Bolling Urges Warner and Webb to Not Support Health Care Reform
Lt Governor Bolling's letter was no stronger than my own, two of which are below.
December 19, 2009
Dear Sir:
I urge you to vote ‘NAY’ on the vote for cloture for the Senate Health Care bill. You cannot, in good conscience, pass a bill that has so many flaws, raises taxes on all sectors of society, punishes senior citizens with reductions in Medicare and sets up rationing for medical services.
The bill will not even provide any benefits until 2013 yet the taxes start immediately. This bit of fiscal fraud was constructed so that the medical malpractice that is being foisted on the American people won’t start coming to light until after the next Presidential election.
The bill cuts Medicaid which will immediately and effectively ration health care for senior citizens.
To vote for this bill is to slap the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the United States in the face. We do not want the government involved in health care. It is NOT a “fact” that our health care system is financially unsupportable and when that is said, it is an unsupportable lie. And to say that this bill will solve the problems in the medical system is another lie.
Until this issue came up under this Administration I was never politically active but that has now changed. If you vote for this legislation I will do everything I can to ensure your defeat in the next election you face for you will have shown yourself to be the enemy of the people. I will post signs for your opponent. Raise money for your opponent and speak out against you in person, letters and the internet. If you vote ‘YEA’ there is no legislation that you can pass or pork barrel that you can bring home to Virginia that will be able to overcome this singular vote. And from talking to my neighbors and friends, they feel the same way. This is not a threat, Sir. It is a fact.
Vote ‘NAY’ on cloture and vote ‘NAY’ on this health bill.
December 20, 2009
Dear Sir:
I must insist that you vote ‘NAY’ on cloture when that comes up to a vote in the Senate. A ‘YEA’ vote is totally unacceptable.
If you vote to allow cloture on the debate, the bill will pass. You know that and the citizens of Virginia know that. You must put the people before your party and vote ‘NAY’ to the motion for cloture.
If this bill passes it will raise taxes on everyone. Health care costs will rise and the problems in health care will not be solved by the creation of another federal bureaucracy.
This bill will add to the deficit and send the United States into bankruptcy. You must vote ‘NAY’ despite any assurances that you have given to Senator Reid. The people of Virginia in overwhelming numbers demand it.
This is a make or break vote. If you do not vote for the people, you will be removed from office not later than the next election in which you must stand. We will not forget who sent us down the road to socialism.
Stop this bill from proceeding!
Clearly neither Senator Warner (a liberal-progressive-socialist with no redeeming political values) and Senator Webb (a liberal-progressive-socialist with few redeeming political values) paid any attention to my letters. I don't feel bad about that because they didn't pay any attention to the overwhelming majority of Virginians who don't want the government involved in health care.
We won't be safe until politicians like these are removed from office.
Follow the link.
France: The Mulhouse Terrorist-Follow up
9 hours ago
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