An excellent bit on Climategate from Michelle Malkin.
It doesn't surprise me that the White House is still solidly behind the Global Warming fraud. It fits too perfectly into their Cap & Trade economic nightmare that, along with Obamacare and the bailouts, is certain to overload the government and collapse our system.
This is what President Obama meant when he said the he would "fundamentally change America." He intends to destroy the America that has existed for the last two centuries and replace it with his view of a socialist paradise based on the principles that he was taught by his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed Marxist.
So do I trust President Obama? Absolutely not.
Announcement of opinions for Wednesday, Feb. 26
6 hours ago
". . . a socialist paradise based on the principles that he was taught by his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed Marxist"?
Speculation does not become fact until it is verifiable. Your post contained speculation misrepresented as fact:
- Davis was not an "avowed Marxist." According to "Accuracy In Media" (AIM), Davis was a CLOSET member of the CPUSA. He never advocated collectivism or communism.
By what evidence can your speculation be confirmed as fact? Remember, you not only called him a "Marxist," but claim that he was an "avowed" Marxist!
- There is no evidence that Davis taught Obama ANY socialist principles. Again, you are misrepresenting speculation as fact.
Although “I'm hardly interested in proving my research to Kincaid or any of those whose work is a travesty to scholarship," University of Kansas Professor Edgar Tidwell, whom AIM's Cliff Kincaid cites as "an expert on the life and writings of Davis," dismisses misrepresentation of Davis's influence in one simple paragraph:
"Although my research indicates that Davis joined the CPUSA as a "closet member" during World War II, there is no evidence that he was a Stalinist, or even a Party member before WWII. Further, to those attempting to make the specious stand for the concrete, there is no evidence that he instructed Barack Obama in communist ideology. Frank Marshall Davis did NOT believe in overthrowing the USA. He was committed to what the nation professed to be. For him, communism was primarily an intellectual vehicle to achieve a political end-a possible tool for gaining the constitutional freedoms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ALL Americans"
- Why do you post that Obama was mentored by Frank Marshall Davis? Because AIM's Cliff Kincaid said so? "Dreams From My Father" belies that claim.
Although Obama's book indicates "Frank" was a family friend who offered him advice on racial issues, Obama wrote that Davis "fell short" and his views were "incurable." Obama did not even visit Davis for three years before going to college. Obama's book, itself, proves that Obama did not consider Davis to be a "wise and trusted counselor," which is the definition of "mentor." By what creative definition can Davis be considered his "mentor"?
"The way to combat noxious ideas is with other ideas. The way to combat falsehoods is with truth." - William O. Douglas
And the truth shall make you free.
Not to argue but you destroy your claim that Frank Marshal Davis was not a Marxist in your third line. You claim Davis was a "CLOSET" member of the CPUSA yet it is well documented that he was a member so he was "outed" from that closet long ago.
Now if you will remember, Communism was founded based on the principles espoused by Karl Marx. Amazing piece of history that, because it makes anyone who espouses Communism a Marxist. As for "never advocating collectivism or communism" it would seem that is a total red herring. How can one be a member of an organization that espouses collectivism and communism yet never advocate it?
Now, if Davis had only admired the CPUSA rather than joining the organization, closet or not, you might be correct in your argument that he was not an avowed member. But he did join the CPUSA, ergo, he was an avowed Marxist. Not speculation, but fact.
As for Dreams From My Father, while he only appears as "Frank" he must have had some serious impact on young Barry for when he went to college he relates that he picked his friends and associates carefully and lists "Marxist professors" as one of the groups that he identified with. Seems odd that "Frank" did no mentoring in that respect. But then, as Bill Ayers (close friend and confidant of President Obama "back in the day"...well, a couple of years ago, anyway) has recently claimed to have written the book for Obama, then maybe he didn't quite get all the information in that one book.
But, you are welcome to your opinion. I am not, however, convinced that I should change mine.
Thanks for your response. YOU WROTE: "Not to argue but you destroy your claim that Frank Marshal Davis was not a Marxist in your third line." RESPONSE: I never claimed that Davis was not a Marxist, especially because such terms are very ambiguous. I claimed Davis was not an avowed Marxist, not that he was not a Marxist. defines "avowed" as "to declare frankly or openly; own; acknowledge; confess; admit." Davis never declared frankly or openly that he was a Marxist, nor did he acknowledge, confess, or admit that he was a Marxist. Therefore, he was NOT an avowed Marxist.
"How can one be a member of an organization that espouses collectivism and communism yet never advocate it?" Simple! People join organizations every day without internalizing or advocating their principles. Speculating that he must have advocated it, and claiming that he actually DID advocate it, are different things. I challenge you to produce proof from any of his widely available writings to support any claim that he actually advocated or espoused communism, socialism, Marxism, or any of their permutations.
Frank Marshall Davis rejected collectivism. He was a capitalist. He owned two paper companies, and sold advertising specialties, in Hawaii. He joined the CPUSA during WWII, just as the United States joined the Soviet Union during WWII, not because they shared the delusion of a communist utopia. Each was a marriage of convenience. He joined because membership had its privileges, such as professional and social opportunities. He considered membership in the CPUSA as a "vehicle and tool" because, according to "The New Red Negro" (cited by AIM's Cliff Kincaid as a source):
"ONLY the Communist left had any significant institutional impact on African-American writing during the 1930s and 1940s. This support was crucial as the institutions that had maintained the New Negro Renaissance faded. And for better or for worse, the leading CPUSA functionaries involved in "Negro work" took a direct interest in African-American cultural production in a manner that was unusual, if not unique.
The bottom line is that communist ties were common for African-American poets and civil right activists during that period. Such ties did not mean that they internalized Marxist values, much less Stalinist values, even if they were aware of the distinction. To them, the CPUSA provided safe harbor from the ravages of Jim Crow America.
For those who question whether anyone would join the CPUSA without internalizing collectivist values, examples abound in more recent developments. Russians and Chinese joined their respective Communist parties because membership was important to professional advancement. Mikhail Gorbachev rejected these values in dismantling the Soviet Union. Leaders of the PRC's capitalist boom are nevertheless pro forma Party members. According to CNBC's "The People's Republic of Profit," the PRC now has over 100 billionaires - second only to the United States. Some Communist Party members are VERY successful capitalists!
Even today people join some organizations, such as churches and the YMCA, without internalizing their core values because membership has its advantages. I believe everyone will agree that many so-called "Christians" have not internalized Christian values. Some could argue that Stalinism perverted the core values of Marxism, just as the Spanish Inquisition and pedophile priests perverted the core values of Christianity.
"Truth is generally the best vindication against slander." - Abraham Lincoln
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