.com

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If you ever need a good example of boorish behavior you can start with this. Levi Johnston is trying to turn his irresponsible fathering of a child out of wedlock into steady fame. He's certainly not a gentleman and definitely not a young man that I'd want my sons to emulate.

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: A National Health Service: Costly, Yes, and Powerful, Too

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: A National Health Service: Costly, Yes, and Powerful, Too

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Not only would we have a huge, inefficient bureaucracy had we created a National Health Service along with Britain 50 years ago, we'd have poorer care for the elderly and a lower cancer survival rate.

Every day I thank God for the medical care that I was able to receive when I found that I had prostate cancer in 2006. At my age, were I in Britain, I could not have seen a specialist as quickly or have had the same type and quality of treatment. But in America, even with all the problems we have in health care, I had a 90+% chance of survival. In Great Britain? Under 50%.

Now tell me again why we should have government-controlled, socialized medicine?