Saturday, July 25, 2009

As I Begin...

As I begin this blog, I first want to encourage all who come here to take the time to contact their Representatives and Senators on the issues of the day. Your own party affiliation and the party affiliation of your representative is immaterial. What is important is that you contact him or her and speak your mind in a polite, but direct, manner. My own situation is that neither of the two Senators from Virginia nor is the Representative from the 11th District are of my political persuasion. But I write them just the same because if I don’t then I have no reason to complain when they do something stupid. But, as they are technically “my employees,” I have a duty to let them know the path that I want them to follow (and you can be sure that it isn’t the liberal path being trumpeted from the White House and the current leadership of the Senate and House). So I write and, sometimes, they reply. I know it’s written by a staffer but that doesn’t matter. It is a record that they were told what I think and that they answered. Their feet are now in the fire, so to speak. And I plan to hold them there that they shall reap both the rewards and brickbats of their actions.

So I urge you to write your Representative and let them know what you think and where you stand on a position. I don’t care if you agree with me. I do care that you participate in democracy to keep our Republic on track.

God bless you all.

Papa Bill