- Thieves Steal Mojave Desert Memorial Cross in Nighttime Heist
Gee, this is awkward. The ACLU loses the case against the cross before the Supreme Court and then lo and behold: Some nefarious strangers tear down the cross in the middle of the night. Oh, my! It must be a coincidence. Why, it's just like something those nasty Tea Party people would do! I'll bet it was them! We must get MoveOn.igor and the Daily Cossack to spread the word that it was the work of the Tea Party to discredit the real Americans: The ACLU.
I wonder just how much space the Left Stream Media will give this? Anybody for "next to nothing" or "passing mention?"
I truly hope that those responsible are caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And the next cross should be twice the size.
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