I received the following email after I published my first blog on why ObamaCare must fail. It is from a friend who decided to communicate his own view based on his experience with both the British National Health System and medical care provided by American free enterprise. He clearly illustrates exactly why we must oppose the power-grab by the Obama Administration. Read on…
Because of my values and political convictions I have been labeled by the Democratic party and President Obama in the following way :
- Old and white
- Mal-content
- Dupe (insurance companies fooled me)
- Un-American
- Mob member
- Bigot & racist
- Un-idealistic
- Liar (circulating misinformation)
- Greedy (my GM bond $ not honored)
I oppose President Obama's policies on their merits (or lack of). However, Ovomit's recent town hall in New Hampshire was an insult to the intelligence of Americans. He railed against insurance companies and special interests (whoever they are). He was condescending to Americans who disagree with the proposed reforms. He says opponents have been duped by the insurance companies and special interest groups. On the contrary, many Americans have been duped by the biggest special interest group of them all: the Democratic Party !
Let me tell you my experience with American health insurance. When I arrived in America in 1978 my employer in California signed me up in the Kaiser Permanente health care program. I was young and healthy so I didn't use it much, except for cuts, bruises, flu (and a dog bite). However, I recall my delight that I could walk into a Kaiser Hospital in Hayward or Walnut Creek and be taken care of right away. That was unlike the British National Health system, where the only way to get attention for that minor stuff was to have a personal connection to get to the front of the "line" (which was days or weeks long).
The Kaiser plan was employer provided, and Obama is correct, when I quit, I lost my medical insurance. I went to an early stage start-up with no medical plan. So I signed up with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of California, I think it was around $1,000 a year. They paid for the delivery of my daughter at John Muir Hospital, a top class clinic in Walnut Creek, no questions asked.
A few years later I had a heart attack, while I was between start-ups (that’s silicon valley speak for unemployed), but I still had my Blue Cross insurance. I received emergency surgery at Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City (another top-class clinic) and Blue Cross paid, no questions asked.
Fast forward to last year when I was diagnosed with cancer. I'm now living and working in the former British colony of Hong Kong. A UK style system of national health care is in place, but a supplementary insurance plan is required if you want to escape the public hospital option or should I say nightmare. I signed up for the Blue Cross Taipan insurance, where they will
pay for treatment in the USA provided you pay your own airfare and meet a deductible. This cost about $2,000 a year for my family. After my cancer was confirmed the Dr. told me to have immediate surgery because every second counted. The next day I had a successful surgery at St. Theresa Hospital in Hong Kong (Blue Cross paid, no questions asked).
So there you have it. I'm alive and well due to three things: American insurance, the finest medical talent in the world, and the prayers of my friends.
Stay tuned. More to come.
Papa Bill
France: The Mulhouse Terrorist-Follow up
10 hours ago
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