Krauthammer: It's Funny to Hear Liberals Talk About How Awful it is to Delegitimize a President After What They Did to Bush
Dr. Krauthammer is quite correct and the double standard that is in play is fascinating. It only proves the oft heard saying from Conservative commentators that if it weren't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all. Especially liberals in the media. The lies that were broadcast and repeated about President George W. Bush were pernicious in that the Left Stream Media repeated them over and over and over clearly following Goebbels theory that a lie, repeated often enough, becomes fact. Obama is the choice of the Left Stream Media but, like Dan Rather's story on W's National Guard Service, is part of a greater lie repeated over and over and over.
Instead of the deep thinker they promised, we have one who apparently doesn't think and hates making decisions. Instead of a post-racial president we have one who thrives on racism. Instead of a president for all the people, we have one that says one thing while doing another. Instead of a president who tries to help the nation we have one who says "Get used to it" or "You'd better buy a smaller vehicle" when questioned about the price of gasoline. Instead of a president who is willing to "stand the heat in the kitchen" we have one who is trying to halt political speech in violation of the 1st Amendment because he can't stand criticism or dissent from
We the People.
In the case of W it was the Left Stream Media that worked overtime to delegitimize the President. In the case of Obama, he does it all by himself and Conservatives only point out what he is doing.
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