- Private Guards Kill Somali Pirate for First Time
I just listened to Fox News' Shepard Smith interviewed a security expert on whether the resistance to Somalian pirates was really appropriate as other unidentified "security experts" were concerned that resistance to pirates might lead to the pirates escalating the violence of their attempts to seize vessels on the high seas. Thankfully, the security expert being interviewed calmly and correctly pointed out the stupidity of that argument leaving Smith grasping for a way to promote his hook on the story.
Clearly, self-defense is a legal and viable means of protecting your ship, cargo and personnel. The navies of several nations are patrolling the area but have yet to stop the piracy. In fact, the story being presented was about the security guards of a vessel killing one pirate in an exchange of gunfire when the pirates tried to seize the vessel they'd been hired to protect. The Spanish Navy showed up some time later and took the other pirates into custody. Win-Win? Not according to Shepard who reiterated the "Neville Chamberlain" approach advocated by pseudo-security experts from their positions of safety in London.
At the end of the story it was revealed that while the vessel with the security detail aboard successfully avoided capture, two others were seized by pirates and were steaming towards port in Somalia with the ship, cargo and crew all captive.
History! Don't any of these people read history? Or is all they know about pirates from Disney films?
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