Common sense on Global Warming/Climate Change from Arizona. The fraud is to clearly evident. Unfortunately the Federal Government/Obama Administration is made up of liberal-progressive-socialist ideologues to want to exploit the lie of Anthropogenic Global Warming to gain more control over the people of the country.
Follow the link for more.
E. Brown
So are you saying that carbon dioxide isn't a greenhouse gas? Or that we haven't been producing a LOT of CO, CO2 etc. through industrial processes over the past 150 years? Nobody's been able to explain to me what percentage these tens of thousands of "lying" scientists have been going for over the past 40 years by acknowledging anthropogenic climate change, when Big Oil was willing to pay them gobs of money to deny it was happening? It's not all a big conspiracy, man. People like me aren't the enemy. We just disagree with you and really think science is awesome. You can talk all day about "leaving a better world for our children," but the children and young adults support Obama - because they are inheriting the world in pretty short order. You can claim they're too immature to know what the world is really like, but I'm here to tell you, many people my age are VERY well acquainted with the harsh realities of life. We enter adulthood in a floundering or flatlining jobs market, loaded with debt, and uninsured. I'm 27, educated and a hard worker. I love the United States and believe deeply in our purpose. I pay taxes, give to charity, watch football and vote. For Democrats. So I'm just brainwashed, or stupid, or secretly trying to undermine America? Or is it that your generation had its shot, and my generation doesn't like what yours did, and now the world is being put into our hands broken and directionless? Obama '12.
No, people like you are not the enemy. You've just been so poorly educated--indoctrinated would be better, but that was done well--that you don't think for yourselves. "Big Oil?" Give me a break. The scientists who were lying and cheating were the ones who were promoting Anthropogenic Climate Change (AGW) and one of their ringleaders has recently admitted it. What you fail to realize is that we--the older generation you disparage--have been through this before only last time some of these same sad characters were claiming that we'd be in an ice age by 1990. And we know why Greenland is named Greenland something you'll have to google to find out, I am sure.
As for your entering "adulthood in a floundering or flatlining jobs market, loaded with debt, and uninsured" maybe you should start by working at whatever job you can find, like the older generation did. You are already blessed by being born in a country that guarantees you life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It doesn't guarantee you equal outcome nor should it. As for the debt, you'll have to talk to Obama about that. He's planning on bankrupting the country and will succeed unless stopped. His budget is nothing more than a pork loaded monstrosity that will pile more debt on this country than all previous Presidents combined. There are a lot of us--most of America is center-right if you haven't noticed--who plan on giving him a pink slip come 2012 and we will succeed.
After 31 years of government service, most of that in Law Enforcement and the rest in the military, it goes without saying that I'm a bit conservative. I believe that the Constitution needs no improvement and has certainly been over-interpreted by zealous, liberal politicians and judges. I believe that the United States was founded as a Christian nation but with freedom of religion for all. I believe that efforts to remove God from the government are wrong because the government needs all the ethical guidance it can get. While I like many places on this earth, and have enjoyed traveling and living in those places, I believe that none of them are good as the United States. We have our problems and we are not perfect, but there is a reason that there are long lines of people outside the American Consulate awaiting their turn for a visa just to come and visit. And I know, without a doubt, that there are those, both within and without, who wish to destroy America because of the very success that we have had as a nation. I pray every day that, in the end, we will pass on to our children and grandchildren a nation as great as the one we inherited from our forefathers.
So are you saying that carbon dioxide isn't a greenhouse gas? Or that we haven't been producing a LOT of CO, CO2 etc. through industrial processes over the past 150 years? Nobody's been able to explain to me what percentage these tens of thousands of "lying" scientists have been going for over the past 40 years by acknowledging anthropogenic climate change, when Big Oil was willing to pay them gobs of money to deny it was happening? It's not all a big conspiracy, man. People like me aren't the enemy. We just disagree with you and really think science is awesome. You can talk all day about "leaving a better world for our children," but the children and young adults support Obama - because they are inheriting the world in pretty short order. You can claim they're too immature to know what the world is really like, but I'm here to tell you, many people my age are VERY well acquainted with the harsh realities of life. We enter adulthood in a floundering or flatlining jobs market, loaded with debt, and uninsured. I'm 27, educated and a hard worker. I love the United States and believe deeply in our purpose. I pay taxes, give to charity, watch football and vote. For Democrats. So I'm just brainwashed, or stupid, or secretly trying to undermine America? Or is it that your generation had its shot, and my generation doesn't like what yours did, and now the world is being put into our hands broken and directionless? Obama '12.
I don't expect you to actually approve my last comment, but just think about it.
No, people like you are not the enemy. You've just been so poorly educated--indoctrinated would be better, but that was done well--that you don't think for yourselves. "Big Oil?" Give me a break. The scientists who were lying and cheating were the ones who were promoting Anthropogenic Climate Change (AGW) and one of their ringleaders has recently admitted it. What you fail to realize is that we--the older generation you disparage--have been through this before only last time some of these same sad characters were claiming that we'd be in an ice age by 1990. And we know why Greenland is named Greenland something you'll have to google to find out, I am sure.
As for your entering "adulthood in a floundering or flatlining jobs market, loaded with debt, and uninsured" maybe you should start by working at whatever job you can find, like the older generation did. You are already blessed by being born in a country that guarantees you life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It doesn't guarantee you equal outcome nor should it. As for the debt, you'll have to talk to Obama about that. He's planning on bankrupting the country and will succeed unless stopped. His budget is nothing more than a pork loaded monstrosity that will pile more debt on this country than all previous Presidents combined. There are a lot of us--most of America is center-right if you haven't noticed--who plan on giving him a pink slip come 2012 and we will succeed.
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