Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sen. Harkin Contradicts Obama, Says Final Healthcare Deal Done BEFORE the MA Election

Sen. Harkin Contradicts Obama, Says Final Healthcare Deal Done BEFORE the MA Election

The problem with liberal-progressive-socialists, or in the common vernacular: Democrats, is that they lie so often that it's hard to know when one is telling the truth. Or maybe both of them are lying.

One thing is for sure, neither of them will ever admit that they lied or "misspoke."

Follow the link for more.

Hensarling Strikes Back

The Left Stream Media made much of Obama's foray into the House Republican meeting in Baltimore. Too bad they did not report it accurately but continue to give Obama a pass on just about everything.

Here is a bit of information that you won't see on MSNBC or in the WaPo.

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More Fibs on Global Warming

The lies of the liberal-progressive-socialists when it comes to Global Warming are being exposed with almost monotonous regularity. It's a pity that the Left Stream Media in the United States doesn't deign to report the facts but instead attempts to bolster an already failed position.  It is clearly not "settled science" based on "overwhelming scientific evidence."  It clearly is a fraud.

And AlGore is strangely quiet. Probably because it's never really been about Climate Change. It's about money being made by the liberal-progressive-socialist elite and expanding the government's control of the people.

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A Few Reminders for the Constitutionally Challenged - Thomas Mitchell

A common sense opinion from Nevada. Clearly Harry Reid has never read this.

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The Islamic Republic of Torture, Rape, and Murder

The Islamic Republic of Torture, Rape, and Murder

This is a regime that is under the total rule of the "religion of peace." Clearly the Islamic claim to that phrase is a total falsehood.

You won't hear about this in the Left Stream Media, however. For some reason liberal-progressive-socialists are very forgiving of this kind of government. Maybe it's a kinship?

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American Thinker: Obama's Nuclear Lie

American Thinker: Obama's Nuclear Lie

Another of President Obama's prevarications is exposed.  It was a jaw-dropping statement during the State of the Union but there is no substance at all to his support.  The liberal-progressive-socialists in the environmental movement and Obama's own EPA won't let it happen.  He knows that but just wanted to appear "wise" as if he were actually listening to the people of this nation.

He doesn't serve anyone but himself.  Think about that.

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American Thinker: Obama's Terror Non-Policy

American Thinker: Obama's Terror Non-Policy

President Obama's unconcern about Islamic terrorism has seeped to all levels of the government. That's why we're facing a renewed wave of terrorism now that his watch is well-underway. These attacks are not President Bush's fault. They are Obama's.

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cracks in the Islamist Curtain

Cracks in the Islamist Curtain

Radical Islam is the greatest threat to peace in the world since the fall of the Third Reich.  Understanding it equates to understanding the enemy that attacked us on 9/11.

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The Heretics: Lord Christopher Monckton

The Heretics: Lord Christopher Monckton

An interesting profile on a very interesting man and a fellow heretic.

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Why Elitists Fail

Why Elitists Fail

A good read especially as it pertains to the economy.

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ClimateGate Scientists’ Conduct: Unethical and Illegal

Jonathan H. Adler posted the linked article on The Volokh Conspiracy Blog and it is a must read.

Something must be done to punish those responsible for the fraud they are trying to force on the people of the world.

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Bozell Column: Tim Tebow Takes a Stand |

Bozell Column: Tim Tebow Takes a Stand |

My wife is rightly proud that Tim Tebow's mother is a Filipina and stated flatly that Tim's mother made the only choice possible. On my side, I am very impressed that Tim Tebow doesn't bow to the pressure of the liberal-progressive-socialists and subscribe to their worldview. He is clearly his own man and, like his mother, true to his Christian faith. That drives the Left Stream Media and the liberal-progressive-socialist elite into an absolute frenzy for the one thing that they cannot handle is the truth. All they can do is make snide, barely disguised remarks about his maturity and slink around in the shadows for their minds are hidden is some deep, dark place that is known only to them.

I, for one, would be happy if my two remaining single daughters some day brought home young men with the character of a Tim Tebow for it's not his amazing athletic ability but his character that is most impressive.

Follow the link for more.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Honor and Taking Responsibility: Edward Livingston

A good example for our current crop of politicians in Washington, DC, and in every state capital as well.

Follow the link for a good bit of history.

Criminals in Haiti 'raping quake survivors and trafficking children'


Follow the link for the story then pray for the children.

THE HUDDLE - "Bawls in their court"

The Democrats are, as the President would say, “all wee-wee’d up” over the reaction of Justice Samuel Alito to the President’s outright falsehood about the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. the Federal Election Commission. Clearly they realize now that what the President said and the political reaction on their side of the aisle is not playing well in Peoria. Thus the Chicago Mob has gone to the mattresses.

Reading the Left Stream Media, and it’s followers like the linked opine, one would think that the Court had changed the whole body of law covering election donations when in reality they only addressed the issues that were covered under McCain-Feingold. That is a law that has, since it was passed, been viewed by legal scholars as weak on Constitutional grounds and many predicted that it would not stand the test of time once it was reviewed by the Court. Those people were right.

To compound the error of their spin, however, THE HUDDLE jumps on the conservative faction of the Supreme Court by saying that both Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito lied in their confirmation hearings when they professed their loyalty to stare decisis which we all know is a doctrine indicating that previously holdings of the Court would be honored unless there is a good, articulable reason to overturn them. This allegation of their lying is, of course, spurious and meant to draw attention away from the President’s unbelievable gaffe in criticizing the Court in his purely political speech.

What is happening, of course, is that the Democrats, led by Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, are crying foul in loud shrill voices meant solely to block out any reason on the matter. There is, of course, a danger in this, their fealty to a false representation of stare decisis. They really should think about what they are saying for under the definition of stare decisis that they are pandering, Dred Scott would have stood the test of time and still be the law of the land today. No one would want that...except maybe some Democrats whose history includes the KKK.  And what say the Democrats as to the activist judges appointed by President Obama?  They have, in their scant judicial rulings absolutely ignored stare decisis time and again preferring to rule based not on settled law but on "social justice."  Where is the stare decisis in that?

In truth, stare decisis is important in that it allows settled law to remain settled.  But no law passed by Congress is truly settled until it has passed Constitutional muster. In that McCain-Feingold failed despite the best intentions of its' authors. The Supreme Court did its' duty under the Constitution, which we all know is the law of the land that really matters. Wouldn't it be nice if the Democrats obeyed that law instead of trying to constantly redefine it so that they could further liberal-progressive-socialism?

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

White House orders Justice Department to look for other places to hold 9/11 terror trial

It's about time!

How about firing Eric Holder as well?  He's the one who came up with this stupid idea.

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They Continue to Pile the Debt on Our Children

Michelle Malkin has the breakdown by name but it's not really hard to remember. If they are a Democrat they voted to increase the debt limit--the debt that you and I owe--and if they are a Republican they voted against increasing the debt limit.

Michelle says it best: "There is no such thing as a moderate Democrat in the Senate."

So very true.

Follow the link for the story.

Scientists in stolen e-mail scandal hid climate data - Times Online

Scientists in stolen e-mail scandal hid climate data - Times Online

Why is it that the British papers are better sources than our own American media?  The lack of any U.S. media coverage is what allows the President to lie about "overwhelming scientific evidence" in his State of the Union speech. 

It's not about the weather.  It's about money and control.

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Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: British Government Declares Climategate University Guilty of Freedom of Information Act Violation

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: British Government Declares Climategate University Guilty of Freedom of Information Act Violation

Guilty of violating the British Freedom on Information Act in order to cover up their fraud.

"Settled science" or, as President Obama said in his State of the Union speech last night, "overwhelming scientific evidence" doesn't need to cover up. It's all a fraud and those who defend it are con-men planning on stealing the people's money and liberty.

Yes, Mr. President, that means you.

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Arrogance in the Air

Arrogance in the Air

The EPA is actually the epitome of arrogance.

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Apple reveals the iPad tablet after months of hype. Is it worth the wait?

For all the geeks among us, here is an article from the WaPo on the new Apple iPad. It is exciting and my wife wants one already.

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Explosive Device Set Off on Virginia Train Tracks, Feds Say -

Explosive Device Set Off on Virginia Train Tracks, Feds Say - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

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This bears watching.  Was it the act of a college student or a terrorist who was practicing?

Follow the link for more. - Justice Mouths 'Not True' as Obama Slams Court - Justice Mouths 'Not True' as Obama Slams Court

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More on President Obama's gaffe. Some would say it was his most serious gaffe of the evening in a speech filled with inaccuracies.

Obama's scolding of the Supreme Court does, however, fit his liberal-progressive-socialist beliefs and was an almost childish outburst caused, no doubt by his having had two serious reversals in the past couple of weeks.

The first, the election of Scott Brown, a Republican, to a seat that was considered totally safe makes me feel that the ghosts of our Forefathers--you know them: Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, et al.--went to Massachusetts and campaigned in the minds of the citizens there. In reality, it was the old adage from Abraham Lincoln that actually ruled the day: You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. And that's what happened in Massachusetts. The people were no longer fooled.

The second, which also had to come as a shock to the liberal-progressive-socialist now occupying the White House, was the Supreme Court overturning the McCain-Feingold campaign finance act. Obama's antipathy to the ruling is best explained by his view that the Constitution of the United States is flawed in that it tells the federal government what it cannot do rather than what it must do. As a liberal-progressive-socialist, Obama is imbued not with a true love of individual liberty, even though he will espouse that in meaningless speeches, but with a love of big, overriding government control. In McCain-Feingold the Supreme Court did exactly what President Obama abhors: It told the Federal Government "No. You can't do that." It fulfilled it's role in the Constitution as a protector of the liberties by negatively responding to a breech by the Federal Government of the 1st Amendment.

Justice Samuel Alito's mouthing of "not true" to the President's allegation that the Court had erred in changing a "century" of law was the reaction, I am sure, of all who are cognizant of history. Even the most dense of the pundits watching should have realized immediately that neither Senator McCain or Senator Feingold were in office a century ago nor did the ruling allow foreign corporations to participate our elections; therefore, the President's statement was, on its' face, a misrepresentation and a lie. And that is something that this President seems to do most consistently and all too easily.

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AP’s ten whoppers from the SOTU speech

I have to agree with the opening sentence. "Only ten?" But even more surprising is that this came from the Associated Press. Could it be that the Left Stream Media is waking up from their stupor?

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Overwhelming Scientific Evidence?

This is another point from the President's State of the Union speech that I didn't bother to make in my comment on the speech.  There are only two possible reasons for President Obama talking about "overwhelming scientific evidence" of climate change:  1.  He's just that stupid; or, 2.  He's purposely lying because it is a means to a liberal-progressive-socialist end.

I'd vote for #2.

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Thoughts on the State of the Union Address

President Barack Obama has been called a great orator, however, you could not tell it by his State of the Union speech. The speech confirmed only one thing: Obama is an ideologue who will not change course on either Health Care or Cap & Trade despite overwhelming opposition from the American people. In this, and his call for an end of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” he re-confirmed his liberal-progressive-socialist credentials.

I found it highly objectionable that the President criticized the Supreme Court in his speech and did so by boldly lying. The law that was overturned by the Supreme Court has not been in existence for a “century” because, as old as John McCain looks, neither he nor Russ Feingold were in office a century ago. It is clear he told that lie in an effort to intimidate the Court but that is an effort that will surely fail. His action was sophomoric and, in the end, demeaned not the Court, but the presidency. As was reported in the Politico, Justice Samuel Alito could be seen shaking his head and mouthing “not true” as the Democrats stood and applauded the lie.

The President bemoaned the continued partisanship in Washington without acknowledging his own party’s responsibility for the highly partisan climate in the Capital. This last year saw some of the most egregious partisan activity in modern history when both the House and the Senate wrote major legislation--called Obamacare by most--behind closed doors without any Republican presence. This he conveniently ignored while calling for Republicans join in the process.

As for American’s attitude towards the Federal Government, the President calls it a “deficit of trust” which could easily be the understatement of the century. The Obama Administration, abetted by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and the Democratic Party, has studiously destroyed the trust of the American people by its’ willful disdain for the voice of the people.

The poor speech by President Obama shows that he needs to understand a few things:

1. All America needs is for the Federal Government to get out of the way.  The Government is the problem not the answer.

2. Taxing big banks and big corporations results in higher costs that are passed on to the consumer. In other words, we the people will be paying more because of those taxes.

3. We need tax cuts, not tax credits.

4. The Federal Government cannot create jobs nor does it, or has it ever, created wealth. The Federal Government only takes wealth from others through taxation.

5. When the President allows the Department of Justice to dismiss voter intimidation charges against his supporters when they are surely guilty, it is unseemly to crow about a revitalization of Civil Rights prosecutions in that same Department.

6. Had the President actually pursued “common sense” reforms this last year when the Democratic Party completely controlled Congress, some of those common sense reforms could have easily been passed.

7. Providing for the security of the nation does not include providing Constitutional rights to enemy combatants. The nation’s security is also not served by bring enemy combatants into civilian courts.

8. Blaming President Bush is no longer an acceptable explanation.

The President made it clear that he would not back down on his twin goals of Health Care and Cap & Trade. This doubling down on issues that are now known to be specious in their reasoning is something only a true ideologue would do. This bodes ill for the nation. If President Obama is unwilling to recognize that the American people are the final arbiters of what is right and good then he is ignorant of our Constitution.

And that is the problem.

Black Conservative Response to State of the Union Address

Washington, DC: In the aftermath of President Barack Obama's first State of the Union Address, members of the Project 21 black leadership network are commenting on his presentation tonight and his performance during his first year in office:

Bishop Council Nedd II: "After virtually walking away from the gay community after the election, President Obama is all of a sudden taking up their cause again? Last week's election shows he has problems with Americans of all political stripes, but he appears to be focusing most intently on quelling the civil war rising against him in the left-wing of his party. One would think that -- as his approach to national security is being questioning in the wake of the underwear bomber and his dithering on Afghanistan -- that he would think of some other military-related issue to champion than one that could fracture his 2008 base even further. And then there is his post-Obamacare pivot to jobs that seems to be uneducated and aimless. Is 2010 to be consumed with 'don't ask, don't tell' for the military and 'don't ask, don't know' on jobs?" (Bishop Council Nedd II is the bishop of the Chesapeake and the Northeast for the Episcopal Missionary Church and a member of the national advisory council of the Project 21 black leadership network.)

Mychal Massie (chairman of Project 21): "It is time that President Obama realized his job is more than giving speeches and blaming former President Bush. Instead, from his performance tonight, he continues to show his disconnect with what the American people want and need. With record numbers of people unemployed and home ownership at risk or lost for so many, to point out just two problems, we needed to hear more from him than blaming others. It is time for Obama to own up to this malaise as his own. National security and the economy should have been Obama's first and primary concerns -- not his failed health care plan and a job-killing cap-and-trade policy. I was not inspired by his words nor his passing of blame. I wanted to see him respond in the interest of the people." (Mychal Massie is chairman of Project 21, a columnist for WorldNetDaily, and a former talk show host and businessman.)

Kevin L. Martin: "Watching President Obama's State of the Union Address, it felt like he was back on the campaign trail. Like on the trail, tonight's rhetoric tends to differ from reality. What was on display was a bait-and-switch in which broken promises were rehashed and more pandering was thrown at the middle class as he pledged tax cuts, tax credits and job creation. Last year's obscene spending and job-killing proposals such as cap-and-trade, however, don't match the rhetoric. Obama, like all good liberals, believes government can solve all our ills if it's big enough. He now just has to hope his congressional allies come through with checks that are big enough." (Kevin L. Martin is a member of the national advisory council of the Project 21 black leadership network.)

R. Dozier Gray: "The President reminds us that one in ten Americans still cannot find work. Hard as I try, I simply cannot think of anything he has done to truly mitigate the problem. Mr. President, if you hated the bank bailouts why did you support them. Own it, sir. Own the whole thing. With your proposed fee on banks to recover money you say belongs to the taxpayer, does that mean I will be receiving a check? Or does that mean you will just recycle the fees into other spending programs? I think I already heard the latter tonight, so please don't pretend to be recovering money for me." (Dozier Gray is a member of the national advisory council for the Project 21 black leadership network and a combat veteran.)

Lisa Fritsch: "President Obama wonders why there is so much 'cynicism' out there. While his speech was full of ironies and folly, this is the worst. It is President Obama who is the cynic, because he doesn't seem to believe in anything but the government. Though President Obama worked hard to try to connect with Americans, it is clear that his position on some of Americans' top concerns -- taxes, terrorism and health care reform -- remain the same. And his idea of change is at odds with the average voter, both middle-class and upper-class. President Obama fails to acknowledge that Americans have changed. Americans have awakened to the truth, and they no longer want his change. Americans are wiser from the wear. Too bad Obama is not." (Lisa Fritsch is a member of the national advisory council for the Project 21 black leadership network and a community activist, writer, public speaker, and talk radio host in the Austin, Texas area.)

Ellis Washington: "President Obama in his first year raised the spending limit to unsustainable levels ($1.35 trillion); more than GWB did in 8 years and now Obama is championing a freeze on spending?! President Obama's first State of the Union Address painfully exemplifies that this clear and present danger to America is not Mr. Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man of this ilk with the presidency. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us -- lack of common sense and good judgment. To paraphrase a comment on Reuters: Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who despite his promise to 'fundamentally change America' is, after all, merely a fool. The failed Marxist policies encapsulated in Obama's first State of the Union Address makes him less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president. Seemingly remarking on these troublesome times, Etienne de la Boetie said: 'If without violence the tyrant is simply not obeyed, he becomes naked and undone and as nothing.'" (Ellis Washington is a member of the national advisory council for the Project 21 black leadership network and a former editor of the Michigan Law Review.)

Project 21, established in 1992, is sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research (, a non-profit foundation established in 1982 and funded primarily from the gifts of over 100,000 recent individual donors. - Phony Freeze - Phony Freeze

It's an interesting trick. You raise the discretionary spending budget for a group of agencies and programs by over 17% when the normal raise is 2% to 5% per year. Then you announce that the budget for those agencies is frozen for the next 3 years in order to "save" money. You can then claim to have taken a strong stand in favor of fiscal responsibility.

This is just more fiscal fraud from the White House. The goal is to keep the country smiling as we go bankrupt from the tax and spend policies of the Democrats.

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Did you know...? Pt 1

Did you know...? Pt 1

Once in a while I like to take a break from advocating conservative positions just to comment on something else that I've read. Johnnie Walker Black has been one of my favorite whiskies over the years although I do like single malt whisky on occasion. This is one of those "whiles" so read on and enjoy.

And did you know that Johnnie Walker Black is the original whisky blended by Johnnie Walker himself and sold as "Old Highland?"

Did you know that it is blended from 40 whiskies, 39 single malt whiskies and 1 single grain whisky (Cameron Brig), all of which are a minimum of 12 years old?

Did you know that whisky is blended by the nose and not the taste?

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Liberal assault on education

Liberal assault on education

The liberal-progressive-socialists have been conducting a continuing assault on education for decades.

It's up to parents to counter that assault by teaching their children common sense.

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The Marxist Roots of Obama’s Economic ‘Pivot’

The Marxist Roots of Obama's Economic 'Pivot'

The liberal-progressive-socialist agenda is a serious concern to freedom loving Americans across the nation so we must listen carefully to what President Obama says during his State of the Union speech tonight.

That convicted felon Robert Creamer, a strategist for the Democratic Party, has input make it imperative that we listen well and critically to what is said.

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9/11 panel chiefs fault handling of bomb suspect - Washington Times

9/11 panel chiefs fault handling of bomb suspect - Washington Times

Across party lines, people know that case of the Christmas Day "blunderware" bomber was stupidly handled as a direct result of Eric Holder's politicization of the Department of Justice. That this was abetted by President Obama's lackadaisical attitude towards those who have declared war on the United States.

The incompetence of this Administration is unbelievable.

Follow the link for more.

Wolf seeks Panther case dismissal probe - Washington Times

Wolf seeks Panther case dismissal probe - Washington Times

The politicization of the Department of Justice by the incompetent Eric Holder continues.

Follow the link for more.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Discredited IPCC Also Reveals Media's Malpractice

The lies and deception from the U.N.'s IPCC continue.

Follow the link for the details.

CBO: Stimulus $75 Bln More Expensive Than Estimated

I know that the liberal-progressive-socialists consider this chump change but $75 billion seems like a huge error to me.

Is there any wonder we can't trust them when they talk about what Obamacare will cost?

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Breaking News - James O'Keefe Arrested?

I don't know what the story is behind this or if it is true, but while we may praise O'Keefe, et al., for their exposé of ACORN's questionable and corrupt activities, getting involved in the bugging of anyone, let alone a U.S. Senator's office absent a court approved warrant is just plain stupid.  And, as Mr. O'Keefe is going to learn if this story is true, it is a serious criminal offense.

The means does not justify the end.  That's a liberal-progressive-socialist mantra and it is stupid no matter who uses it as an excuse.

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Fox News #1 In Primetime Cable Last Week, Tops USA Network |

Fox News #1 In Primetime Cable Last Week, Tops USA Network |

What I find most interesting is that the SyFy (Science Fiction) Channel rated higher than CNN. That's really saying something about CNN.

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"Blacks Held to Lower Standards in Perpetuity" by La Shawn Barber

The key point of Ms. Barber's piece is "Every lawsuit and complaint that cites 'disparate impact' confirms that our government believes blacks and other preferred minorities should be held to lower standards in perpetuity."  That sentence begs the question, "Are we to believe that in 2010 blacks and other 'preferred minorities' lack such intellectual abilities so as to make it necessary to 'dumb-down' the standards so that they can be employed?"

The answer is, of course, a resounding "absolutely not!"

In truth, the blame lies squarely and purely with the liberal-progressive-socialist welfare and education programs that have failed the people that liberal-progressive-socialists claim to champion. They are the ones who have engineered a system that perpetuates racial stereotypes and the separation of races in order to increase their own political power.

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Morning Bell: The State of Our Union | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Morning Bell: The State of Our Union | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Food for thought from the Heritage Foundation.

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'It's Not About Me' -- Wink, Wink -- David Limbaugh -- GOPUSA

'It's Not About Me' -- Wink, Wink -- David Limbaugh -- GOPUSA

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Excellent commentary on President Obama.

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Christian in Egypt: ‘They Try to Kill Us’

They tell us that Islam is the "religion of peace." What follows is the truth.

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The Disgrace of Eric Holder

Eric Holder continues to disgrace himself and the Department of Justice with his politicization of law enforcement.  How much longer must the nation suffer the incompetence of this man?

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'Women's Groups' Pressuring CBS to Scrap Tebow Super Bowl Ad |

'Women's Groups' Pressuring CBS to Scrap Tebow Super Bowl Ad |

The Tebow story is heartwarming and a testament to a mother's love of her yet-to-be-born baby.

It is not surprising that the rabid liberal-progressive-socialist feminazi's are protesting the exercise of free speech by someone who doesn't agree with their position. Liberal-progressive-socialists are all for free-speech only when it is their own speech. Their goal is to prevent other views, especially conservative ones, from airing at all either through government censorship--watch Obama's Czars for this one--or through economic protest because the one thing their positions cannot stand is the sunlight of debate.

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Terrorism Barometer

The threat of terror has increased partially because, as the author of the linked article indicates, a desperation on the part of the terrorists themselves and partly because of the attitude of the current Administration.  Nothing draws the Administration's lackadaisical attitude toward Islamic Terrorism--aside from the fact that they won't call it for what it is--into sharper focus than the failures surrounding the Christmas "blunderware" bomber's non-detection and arrest.  The leader, in this case President Barack Obama, sets the tone for the government's attitude and demeanor towards any threat.  Clearly President Obama is an utter failure with his fawning attitude towards Islam.

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Mom Gets Sick: Why Scott Brown Should Listen to Dr. James Rich

A must read when it comes to health care. Unfortunately, the Senators and Representatives who should be reading it won't because their political ideology forbids it.

But you can, and should, read this one.

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The Speech Needed to Save the Free World

The Speech Needed to Save the Free World

I was at Bob McDonnell's inauguration and I liked his speech. He gives a good speech and I look forward to his rebuttal of President Obama. I sincerely hope that he gives the President the same amount of respect that the Democrats gave President George W. Bush when he gave State of the Union speeches. It's only fair.

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Forty Years of Feminism Now Bearing Fruit

Forty Years of Feminism Now Bearing Fruit

Like Global Warming, Feminism has never really been about equality for women. It is a progressive movement aimed at destroying the family oriented culture of America.  The fruits of the Feminist movement range from promiscuous sex to abortion so that those who engage in promiscuous sex have to bear no responsibility for their actions.

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Man Arrested After Weapons, Map of U.S. Military Facility Seized From N.J. Motel Room -

Man Arrested After Weapons, Map of U.S. Military Facility Seized From N.J. Motel Room - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

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Let me get this straight.  This individual had weapons and a map of a military installation but the FBI says there is no indication that he is a terrorist.  Isn't the FBI the same group of "experts" that questioned the Christmas "blunderware" bomber for all of 50 minutes before allowing him to lawyer up thus preventing us from getting all sorts of real time intelligence on his connections in Yemen?

Well, maybe, just maybe, he'd heard about New Jersey's crime rate and wanted to be ready "just in case."


Follow the link for the story.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Internationalizing the Jihadist Threat from Pakistan-Afghanistan

A superseding indictment released earlier this month added three defendants to Chicago resident David Coleman Headley's alleged conspiracy to plot attacks in India and Denmark. It also makes clear that, while the public focus on terror has shifted to...

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We must be watchful.  They will try again.  And again.  And again.

Follow the title link for more.

SEC mulled national security status for AIG details

They are spending our tax dollars so why would that be necessary?

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New MRC Report: How the Networks (and Even Newspapers) Spiked or Skimped on Damaging New Media Scoops |

New MRC Report: How the Networks (and Even Newspapers) Spiked or Skimped on Damaging New Media Scoops |

That the Left Stream Media is in the tank for Obama is not a surprise to anyone except, possibly, the far-left wing of the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrat Party. The media no longer serves the people but their own political cause.

That is, of course, their right. Amendment I guarantees that and since the birth of our nation it has been part and parcel of the political scene that each side would utilize their own newspapers to advance their own political cause. This becomes objectionable only when the government steps in and tries to institute a "Fairness Doctrine" under the guise of "diversity" which limits the people's choice as to which message they would rather read or listen.

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How About Some Spending Cuts?

Cut spending rather than increase the deficit ceiling. A novel idea! Now if the politicians would just do that.

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Fox Reporting $25 Mil No-Bid Contract Went to Dem Donor |

Fox Reporting $25 Mil No-Bid Contract Went to Dem Donor |

This is corruption. No matter how you cut it, it is corruption. The Chicago Way strikes again.

Follow the link for the story you won't see in the Left Stream Media.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dick Morris: Pelosi and Reid Plot Secret Plan for Obamacare

The liberal-progressive-socialists will lie, cheat and steal to pass Obamacare. They have to. No one would vote for it if the public had a chance to read the bill first.

We can't be sure that the health care bill is dead until it's buried and gone.

Follow the link for more.

Mike Adams : Theism and Belief -

Mike Adams : Theism and Belief -

An excellent piece by Mike Adams.

Follow the link to read.

Bin Laden wording 'indicator' of upcoming attack: monitor

It is always difficult to predict exactly what terrorists have in mind however it is safe to say that we haven't seen the last attack by Islamic-fascist terrorists within the borders of the United States. We must all keep our eyes and ears open.

Follow the link for more.

When Tolerance Trumps Principle

When Tolerance Trumps Principle

Principle should always trump tolerance but the liberal-progressive-socialists would have it otherwise.

Follow the link for more.

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Message to IPCC: Time to Return the Nobel Peace Prize

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Message to IPCC: Time to Return the Nobel Peace Prize

The prize that should never have been awarded.

Follow the link for more.

Climategate: Just Sign on the Dotted Line

Climategate: Just Sign on the Dotted Line

It's never really been about Global Warming or Climate Change. It's about money and controlling people.

Remember that.

Follow the link for more on the tactics of the liberal-progressive-socialists that are pushing this agenda.

Tiger, the Buddha, and Me

Tiger, the Buddha, and Me

An interesting read.

Follow the title link.

Terror at the Mall?

Terror at the Mall?

While Islamic Fascists wage war, the Obama Administration reacts to man-caused disasters. I wonder why?

Follow the link for an excellent read.

UN Scientist: Fake Glacier Data Used To Pressure World Leaders |

UN Scientist: Fake Glacier Data Used To Pressure World Leaders |

They admit it was false but no condemnation by the Left Stream Media. Not surprising, actually, considering that the media has been in the tank for Global Warming for years now. They are politically correct and worship Gaia in the church of AlGore.

Follow the link for more.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The New Book Burners

One of the best editorials I've read in a long time. Liberal-progressive-socialists are all for their own free speech but want all other speech controlled or banned outright. They aren't for freedom but are for central government control over everything.

It's called fascism.

Follow the link for more.

TV Newsers Ignore UN Apology for Himalayan Glacier Error |

TV Newsers Ignore UN Apology for Himalayan Glacier Error |

Of course the Left Stream Media ignored this news. They bought-in to the Global Warming charade years ago and refuse to admit they were that stupid.

Follow the link for more.

Top Baseball Prospect Retires to Enter Priesthood -

Top Baseball Prospect Retires to Enter Priesthood - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

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Some stories need no comment. This young man is blessed.

Follow the link for more. - A U.S. ClimateGate? - A U.S. ClimateGate?

Given what we know about AlGore and the religion of Global Warming this is not surprising. In fact, it is what we have expected.

It's never been about actual Climate Change. It's about money and controlling people.

Follow the link for more.

Private Sector Labor Union Membership Falls

This is one to think about and explains why President Obama was nominating Erroll Southers, a proponent of the unionization of government workers, to be head of TSA.  There are a large number of TSA employees who are ripe for unionization and the SEIU, considered corrupt by many, is just waiting in the wings to do just that.  If allowed to unionize TSA inspectors, the SEIU would reap dues deducted from paychecks every month for doing absolutely nothing.

Absolutely nothing, you say?  How could that be?

Think about it.  Unions were created to represent the workers at a time when the labor of the workers was exploited by the owners to maximize the owners' profits.  Can anyone tell me, with a straight face, that government workers are exploited to maximize the government's profits?  Can anyone tell me, with a straight face, that union representation, given the protections created by the Congress through the creation of a Civil Service many decades ago, is necessary to protect government workers?

I think not.  It's not about taking care of government workers.  It's about the unions being able to increase their coffers which they will use to support the programs of liberal-progressive-socialists in general and the Obama Administration in particular.  No good can come of the increased unionization of government workers.  It will divide loyalty and create a political power within the government.  That is something the nation doesn't want or need.

Follow the link for more.

Kucinich's 'Fairness Doctrine' Threat To O'Reilly |

Kucinich's 'Fairness Doctrine' Threat To O'Reilly |

Dennis Kucinich believes in UFO's and lives in a world of his own but once in a while he tells the truth. Do not doubt that the Obama Administration is trying to figure out a way to bring back the Fairness Doctrine as a way to limit the political speech of their opponents through, most likely, the Diversity Czar.

Follow the link for more.

American Thinker: John McCain: Palin's Political Bridge to Nowhere

American Thinker: John McCain: Palin's Political Bridge to Nowhere

As the linked article indicates, some are dismayed by Sarah Palin's decision to campaign for John McCain in the up-coming election. I disagree.

The American political scene, indeed the political scene in almost any country, is rife with temporary alliances made not for the good of a people or the nation but merely for the good, ever so temporary may it be, of the individuals in the alliance. My mother and father, God rest their souls, were adamant in teaching my siblings and me that loyalty was important and not to be worn on one's sleeve. My father, a farmer, was a lifelong Democrat in a state where the Democrats would make good Republicans almost anywhere else. He was not highly educated having had to quit high school during the Great Depression to make a living as a "dollar a day and found" cowboy yet he embodied principles that many of today's well-educated men and women cannot seem to fathom. When I was a child he served as Chairman of the School Board for the local school with no diploma himself, but with lots of common sense and principles.

My mother was a straight "A" student at Boise High School until she had to leave school. That ended her formal education but it did not end her thirst for knowledge or stop her from living by the principles that she had been taught by her parents. Indeed, the two of them worked to instill those principles in their children and encouraged us to pass them along to ours. Until I had children of my own I did not realize the challenge that presented in an era of increasing social and peer pressure to discard the old and accept new ideas and ideals as "the truth."

Sarah Palin's parents appear to have done the same thing with her. They worked to instill not the passing fads and fancies of the era but the timeless principles that have covered proper human conduct through the centuries. Truth. Honesty. Common sense. Love of family. Loyalty.

Sarah Palin is not campaigning for John McCain because it will advance her own political career. She is far more conservative than John McCain so a shared ideology is not the reason. Many on the conservative side and certainly none on the liberal-progressive-socialist side will be able to understand this. She is doing it because she knows that 3 years ago she was a politician in Alaska that was basically unknown in the rest of the United States. She is doing it because she remembers that John McCain is the one who gave her the hand-up to the national stage where, to the amazement of all, she shined. She certainly believes John McCain is a good man--she may not always agree with his position but she believes he is good--and she understands that she is indebted to him. She is doing it because of principle and that puzzles many on both sides of the aisle. Politicians are not supposed to have principles. At least, they aren't supposed to have lasting principles that go beyond the needs of the moment and here she is saying that she'll campaign for the moderate Republican from Arizona when she is the poster-child of the common-sense, conservative movement. All because of principle.

Keep that in mind when you hear others disparage Sarah Palin and her actions.

Follow the link for another view.

Tea Party Crashers

Tea Party Crashers

It never ceases to amaze me how the media decries any exercise of freedom with which it does not agree. The Main Stream Media is actually so far removed from the main stream of American life that they should be renamed the Left Stream Media.   Hmmmm...that's a good idea.  From now on I will refer to them as the Left Stream Media.  It's a much more accurate description of their beliefs and efforts.

Follow the link for more.

Charges Withdrawn in Military Commissions for Sept. 11 Suspects - Charges Withdrawn in Military Commissions for Sept. 11 Suspects

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The Obama Administration continues on a path that encourages our enemies to attack.

Follow the link for news of the latest mistake.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Majority of Americans, and Nearly 6 in 10 Young Adults, View Abortion as Morally Wrong

Some good news on this black anniversary.  We will correct the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.  Remember, Dred Scott was reversed because a different court realized that it was an erroneous decision.

Follow the link for more. - Los Angeles Judge Rules Polanski Must Return to U.S. to be Sentenced - Los Angeles Judge Rules Polanski Must Return to U.S. to be Sentenced

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Regardless what the liberals say, this pervert must return and spend his sentence in jail.

Follow the link for more.

Obama is Anti-Business

It is clear that President Obama lacks the acumen to effectively lead the nation in a financial crisis.  His ideology is anti-business and stems from his early indoctrination at the hand of his grandfather and his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.  His anti-capitalism fervor was heightened by his study of Saul Alinsky and highlighted by his close friendship with Bill Ayers.

Follow the link for more.

Climategate: CRU Was But the Tip of the Iceberg

Climategate: CRU Was But the Tip of the Iceberg

As I've said many times in the past, it isn't actually about climate change because we know that Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fraud. It's all about money and controlling people.

Follow the link for more.

Roe v. Wade: Not Free Choice but Choice without Responsibility

This is, as the linked article notes, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and truly a day that will live in infamy.  It is the day that the Supreme Court, much to the delight of secularists, decided that women were free to have sex without the requirement of responsibility.  The decision meant that if a woman did get pregnant then she could legally kill the baby rather than give birth.

There are many who argue that the preceding statement oversimplifies the issues.  They will say that a fetus is not a true life but more of parasite living off the woman therefore it is within the power of the woman to dispose of the parasite.  There are those in power now, President Obama being one, who believe that abortion should be legal and available even when the baby is able to live outside the womb but before it is "born."  This is, of course, patently false.  A parasite's existence is merely to take sustenance from its' host and it will stay in the host until it replicates and dies.  A baby takes nourishment and grows until it can leave its' host, called a "mother" for the liberal-progressive-socialists who have bothered to read this far, and continue its' development outside the host.

Liberal-progressive-socialists will say that the fetus is not a baby with the potential for life until that point that it is outside the womb because it cannot live outside the womb or even put together a coherent thought.  (In that it is much like most liberal-progressive-socialists.)  True, that is the tortured legal definition by which Roe v. Wade was decided; but anyone who has seen and heard the beating of a baby's heart six-weeks after conception knows that is a false definition.

The liberal-progressive-socialists work hard to keep Roe v. Wade alive so that women can be free to enjoy sex without worrying about the consequences but they know that it is a wrongly decided opinion by the Supreme Court.  They cling to stare decisis in hopes that the decision will become so much a part of the fabric of America that it won't be threatened in any way.  But in the end they know that, like Dred Scott, it is a Supreme Court decision that will not stand the test of time for a more enlightened Court will someday overturn Roe v. Wade and call abortion for what it is:  the wrongful taking of a human life.

Follow the link for more.

American Thinker Blog: Obama on July 13, 2009: 'Don't bet against us'

American Thinker Blog: Obama on July 13, 2009: 'Don't bet against us'

It wasn't a matter of "betting" against President Obama and the liberal-progressive-socialists. It was the American people standing up and saying, "No you can't!"

Follow the link for more.

Scorned Mistress of Married Obama Adviser Posts Billboards Nationwide -

Scorned Mistress of Married Obama Adviser Posts Billboards Nationwide - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

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The list of those in power who can't seem to keep their pants on never seems to end.

Follow the link for a story of one woman's revenge.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Getting Close to the Next Governor Indictment

It will be interesting to see how the Main Stream Media handles reporting this corruption indictment.  Or if they report it at all.

After all, this Governor is a Democrat.

Follow the link for more.

Obama Intel Czar Blames FBI for Lost Opportunity to Question Underwear Bomber; WaPo Gives Story Bland Headline |

Obama Intel Czar Blames FBI for Lost Opportunity to Question Underwear Bomber; WaPo Gives Story Bland Headline |

When the leader is not fighting a war, neither are the troops.

The major mistakes that were made are to be expected given the attitude of the Administration.

Follow the link for more.

Media Maters Debunks Simpson

Media Maters Debunks Simpson

An interesting read on how the far, far left--the true socialists in the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrat Party--disseminates their message.

Follow the link for more.

How the court's campaign finance ruling hurts Wall Street favorite Chuck Schumer | Washington Examiner

How the court's campaign finance ruling hurts Wall Street favorite Chuck Schumer | Washington Examiner

Free speech, especially when it comes to free political speech, is extremely important in a democracy and is guaranteed by our Constitution. It's important to us as individuals, as political groups and as advocacy groups. I support it and enjoy it as it makes it so much easier to spot the idiots. Chuck Schumer is one such.  Schumer, like many liberal-progressive-socialists, loves to demonize corporations as evil--demonization is a favorite tactic of the left--but, as the linked article shows, is certainly able and willing to take campaign money from them.

Follow the link for more.

ONE YEAR GONE: The Death of Class

ONE YEAR GONE: The Death of Class

George W. Bush was a gentleman and true to his word. Barack Obama is a Saul Alinsky acolyte steeped in the thuggery of The Chicago Way. The Main Stream Media consistently twisted the news to denigrate George W. Bush but Barack Obama gets a pass on everything from his close association with terrorists, questions about his record as a public servant, his educational record and his performance.

I think that history will lump the current Main Stream Media into the same trash pile with the reviled "Yellow Journalists" of the Spanish American War era. And George W. Bush will, under the harsh spotlight of history devoid of the liberal prejudices that control the airwaves, universities and print media, be judged most favorably. He wasn't a Reagan but he was a good man.

Follow the link for more.

The Lies of Obama

The Lies of Obama

There was outrage when Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) famously yelled, "You lie!" during a speech by President Obama before a joint session of Congress. Now, with the ability to look back at what has unfolded and come to light during the last year, and especially what has gone on during the last couple of weeks, it is obvious that Rep. Wilson was right. President Obama has been lying to the American people on a regular basis and cannot be trusted to tell the truth about anything.

Follow the link to read more.

The Lost Liberals by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.

An excellent overview of the "why" of the actions by Obama and the Democrats.

Follow the link for a good read.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

That Old Obama Magic Is Back - HUMAN EVENTS

That Old Obama Magic Is Back - HUMAN EVENTS

An excellent bit from the always intelligent and entertaining Ann Coulter.

Follow the link for more. - U.N. Panel's Glacier-Disaster Claims Melting Away - U.N. Panel's Glacier-Disaster Claims Melting Away

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More proof of the fraud behind the Climate Change "science." It's never been about the climate. It's all about money--yours and mine--and control of the people.

And Rolling Stone magazine calls us "deniers" idiots? Ha!  

Follow the link for the story.

Saudi Girl, 13, Sentenced to 90 Lashes Under Islamic Law

Can anyone deny that this is barbaric? How can Islam claim to be a religion of peace when it treats its' followers in such a terrible manner? This is not justice, it is barbaric torture.

But it does explain how they manage to create suicide bombers. When you think of it, death is probably preferable to life under this kind of regime.

Follow the link for this story on barbarism.

Rethinking Bush: After the MSM’s Relentless Assault, the President Still Stands Proud

Rethinking Bush: After the MSM's Relentless Assault, the President Still Stands Proud

True words from Andrew Breitbart.

Follow the link for a good read.

WH: Brown win won't change health care plan - Washington Times

WH: Brown win won't change health care plan - Washington Times

You can't cure stupid. But you can vote it out.

Follow the link to see how the White House plans to do it anyway.

Dems vow to press ahead on health care - Washington Times

If President Obama truly believes that the middle class is struggling with the cost of health care, why does he propose to raise taxes on the middle class? How does paying more tax to the federal government for a substandard quality of care improve the lot of the middle class? It doesn't. Clearly David Axelrod is lying, as is President Obama. The goal of this Administration is to establish a firm government control over health care and, by doing that, establish more control over the American people. The bills were done in back rooms with no, repeat no, Republican input thus this bill is totally partisan in nature and unacceptable to the American people.

The Democrats who are vowing to press ahead with this bill just don't get it.  This insanity must be stopped and the people promoting it need to be run out of Washington as soon as possible.

Follow the link for more.

Mike Pence for Senate

I agree with Michelle Malkin: Run, Mike Pence, Run!

Follow the link for more.

The Ideologues Will Not Quit Trying-Part II

Harry Reid joins Nancy Pelosi on the list of "those that just don't get it." But when your motive is socialism, I guess that "getting it" is secondary to the movement.

Follow the link for more.

The Ideologues Will Not Quit Trying

Nancy Pelosi is a disgraceful person and Congresswoman.  And clearly, she just doesn't get it.

Follow the link.

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Wall Street Journal on Climategate Grant

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Wall Street Journal on Climategate Grant

We know that the Anthropogenic Global Warming group was engaged in a total fraud. They know we know but they don't care because their political protectors have been giving them our tax dollars.

Unfortunately, under Eric Holder's Justice Department, little is likely to be done; but, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be protesting and advocating legal action. That money should be returned to the U.S. Treasury...with interest!

Follow the link for more.

"Springing Panthers" or "Did the White House Order the Dismissal of Charges?"

Eric Holder is dangerously incompetent.  That is a fact.  He has politicized an office and agency that exists to prevent politics from encroaching on the law.  No mean feat, and one that obviously requires the approval and support of the White House.

Follow the link for more on how justice is not being served in the Department of Justice.

American Thinker: The Left's Rhetoric of Accusation

American Thinker: The Left's Rhetoric of Accusation

An excellent read on the mind-set of liberal-progressive-socialists.

Follow the link for more.

We've Joined Them in Battle

Now is the time to press-on and get organized for November.  It's time to open up our pockets, volunteer to man phones and help put forward dynamic candidates for House and Senate seats.  It is not time to sit back, relax and enjoy yesterday's victory.

There will be plenty of skirmishes to come but we must not let the liberal-progressive-socialists define the battleground.  We must hold to the Constitution and not back down.

Follow the title link for more. - Obama's TSA Nominee Withdraws Amid 'Political Agenda' - Obama's TSA Nominee Withdraws Amid 'Political Agenda'

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It's about time! Erroll Southers looks good on paper but his history, remarks and actions speak much louder and show that he is not fit, or really qualified, for the TSA Administrator's post.

Follow the link for more.

Barney Frank Speaks on Scott Brown's Election

I suggest that we take a wait and see attitude on Barney Franks' remarks. I hope he's speaking the truth but he's led the people down the primrose path in the past thus we cannot truly trust him.

Follow the link for more.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Coakley’s Press Release Charging Ballot Fraud Was Written Yesterday

Coakley's Press Release Charging Ballot Fraud Was Written Yesterday

They knew they would lose and this was just a plan to save some face in case it was close.

Follow the link to see how they prepared their press release charging voter fraud on the 18th, a full day before the election.



If Washington and the Democrats don't get the message now they're just plain stupid.

If Obamacare isn't dead by noon tomorrow then the Democrats aren't just stupid, they're suicidal.

Follow the title link.

First Look At Massachusetts Election Night Poll Data

First Look At Massachusetts Election Night Poll Data

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Follow the link for some Rasmussen polling information.  It's interesting.

This is How the Coakley Democrats in Massachusetts Treat a Free Press

It is clear that the Democrats don't like a free press...especially if they work for Martha Coakley.

This is a very good reason to hope that Scott Brown prevails.  Follow the title link for a very interesting video.

Obama aide says Brown ran good race for Senate

Obama aide says Brown ran good race for Senate

Scott Brown ran an honest race. I guess that would seem clever to David Axelrod.

Follow the link for the story.

High court tosses ruling setting aside Abu-Jamal's death penalty in 1981 murder of Philly cop -

High court tosses ruling setting aside Abu-Jamal's death penalty in 1981 murder of Philly cop -

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This is an execution that is long overdue. Imagine, the Main Stream Media's LA Times touts Abu-Jamal as the center of an "international cause celebre." Disgusting. This felon murdered a Philadelphia policeman and the only "race" in the case was injected by the defense in hopes of keeping Abu-Jamal alive. He deserves to die.

Follow the link for more.

New White House Comm. Director: Fox News ‘Not A Traditional News Organization’ |

New White House Comm. Director: Fox News ‘Not A Traditional News Organization’ |

For this Administration, "traditional" is defined as " the pocket of the Left."

Follow the link for more on another pure ideologue who's been promoted to a position over his head.

The Obama Socialist Revolution ended not in Massachusetts but last summer at a Tea Party

Sometimes it's not the major population centers that have the clearest vision of the current scene.

Follow the link for a short but excellent piece from the Beaufort Observer.

The Left Just Doesn't Get It

Obamacare will not solve the problems in health care.  The Democrats know that but they aren't passing it to solve the problems in health care.  They are passing it to take over 1/6th of the American economy in hopes of being able to use it to establish themselves as a political elite over a socialist America.  The politicians in Washington are representing their party and not the people.  Time to send them all home.

Follow the link for more.

Liberalism Is Dead

Liberalism Is Dead

Anyone who has read my blog knows that I usually refer to the left as liberal-progressive-socialists. I do this for the simple reason that I've long believed that the use of the word "liberal" was inaccurate given the goals of the left, i.e., total domination of the people by the government. In this the left, in their drive to create a statist regime in America, actually promotes socialist fascism rather than liberalism.

I remember when I studied government in high school many, many years ago that the teacher drew a line on the chalk board. In the center he wrote "Democracy," at the extreme left he wrote "Communism" and at the extreme right he wrote "Nazis." A simple drawing meant to differentiate the three systems from each other but, as I look at history, I realize that the drawing while accurate, was erroneous. With the labels remaining in place the two ends should have been curled up until instead of a straight line there was a circle where Communist and National Socialist (Nazi) were side-by-side at one side of the circle and directly opposite is Democracy. And joining Communist and National Socialist would be "Facism." Oversimplified? Most assuredly, but still, it is accurate.

Follow the link for more.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Martha Coakley, Witch Hunter Attorney General by Ashley Herzog

Ashley Herzog makes the same point as others have in the last few days:  Martha Coakley is not fit for the position and would have been an excellent prosecutor in the Salem of the 1600's.

Follow the link for an excellent read.

It is Socialism and I Call It That

An excellent article on the new socialism.

Follow the title link.

Massachusetts Modern Witchcraft Trials

We are well aware of the Salem trials that have been recorded in books and films.  Less well-known is Martha Coakley's shameful actions in a modern Massachusetts' "witchcraft" trial.  Her actions as a prosector demonstrate that she would have been the star prosecutor in Salem.

Follow the link for more.

The Great Hate of the Left

The Great Hate of the Left

There is no doubt that the nation's repository for "hate" resides securely with the liberal-progressive-socialists of the left. This is true from their public statements, their blogs, their writings and their media. It shows in their antipathy for the Constitution and, especially, for the Bill of Rights.

They, the Democrats, are the true hate-mongers in America.

Follow the link for more.

This is How the Democrat Party Respects Democracy

This Democrat Congressman, Eliot Engel, should become the poster boy for how Democrats truly feel about democracy.  You've got to see this man's picture--it's clearly the official one--and read his comment on how the vote count would purposely be slow to ensure more time for the Democrats to cram Obamacare down our throats against the will of the people.

We need to send all of them home this coming November!

Follow the link for more.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In a 1963 Civil Rights March in Washington, DC, Dr. King intoned the phrase "I have a dream..." and made it a part of America forever.  The central theme of the speech was that he, and all people, looked forward to the day in which they would be judged by their character and not the color of their skin.

Let us reflect on that as we celebrate his day.

May God Bless you all.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Joe Biden update: He meets on transparency today. But the meeting is closed

Joe Biden update: He meets on transparency today. But the meeting is closed

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My wife saw this and laughingly said, "The hypocrisy has gotten so obvious that even the liberal media can't ignore it any more."

She sure spoke the truth on this one.

Follow the link for more.

Remember the Cambridge Police Department?

It seems that law enforcement in Massachusetts does have a good memory.

Follow the link for their announcement.

World misled over Himalayan glacier meltdown - Times Online

World misled over Himalayan glacier meltdown - Times Online

As AlGore and his religious acolytes, the "climate scientists," cover their ears and begin chanting their mantra of "settled science...settled science...settled science..." we should chant ours: "fraud and theft...fraud and theft...fraud and theft..."

Follow the link for more revelations on the fraud of Climate Change.

George Will: Dems 'Resort to Serial Corruption' to Pass ObamaCare |

George Will: Dems 'Resort to Serial Corruption' to Pass ObamaCare |

This is something that the Democrats would like you not to remember when November rolls around.

I think it will be very hard to forget.

Follow the link for more.

Massachusetts Miracle

Just how important is the election in Massachusetts this coming Tuesday? You must see this YouTube video to fully understand.

Follow the title link.

National Center's Rebuttal to Huffington Post Article

The Huffington Post is clearly not, and never has been, a news organ and its' accuracy has always been tainted with a solid leftist view of the world.

Read here for an excellent rebuttal to a Huff Po rant.

Follow the link.

Ed Schultz: 'If I lived in Massachusetts I’d Vote 10 Times...I'd Cheat to Keep These Bastards Out' |

Ed Schultz: 'If I lived in Massachusetts I’d Vote 10 Times...I'd Cheat to Keep These Bastards Out' |

Why MSNBC is the worst broadcast network with the poorest viewership.


Follow the link.

FNC: House Dems Block Action on Black Panthers Voter Intimidation Case |

FNC: House Dems Block Action on Black Panthers Voter Intimidation Case |

Of course the Democrats block any action on this case. The New Black Panther Party is part of Obama's political organization thus exempt from the law. That's the liberal-progressive-socialist Chicago Way.

Follow the link for more.

How to Lock Democrats in Power

How to Lock Democrats in Power

Food for thought about why we need to oppose everything offered by the liberal-progressive-socialists now in control in Washington.

Follow the link.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of...Words

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of...Words

There is no doubt in my mind that the two babies at the heart of this article were negligent homicide victims. But because of the arcane manner in which lawyers write laws, there were no fatalities in the auto accident that claimed their lives. The punishment will never, in this case, fit the crime and two lives, with all the promise and hope in the world, were needlessly snuffed-out.

The horror. If we cannot punish the person who committed an obvious crime, shouldn't we be able, at least, to excoriate and punish the one's who wrote the law that prevented the proper punishment of the perpetrator?

Follow the link.

McDonnell takes oath as Va. governor - Washington Times

McDonnell takes oath as Va. governor - Washington Times

A historic event, to be sure, was yesterday's swearing in of the 71st Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia and a beautiful January day as well. I sat there in the bleachers thinking about the reaction among Democrats nationwide when Bob McDonnell and Chris Christie (Governor, NJ) were elected in November and how it sent a signal to them that they--the Democrats--were headed in the wrong direction. (A warning, I might add, that the Democrats, liberal-progressive-socialists that they are, have studiously ignored.) I watched as Bob McDonnell took the oath of an office once held by the likes of Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson. It was a day for conservatives to remember as it marks the beginning of the battle to return to liberty from the chains of government dependency with which the liberal-progressive-socialists have been trying to enslave the people of the nation. It will be a long fight, but one that we must and shall win to preserve the freedoms envisioned for us by our forefathers.

But back to the inauguration. The first sign that we (I attended with a good friend and fellow conservative, Michael S., who had received two tickets for his tireless work on the campaign) were truly in a state that cherish's freedom was at one of the obligatory security check-points that control entry into any official venue since Islamic Terrorists declared war on the United States. When we approached the check-point a very nice lady looked at our entry tickets and said, "Please put all your metals, cameras and cell phones into one of the dishes before going through the metal detector. And if you're carrying a concealed weapon, please show the State Trooper your permit before passing through the detector."

Now Michael and I both do carry concealed weapons. Michael is a long-time concealed weapon's permit holder who carries religiously since having been shot by a street thug during a time several decades past when he did not carry at all. I have carried weapons in the service of my country my entire adult life and continue to do so now that I am retired under the Law Enforcement Officer's Safety Act (LEOSA) which covers retired local, state and federal law enforcement officers as well as currently active, sworn local and state law enforcement officers. But as we were attending an obviously political event, we had decided to store our pistols prior to attending the event, so were unarmed. When the lady said that we looked at each other and had the same thought, "We could have carried! It's good to have liberty and be free." I later contemplated the mindset of those who would deny freemen the possession of arms and concluded that only politicians who had no good intentions towards liberty would oppose honest citizens possessing arms. There are more than sufficient laws on the books which, if enforced--it is astounding how many laws we have that, because of the Attorney General's fiat, are not enforced by prosecutors at every level--would adequately punish criminals who misuse weapons and prevent them, under threat of more dire punishment, from again acquiring weapons. (The key in this matter is "enforcement and prosecution," but I digress.)

We were early so I enjoyed watching the up-beat crowd arrive and they were assisted to their seats by cadets from the Virginia Military Academy. The stands were full by the time the ceremony started and while the applause was merely polite for outgoing Governor Tim Kaine, the ovation, whistles and yells filled the air with the introduction of Bob McDonnell. After the official ceremony and the adjournment of the legislators, the parade began and we had a front row seat. The last, but certainly least, unit in the parade were the cadets from the Virginia Military Academy. Not just a contingent of the cadets, but the entire Corps of Cadets. A truly impressive ending to a great and historic day.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

Staving Off Conspiracy Theories With...Conspiracies

Cass Sunstein is one of the most dangerous of President Obama's appointments. The Democrat controlled Senate slavishly approved his appointment despite entreaties from the people to not consent to his appointment.

Follow the link for more.

The Kennedy Dynasty Still Lives!

See Patrick Kennedy's plea for help in ensuring his "father's seat" goes to the Democrat.

Even now the Kennedy's believe they run Massachusetts.

They will never understand that it is the people's seat, not their own.

Follow the link for more.

U.N.'s World Health Organization Eyeing Global Tax on Banking, Internet Activity -

U.N.'s World Health Organization Eyeing Global Tax on Banking, Internet Activity - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News -

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Are you surprised about this? And do you think that President Obama and our Congress will quickly tell the UN's WHO that they should take a hike?

I wouldn't be surprised if the liberal-progressive-socialists in out government looked "favorably" on this.

Follow the link for the story. - Democrats Hammered for 'Back-Room' Deal With Unions on Health Care - Democrats Hammered for 'Back-Room' Deal With Unions on Health Care

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Under rule by the Democrats, some are more equal than others.

Follow the link for more.

PACT WITH GAIA | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog

PACT WITH GAIA | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog

In my opinion, this sort of public statement happens when a successful Hollywood actor starts believing that because he can act he is also intelligent. I've enjoyed his movies but politically, and environmentally, I believe this man is an absolute idiot.

Follow the link for more on how Copenhagen's failure to support fraud must have caused the earth to have an earthquake in Haiti.

Weather Channel Founder's 'Global Warming - The Other Side' Airs In San Diego |

Weather Channel Founder's 'Global Warming - The Other Side' Airs In San Diego |

More on the Global Warming fraud.

Follow the link.

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Climategate Stimulus Grant Covered by Fox, Limbaugh, Many Others

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Climategate Stimulus Grant Covered by Fox, Limbaugh, Many Others

As you know by now--if you've read my blog for any time at all--I believe that Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is one of the biggest frauds of my lifetime. (Well, ok, I'll concede that Main Stream Media portraying Barack Obama as a moderate in the campaign was close but AGW is still bigger.)

But this article goes to show that cronyism is still alive and well in Washington. It's something that every candidate has vowed to stamp out but like crabgrass, it keeps resurfacing in the Halls of Congress and the White House.

Follow the link for more.

Doing Security the Israeli Way

This is on point and so very true. It's scary when you read something so full of common sense.

Follow the link to see what we should be doing in America.

Scott Brown: Winning Nicely

The Democrats will lie, cheat and steal to keep that Senate seat and if, by the Grace of God, Scott Brown does win, it will shake the liberal-progressive-socialist Democrat Party to its' very core.

Keep your fingers crossed and donate to Scott Brown's campaign. He'll be great for Massachusetts and the United States.

Follow the link for more.

Is Harry Reid Really On The Right Side of History?

No, he is certainly not.

The Democrat Party has, through its' systematic implementation of expanded welfare and entitlements, studiously sought to create total government dependency by economically enslaving the population. Despite their verbalized sympathy for minorities, they revel in a class system where they, the ruling elite, sit at the top to be served by the people. In doing this they promote a slavery based on personal economics that is even more pernicious than that of the 18th century.

Follow the title link.

A Little Company Praised by President Obama

Why is it that if liberals see the slightest hint of corruption in Republicans they are all over the news, red in the face and screaming about that politician's lack of integrity and how he or she should be out on the street immediately. When, however, there is a strong hint of corruption in Democrats, they smilingly dismiss the hint with something like, "Of course not!" or "There's nothing illegal there."

The double standard is part and parcel of the liberal-progressive-socialist way that we now call the Chicago Way. The current Administration is rife with ultra-left wing ideologues, scientific pretenders and law violators. It is friends with domestic terrorists, felons and people who generally hate America.

Is it any wonder that the people are mad?

Follow the link for a story on how Obama, et al., help their cronies.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Everything’s staged: Michelle Obama’s garden food was fake

This should surprise us? Everything in this Administration is for show only.

Follow the link for the story you won't see in the Main Stream Media.

Civil Rights Laws Run Only One Way?

In the Obama Administration, the laws do only run one way...unless you're a bona fide supporter, of course.

Follow the link for more.

More Details on Obama's Big Bribe to Big Labor

In this President's eyes and in the eyes of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid, some are more equal than others. Especially if they support the Democrats.

Follow the link to be thoroughly outraged. Unless, of course, you're a union member.

Former Chief U.N. Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter Nabbed in Teen Sex Sting - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

Former Chief U.N. Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter Nabbed in Teen Sex Sting - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

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i have only one word for this. Despicable.

Follow the link for the story.

House panel rejects Panther resolution - Washington Times

House panel rejects Panther resolution - Washington Times

Of course the Democrats rejected the resolution! They already know why the charges were dropped. It's Eric Holder, the most disgraceful Attorney General in history, and the Chicago Way.

Follow the link for more on the committee vote.

The Modern Political Elite in Massachusetts

Michelle Malkin sums up Martha Coakley's campaign strategy and the attitude of the liberal-progressive-socialists extremely well in this piece.

Follow the title link.

Global Warming: The Fraud

Follow the link to see more on how the "warmers" bolster their "research." If it weren't so serious it would be laughable.

Obama to Attack Evil Wall Street

Amazing how the liberal-progressive-socialists attack all success unless it is under their direct control. Then it's ok.

Follow the link for more.

Climategate: How to Hide the Sun

Climategate: How to Hide the Sun

Imagine the problems that beset the climate "scientists" as they tried to bolster their pre-conceived conclusions with their research. Imagine them reaching the conclusion that they had to hide the sun's effects in order to be able to support their hypothesis that Global Warming was anthropogenic in nature and not a naturally occurring weather pattern.

Imagine AlGore trying to rally his worshipers to a cause based on lies.

If you've successfully done that, you've realized that it's all been a fraud that will enable the elite to make billions while establishing controls on the world's population that will further enable them to become all powerful.

Follow the title link to learn how they tried to hide the sun.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

SEIU-affiliated union endorses…Scott Brown!

This, from Michelle Malkin, is good news. I am sincerely hoping that the people of Massachusetts will put Scott Brown in the United States Senate.

Follow the link for the story.

"Department of Injustice Watch: New Black Panther Party scandal update" - Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin has more information on the abysmal actions by the Department of Justice in the New Black Panther Voter Intimidation case.

Follow the link for some good information.

Coakley cites GOP ‘stalkers’ in D.C. dust-up

Coakley cites GOP ‘stalkers’ in D.C. dust-up

"Stalkers??!!!" That's rich!

What about Coakley citing Democrat thuggery? Doesn't she know it was caught on video?

Follow the link for more.

Homes Toppled, Bodies Piled in Streets After Devastating Haiti Quake - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News -

Homes Toppled, Bodies Piled in Streets After Devastating Haiti Quake - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News -

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A moment, please, to pray and contemplate the horror that visited itself on Haiti. A small neighbor is in need and we must do all we can. Our own problems pale compared to those of this devastated nation.

Follow the link for more.

Reject Politically Correct 'Educated Class' -- Tony Blankley -- GOPUSA

Reject Politically Correct 'Educated Class' -- Tony Blankley -- GOPUSA

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Political Correctness is an unnecessary evil that limits public discourse in government and destroys educational discourse in our institutions of higher learning. It is justified only in the minds of those who wish no discussion about, or debate of, their political or social positions.

Follow the link for more.

Martha Coakley: The Voice for Fat Cats and Corruptocrats -- Michelle Malkin -- GOPUSA

Martha Coakley: The Voice for Fat Cats and Corruptocrats -- Michelle Malkin -- GOPUSA

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Michelle Malikin profiles Martha Coakley perfectly.

Follow the link for more.

The Chicago Way...In Boston!

Thuggery is what the left knows best as Michelle Malkin clearly points out.

Follow the link for the full story.

The Truth about ObamaCare

The Truth about ObamaCare

The truth about Obamacare:

It is a fraud.

It raises taxes--remember when he said he wouldn't? Well, he lied.

It raises the deficit to unmanageable heights.

It will bring about rationing of health care.

It will destroy the quality of health care in America.

There is nothing good about Obamacare unless you're one of the liberal-progressive-socialist ruling elite. They smile because it is their way to destroy the America that was handed down to us by our Forefathers and establish a new socialist state.

Follow the link for more.

Justice rebuffs Panthers subpoena - Washington Times

Justice rebuffs Panthers subpoena - Washington Times

There is nothing good that can be said of Eric Holder until he leaves his post and then it will only be "good riddance!" He has studiously politicized the Department of Justice and, even more disgracefully, injected race into its' decisions in order to ensure "social justice." You know what "social justice" Is, don't you? That is when the law takes into consideration a person's ethnicity when a determination is made as to whether that person broke the law. Under Holder's Department of Justice, black thuggery in Philadelphia is not a violation of the Voter Rights Act. White thuggery would, I am sure, be a violation but the New Black Panther Party is immune.

You must remember that they were one of the first black--Harry Reid would use the term "Negro," of course--organizations to endorse Obama for president therefore they are untouchable.

This is the Chicago Way.

Follow the link for more.

The States Remember the 10th Amendment

The problem with Washington is that the people that are there represent their party rather than the people. If they were representing the people then there would not be a need for the Tea Party followers to demonstrate nor would there be the anger that has been displayed at open-to-all townhall meetings across the nation. (To be sure, little anger was displayed at the astroturfed townhall meetings favored by most of the Democrat leadership, including the President.)

When asked, the current crop of Democrats say that they are "leading the people." Herding with whips and clubs would be more accurate. And that's the way we need to treat them come the next election. If they are an incumbent who has ignored the will of the majority--which means all Democrats and not a few Republicans--then they must be sent home...preferably coated with tar and feathers.

That--the tar and feathers--is, of course, is a joke. A wistful, gut reaction, if you will, to the studious manner in which our Senators and Representatives have ignored our vocal opposition to Obamacare, increased taxes and increased federal deficit. The problem stems from the Democrat's definition of "leadership." When it comes to definitions we know from history that the Democrats have a hard time with small words like "is" so it shouldn't be a surprise that their definition of leadership is a far cry from that in the dictionary. The dictionary defines a leader as someone who leads by dint of his or her ability to motivate others to a course of action. The key is that people will follow a true leader.

With the Democrats, leadership is defined as taking a course of action regardless of whether the people are following or not for they know that when they get to where they want to be, the people's will shall no longer be important or germane. The ruling elite--the liberal-progressive-socialist elite--will be firmly in control, the people's will be damned.

We sometimes forget how important our local elections can be for if the Main Stream Media had its' way the only government they had to cover would be in Washington. But the Main Stream Media is wont to forget the Bill of Rights (unless, of course, there is something being done that might impact the freedom of their speech) and have never paid much attention to the 10th Amendment. It's time they did.

Follow the link for more.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Scott Brown to CNN's Gergen: 'It's Not the Kennedys' Seat' |

Scott Brown to CNN's Gergen: 'It's Not the Kennedys' Seat' |

We need more Scott Browns and fewer Ben Nelsons, Harry Reids. I'd like to find one or two with that attitude that we could send there from Virginia when the two we have are up for re-election!

What is plain from this exchange is the arrogance of the liberal-progressive-socialists when it comes to representing the people. Liberal-progressive-socialists, otherwise known as Democrats, represent the party, not the people.

Follow the link to read the exchange between Scott Brown and the Main Stream Media's (read "CNN's") David Gergen. It's priceless!

If the Health Care Bill Passes, Repeal It

There would be no more effective repudiation of the socialist dreams of the current Democrat leadership than to repeal Obamacare should they be successful in forcing it through Congress. That should become the main plank of any Republican running for office in 2010.

Follow the link for more.

Group Demands REAL Investigation Into Mann

It is rather naive to think that the university will investigate in depth. Mann has been a leading gather of grant money and is valuable in that way.

But there is no doubt that the so-called "science" that he helped promulgate is questionable, specious and far from settled.

It's never been about climate change or warming. It's about money and the control of people.

Follow the link for more.

Reid, Gibbs and Race

I disagree with the author on only one point: Fairness demands that Harry Reid resign immediately. He won't, of course, but he should. Other than that, the author is on point and accurate in his depiction of the Democrats.

Follow the link for more.

2.5 Cheers for Andrew Breitbart's 'Daily Call' Op-Ed |

2.5 Cheers for Andrew Breitbart's 'Daily Call' Op-Ed |

Follow the link for more on Andrew Breitbart.

Bigots and the Press

As I've said before, it is my studied opinion that the true racists in the United States are the liberal-progressive-socialists housed in the Democrat Party for it is they who have studiously engineered the economic enslavement of minorities through welfare programs and "entitlements" created to make those minorities ever more dependent on the government.

Follow the link for more on how the Main Stream Media acts to protect liberal-progressive-socialists from the sting of being identified as racist.

NYT & David Brooks: Intellectuals Я Us

NYT & David Brooks: Intellectuals Я Us

Actually, all things considered, I like it when David Brooks is upset. When he is not upset that means that freedom is being drained from America. When he is upset that means that he realizes that Americans are rejecting both his ultra-liberal-progressive-socialist view of the world and the leadership of the self-annointed intellectual elite who wish to establish themselves as the ruling elite over a fascist America.

Follow the link for more. It's an enjoyable read.

The Second Boston Tea Party?

The Second Boston Tea Party?

We can only hope and pray that the Second Boston Tea Party is as successful as the first.

Follow the link for more.

American Thinker: Hey Obama, Who's Freddy?

American Thinker: Hey Obama, Who's Freddy?

It's no wonder that the name references in President Obama's Dreams are somewhat vague as it's now known that he didn't write the book. His friend and confidant, Bill Ayers, has admitted writing the book for Obama.

Follow the link for more.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sarah Palin To Be on FOX: This Ought to be Interesting

Follow the link for more.

Black Professor: If White Republican Said What Reid Did It Would Be Huge News |

Black Professor: If White Republican Said What Reid Did It Would Be Huge News |

Of course liberal-progressive-socialists have a double standard. That's the way they operate!

Follow the link for more.

Brown picks up Boston Herald endorsement, $626,000+ raised online today; C-SPAN airs debate tonight

Very positive news for Scott Brown in his race for Senator.

Follow the link for more.

Michelle Malkin Asks a Good Question: What Was Muhammad abu Tahir Doing?

Follow the link for more.

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Project 21 Members Continue to React to Reid's Racial Remarks

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Project 21 Members Continue to React to Reid's Racial Remarks

No, Harry. What you said was not absolved because President Obama, the Obamessiah, accepted your apology. It was wrong. Just as wrong as Trent Lott and you should go. And take Tim Kaine with you!

Follow the link for more.