Today I received the following, albeit forwarded from a friend:
I'm sending this to people I know, because Health Reform is too important to let it fail without putting in an effort to pass it. As President Obama made clear Wednesday, inaction is not an option on health insurance reform. Its fate could be decided in Congress in the coming days -- and your representatives are crucial to making sure we pass a strong bill.
Will you PLEASE pick up the phone today and ask your representatives to support health insurance reform in 2009?
If you live in California's 6th congressional district. Please call:
Rep. Lynn Woolsey at 202-225-5161.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein at 202-224-3841.
Sen. Barbara Boxer at 202-224-3553.
(Not your representatives? Click here to look yours up.)
Just tell the person who answers the phone that you're a constituent, and that you urge your representatives to support real health insurance reform in 2009 that reduces costs, guarantees choice -- including a strong public insurance option -- and ensures quality care for all.
Then click below to report where they stand:
The opponents of reform will stop at nothing to block the President's plan and prop up the broken status quo. Right now, special interests are spending millions on lobbyists to spread misinformation and bully Congress into turning their backs on their constituents.
But together, we are stronger than that.
We know that each door knocked and every call made during the campaign was crucial to putting President Obama in the White House. Today, each call to Congress brings us one step closer to putting the health of all Americans before special interests.
Thanks for your support,
So I sent a somewhat cheeky reply:
Dear Ms. ____:
I most certainly agree that inaction is not an option. Having had some opportunity to read the bill in question I find it hard to believe that the authors of the bill missed some tried and true methods in winnowing out the undesirables in our population. Certainly it is necessary to limit the amount of care given to the "older" generations because they just aren't earning any more and by golly if they can't pay taxes they need to be put to sleep! Let's not mince around with having counseling sessions every 5 years for those on Social Security on ways they can bring it all to an end. We should be more proactive! Give them 5 years after retirement and then off to a recycling plant!
But I noticed one thing that troubles me. The President, the Vice President and members of the House and Senate get to keep their current health plan. I know it's better than anything that any of us common people can afford so I understand that they do like their own health care. But don't you think that if the proposed health care plan was so good they would want themselves and their families to be under it, too? Gosh, I wonder...
Actually, the first paragraph makes as much sense as the health bill being pushed by the President; and, yes, Ms. Fink, inaction is not an option. From what has been put forth by the House and the Senate the action that America really needs to take is against those currently in office. You can bet that's the action I'm going to take. I will contribute to, and work for, the election of ONLY those who vote against, and defeat, such a monstrous notion as is before the House and Senate now. This bill must be defeated.
Do we need to take action to improve health care? Absolutely! We already have the best in the world--why else do people from every other country want to come here for treatment--but that doesn't mean that we can't do it better. We absolutely need to get the lawyers and bureaucrats out of medicine, undertake serious tort reform and provide the opportunity for health care to everyone. But opportunity isn't equal outcome and socialism is not the answer.
You can be sure I'll be calling my "employees" in government and telling them exactly what I think and exactly what they should do. And if they don't do it, I'll work hard to ensure that they are out of a job come the next election. After all, I have time to do that now that I'm 60-years old and retired. I know if I don't work hard at taking action, the "liberal progressives" amongst us will be sending me off to a recycling plant as soon as they think they can get away with it. So you can be sure that I'm out knocking on doors and spreading the news and gathering the votes. I'm all about action. Just not the action you want.
William C. Bish
Gainesville, VA
And then, to my surprise, received the following:
Hi Mr. Bish,
Thank you very much for your response. I know for me personally, I didn't have any Health Care issues while I was teaching for the last 20 years. However, when I retired last year, my health insurance coverage was dropped. I tried getting good rates since I am a very active and healthy 60 year old. However, I was told that since I am on cholesterol medicine, that means I have a pre-existing condition, and they wouldn't insure me. The only policy we could get, was with Kaiser for $818 per month, which covers only me and my husband....none of our kids. And they just informed me that it will now cost $945 per month. That's a lot of money when you're on a retirement salary!
That's the main reason that I'd like to see something passed quickly. I can't afford almost $1000 per month for health care insurance...and that's if I never even go to the doctor.
Again, thanks for taking the time to respond.
So I replied:
Mrs. ____:
I am also 60 which you know if you read my full response. You'd better read the bill before selling your health care to Washington. The government can't run social security properly. They've failed at Medicare and Medicaid. They can't do immigration right and the last time I looked they were running so deep in the red that if the government had to really answer to stockholders on a yearly basis they'd all be fired. The people who wrote the bill are not businessmen nor are the people who will put it into action. If you want to have your life controlled by a factotum in Washington, have at it. I'm a 60 year old cancer survivor who would not have gotten the treatment in England or Canada under the socialized medicine that is proposed today. And yes I pay more because of a pre-existing condition so don't give me that song and dance.
Maybe you should sit down and read the bill before you shill for it. I did. It is not what either of us need.
William C. Bish
Gainesville, VA
What struck me is that the lady identified herself as a teacher. I sit here thinking about the young minds that she molded over the 20 years that she was teaching and it dawned on me that one of the problems that we have is that there are so many out there who are educated idiots. And people like "Sherry" (yes, I deleted her surname on purpose) are responsible for voters who had no idea what they were voting for. They only knew that it made them feel good and that was what was important. They thought only of the moment and not of the future.
Maybe Americans need to get more closely involved with their schools so that we know what they are teaching our children. Trying to educate them when they are 21 and voting for the "feel good" candidate instead of the actual issues has not worked too well in recent years.
France: The Mulhouse Terrorist-Follow up
9 hours ago
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