Although British officials have risen to defend the NHS, the truth of the matter is that it is a disgraceful failure for an exceedingly large number of Britons. For every individual who says that the system works just fine there is a horror story like this to counter the claim. Are we going to allow the Administration to destroy our freedom of choice and do this to us?
Initially the Administration labeled the opposition to single-payer, government controlled, health care (that’s us, folks) as being an Astroturf crowd in the employ of: a) the GOP; b) the insurance companies; c) the doctors; or d) all of the above. Now we have a situation where the Democratic Party is publicly going out of its’ way to Astroturf the Town Hall Meetings with union thugs and rabid Obamamites left over from the campaign. Where we were going to the Town Hall Meetings on our own as individuals to voice our concerns, the Democrats are bringing in paid crowds to give the appearance of "support" for ObamaCare. They intend to use any means possible to cram this bill down our throats, real public sentiment be damned!
The President himself has said ObamaCare opponents were untruthful in their criticism of the HR 3200 and that we have nothing to fear. With the people that the President has selected as advisors, however, it seems that we have everything to fear. For too long the Main Stream Media (MSM) has studiously ignored the President’s background and friends to the detriment of America and its’ citizens. The left-wing political and scientific fringe that staff the White House are not only frightening but downright dangerous to our individual liberties and to the security of the country.
If you will, remember how the ACLU liberals and the MSM screamed about the assault on privacy when it was divulged that President Bush had authorized the monitoring of voice communications to or from overseas where the overseas number was connected with terrorism. A horrific pseudo outcry over what was a valuable tool that helped keep America and Americans safe from attack. Yet here is a report that reveals that under ObamaCare the IRS will divulge your tax information to the Health Choices Commissioner. (Now there’s an Orwellian title!) That unaccountable appointee will then use that data to verify “affordability credits.” The Social Security Administration—another paragon of business acumen and ethical responsibility—will also be able to access your tax information. Where is the outcry from the ACLU and the protect-our-privacy crowd now?
Read the articles in the links. (One, surprisingly enough, comes from CBS!) As the pseudo-scientific TV drama show once said, “The truth is out there.” It’s time to listen to the truth and get involved. Write your Senators and Congressman today and tell them what they should do if they want to continue holding a position of public trust.
France: The Mulhouse Terrorist-Follow up
9 hours ago
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