I do believe that Sarah Palin will continue to be a major conservative figure in American politics just as Hillary Clinton is for liberals. Both evoke strong gut reactions from supporters and foes alike often leading to rather hilarious efforts to denigrate their statements and writings. When I first heard Sarah Palin speak I thought to myself, “She’s ready for prime time.” Despite the pundits’ obvious liberal bias during subsequent campaign interviews, she showed more ability than the current President and there is no doubt in my mind that she would be better at the job.
That being said, much has been made of her recent “death panel” comment. To be sure, neither bill before the House and Senate establishes a “death panel,” per se. But there is no denying that rationed health care—which is exactly what is going to happen if the Obamacare bill passes—will result in decisions being made to the detriment of the elderly, the chronically ill and the disabled. Those decisions, made by government bureaucrats, will literally lead to the death of people in those categories because their continued life just isn’t worth the cost of continued, advanced medical care to the government which must hold down costs. Don't believe me? Then you should read the writings by President Obama's Science Advisor, Dr. Ezekiel Emanual. (You know, Rahm Emanual's brother.) Had it been necessary to vet him before congress, his views could have been clarified much as now-Justice Sotomayor clarified her anti-Second Amendment views. But since he wasn't, we will have to make do with what he put in writing. And what he did say about decisions being made based on potential productivity of individuals is more than 1984 scary.
We should remember what Thomas Jefferson said, and I quote, “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have." In this case, if they don't decide to abort you before you can come into this world, they may decide to end it for you earlier than you'd like because you're just not productive enough.
For more on this from the Washington Examiner click on the title/link above.
France: The Mulhouse Terrorist-Follow up
9 hours ago
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